Run Shila Run

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story told entirely through one chase scene.... view prompt



Runnnn! Run Shila Run!

Shila could hear Shailo screaming at her.

She could hear the revving from motorbikes behind her back.

She could hear gunshot here and there.

She could hear lots of sounds coming to her ears. She has no idea what she should do.

At one moment she was stunned without knowing what to do.

Vroom! Vroom! The sounds from motorbike started to haunt her.

Will she be able to escape?

Why was she even at the scene in the first place?

She tried to run but her legs were not moving at all. She was standing still looking at Shailo.

“Shailo! Shailo!” These were the only words coming out from Shila’s mouth.

Whooosh! Shailo punched one of the guys followed by a flying kick on the guys head.

Splash!.The guy fell almost 3 metres away on a mud pool.  

Shailo didn’t look back. He ran towards Shila, hold her hand tightly and pulled her with him while running on the opposite direction.

Kadaboom! Shila fell on the ground.

Ouch! She cried. I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die! She continues to yell and repeat the same thing again and again.

Shailo has no idea what he should do.

“Shila! Listen! I’m here. Nothing will happen to you.

Do you understand?


Come! Let’s go!” he shook her shoulders and tried to get her to stand.

Shila was trembling. Shailo tried to pull her to run.

Kadaboom! Shila fell on the ground again.

Shila! Whoosh! Shailo’s 5 fingers land on Shila’s cheek.

“I’m sorry. I have no other way! Look at me Shila.

LOOK AT ME!”, he screamed

“You will be fine. Do you understand?


Shailo tried his best to bring Shila back to reality. He needs her to be sane in order to escape.

The motorbikes were just behind their back. If they don’t run now, they might not have the chance to survive too.

Shila stood up. She has no idea what was happening but she knew she has to run.

Even with the intense situation, Shailo smiled at her and both of them hold each other’s hands and took their steps.

They have no idea, where they are going but they know they have to run.

Run as fast they could.

Run to survive.

Run for their life.

Shailo knew, the only way he could escape is to keep themselves away from the roadside in order to avoid all the motorbikes behind their back.  

Bang! Bang! Gun shots pointed to Shailo from the back.

Kadaboom! Shailo fell, dragging Shila to fall too. The shot targeted at him did not miss. It hits his upper right arm.  

“Shailo!’, screamed Shila.

“You are bleeding! “, she started to cry.

“We have no time. Let’s go” Even with the pain Shailo knew he still needs to run. Shailo knew, that is the only way they could escape.

His arm was covered with blood due to the gun shot.

There are high chances Shailo will collapse if he did not stop the bleeding.

But he has no choice. He had to run.

They came across a shopping complex and Shailo thought that the only way to escape is go into the crowded place.

They went and hid themselves in one of the rest room of the 5-storey building.

Shila was worried Shailo will be unconscious with the continuous bleeding and have no idea what to do. She took out her hanky and tied Shailo’s arm without knowing if she was doing the right thing.

“Shila…. Listen! Please check… if there is any map… of this building. Check if there is any…. public transport nearby…. and please be careful” Shailo informed to Shila calmly with a very soft voice. He was almost losing his stamina.

Shila nodded and ran out of the washroom to look for the details of the building. She was worried to leave Shailo alone but she has no other choice.  

Shailo, checked his pocket and took out few bucks. This will be enough for the public transport, he thought.

(After few minutes)

“Shailo! There is an underground train station” informed Shila

Even though Shailo felt weak, he has no other choice. He tried to stand up.

Shila took out her black jacket and gave it to Shailo. Since it was a reversable jacket, Shila turned the inner part that was grey in colour outward and pass to Shailo.

Even though it was a little tight, this is the only way to hide the blood stain from his long sleeve t-shirt and to avoid those guys from recognising him, she thought.

Shailo wore Shila’s jacket and tried to stand up.

Their chances to escape will be very low if the people who chased them are waiting for them at the station.

The worst part is, they have no idea whom will be waiting for them.

Shila saw an old cap on the floor while walking to the underground train station and put it on Shailo. She came across a scarf shop and cleverly took out a piece. She tied the scarf on her head.

“Shailo. I think we have to go separately in order to avoid being caught” she told Shailo.

Now, this sounds more like Shila, Shailo thought on his own. He gave some cash to Shila to purchase the ticket. They took a different path to enter the underground train station.  

Shila went to the platform faster than Shailo. Shailo felt weak due to his arm. He felt the pain but he needed to continue walking. By the time he reached the platform, the train has arrived and he saw Shila inside the train and looking at him.

Both of them smiled at each other the moment their eyes got connected.

Shila showed her hand asking him to hurry up. She was worried the door will close.

Shailo tried to go in but suddenly someone hold him from the back.

Shailo turned and he could feel someone punched him on the face. He fell on the floor.

“Shailo!”, screamed Shila. She came out from the train trying to help him.

“Help! Help!”, she screamed. But nobody came to help.

The people surrounding them were just looking and trying their best to stay away.

Runnnn! Run Shila Run! Screamed Shailo.

The guy walked towards Shila and pointed his gun on her forehead.

I don’t want to die. What did I do? I don’t want to die. She started to think on her own.

“NO NO!” She screamed.

In a blink of an eye, the guy pulled the trigger.

“NO! NO! NO!”, she continued screaming.

“Shila! Shila!” Cried Shailo.

“Are you okay?

Don’t tell me you are dreaming again.

How many times do I have to tell you not to watch Crime Serials? Said Shailo”

This is not the first time she woke him up with her adventurous dreams.

July 13, 2020 08:05

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. .
05:07 Sep 01, 2020

really nice story, I love the creativity!


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Deborah Angevin
12:12 Aug 08, 2020

This is a piece with a great storyline, Arvi! I enjoyed reading it! Would you mind checking my recent story out, "(Pink)y Promise"? Thank you :D


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Raquel Rodriguez
05:46 Aug 01, 2020

I love this story, Arvi. Though I do agree with Charles on the 'it was all a dream' concept at the end. It's used fairly much, in my opinion. I think, that since the people are exchanging words, the sentence, 'Runnnn! Run Shila Run!' should have punctuation marks around it. Also, another thing. (I'm sorry but this is kind of bugging me) So, the sentence, 'How many times do I have to tell you not to watch Crime Serials? Said Shailo”' You shouldn't include the 'said Shailo' part in the punctuation marks. That's used for dialogue....


Arvi Krish
06:45 Aug 06, 2020

Hi. Yes you are could I miss the punctuation mark. I have been reading few times but still missed it. Thank you for highlighting :-) Really appreciate your feedback.


Raquel Rodriguez
12:28 Aug 06, 2020

You're welcome! I hope to see more stories of yours. :P


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Charles Stucker
09:05 Jul 29, 2020

It was all a dream is an old chestnut. My advice is don't use it. The short sentences and paragraphs speed up the reading, making the chase seem urgent. Good point. The caps lock when screaming is done well. Another good point. Your grammar is pretty consistent, but you need a few edits. For example, most of the verbs are past tense, but "She has no idea what she should do." Change the has to had. This happens more than once, and the solution is reading carefully after you finish writing. Not a bad chase scene, but the dream endi...


Arvi Krish
02:37 Jul 31, 2020

Wow! Charles, thanks a lot. Really appreciate that you actually spent some time to read :-) I was actually thinking how to end it since i had many ideas to continue writing the story, and in order to keep it short i end it with dream. Will take note on your advice. Thank you once again Charles.


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Mackenzie Meetz
21:56 Jul 19, 2020

Nice job! Very intense and captivating throughout. I thought the ending was funny because that is something I often do myself! I would be forever grateful if you were to read my entry:)


Arvi Krish
09:42 Jul 21, 2020

Hi. Thank you. Really glad u liked it. Will read yours in a shortwhile :-)


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Nandan Prasad
11:35 Jul 13, 2020

Okay, so the easily spotted errors are in the right line, it should be 'would' instead of 'will.' Then in the 12-13th line hold should be held. Then she 'passed' the jacket to Shailo, not 'pass.' These were the main ones I saw. Maybe you can run through a grammar check inline. That would help a lot more. Hope this helped!


Arvi Krish
09:02 Jul 15, 2020

Wow! How could I even miss it? I was reading it few times and didn't even realise these mistakes. Thank you! You are good in detecting without even using grammar check. Do you always use grammar check to make your stories perfect?


Nandan Prasad
11:35 Jul 15, 2020

Actually not. I've only started doing this very recently, so even I have a lot of grammatical mistakes in my stories. But it helps, so I'm going to keep doing it :)


Arvi Krish
09:51 Jul 21, 2020

I see. So basically you keep on reading and reading to make your story perfect. Noted. Thank you for the advise :-)


Nandan Prasad
10:22 Jul 21, 2020

Yep. The craft of rewrite and editing.


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Nandan Prasad
11:35 Jul 21, 2020

You're welcome.


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Batool Hussain
09:51 Jul 13, 2020

Good job!


Arvi Krish
09:02 Jul 15, 2020

Hi. Thank you!


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Nandan Prasad
08:28 Jul 13, 2020

Pretty cool story! The plot and characters are well-fleshed out and the narration is tense and evokes the right feeling in the reader. There are quite a few grammatical mistakes but nothing that cannot be corrected by quick editing. Overall, a great story and keep writing! Also, would you mind checking out my story if it is not too much trouble? Thanks and good luck!


Arvi Krish
08:37 Jul 13, 2020

Hi Nandan. Thank you! Would be glad if you could highlight some of the mistakes so that i would be more careful next time. In the middle of reading yours :-)


Nandan Prasad
09:33 Jul 13, 2020

Sure, I'll try my best. Just give me some time, I'll re-read it and point out what I can :-)


Arvi Krish
09:02 Jul 15, 2020

Thank you!


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