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Drama Thriller Suspense


"Yes Don't worry, I will keep the doors locked silly!"

I told my mom in an annoyed tone.

"Okay Ali just be careful since you're alone at home, and lock the back door" said mom.

"She's always worried about me and besides I'm 17!" I mumbled to myself as I locked the back door.


There was nothing to do in the house.

It was me, myself and I alone in the house.

Anyways I went to get some ice cream because I was just gonna go and get my phone and then watch a movie.

An hour later goes by and suddenly..

"B-b-beep, B-b-beep "

I jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs.

I said to myself "Why's the door open.. and why did the alarm go off"

Until the horrible siren noise stopped.

The house was quiet.

But my heart was beating fast.

I ran to my room because I was scared.

I went and hid near my closet.

And then, I called my mom.

"Please leave a message 348-"

"Shoot," I said quietly.

My mother didn't answer..

I tried calling until my phone died.

I really was worried.

So I went back downstairs quietly and carefully.

I shut the front door. And I checked and locked all the windows in my house.

Then, I forgot I made sure the backdoor was locked.

When I did the back door was wide open with all the cold, windy air coming inside the house.

I was in shock, until I started panicking and went to call the cops.

As I was dialing the number I heard a loud scream next door to my neighbors.


I ran so fast while the wind blew in my hair.

I broke the front door and ran to the 2nd floor to the first bedroom up there.

When I did.. I was traumatized

The old lady that lived in the house was hanged on the ceiling fan.

With blood coming out of her mouth.

When I looked at the ground there was a piece of paper.

So I picked it up and read it.

When I read it, it made my heart skip a beat "I see you and i'm coming for you soon" 

10 days later

"So, Ali I know your scared to be alone"                     

I zoned out, not listening to what my therapist told me.

"Y-yes I AM SCARED" I shouted at her in a trembling voice.

My therapist has been talking and "helping me out" after what happened that night.

I hate going to therapy but my mom said I should.

Because now she's also very worried about me.

Anyways now..

I just don't want to be alone.

I also don't want that ever happening again as well.

After my Therapy I went to hang out with one of my friends.

"Hey, how are you!" exclaimed Nelly.

"Oh Hey! Long time No see!" I said.

After we saw each other we went to chat and have a coffee.

It was really great to have someone you have known for a long time to talk with!

And so, we were also going to a party.

I really didn't want to but she talked me out of it.

So we were going anyway!

We went shopping to look for really nice clothes.

I was a little excited to be honest.

As I was dressing into my dress and I saw someone in black.

Staring at me through my window..

I just rushed getting dressed.

I forgot about that strange incident that just happened  and happily walked downstairs. 


My mom looked at me.

And my face flushed.

She asked " Where do you think you're going, young lady?"

I stared at her with a blank look on my face.

Nelly came behind me and shouted "We are going to a party!!"

"Fine, fine, go ahead," she said.

I was so surprised she let me go.

It was a 20 minute drive.

We took a taxi.

As we entered the party.

All you saw were people!

And they were dancing and drinking!

After the party my friend ditched me.

She left me and went off with someone she JUST met at the party.

I didn't have any cash on me so I walked home.

As I was walking home I had a really bad feeling.

I felt someone was watching me.

I walked even faster.

Until I tripped and bumped into someone.

When I looked at his face there was blood.

Oozing everywhere out of his nose..

He looked at me in pain saying "Help.. Please help me.."

I stared at him like he was a crazy guy..


He looked me in his eyes and said "H-he's coming for you.."

I looked him dead in the eye and whispered "who.. who's coming?"

Before he could have spoken he was done for.

He was dead.

I screamed in terror.

I wish these crazy things never happened to me!

Then the police saw me and asked if I were okay.

And of course I WAS NOT OKAY.

The man was on the ground covered in blood.

My mom picked me up in her car and drove back home. 

She explained how she didn’t want me to go out of the house much. 

And to be honest I didn’t want to go out of the house either.

After the 20 minute drive back home we went inside the house and went straight to our bedrooms to take a nice long nap.

“Bang Bang!” 

I was woken by the loud noise from the backyard. 

I ran to my widow if I could have seen a glimpse of what was going on.

I saw someone..

Wearing all black.

So, I ducked down so the person didn't see me.

 All of a sudden something was being thrown at my window.

I took a little peak and saw rocks being pelted at my window!

“Ali! What’s going on!” my mother shouted.

“M-mom.. There was someone in the backyard!”

“Who would be in our backyard at this time of hour?!” my mom said.

“Please.. Can you just check..” 

My mother looked at me disgustedly and went back to her room.

“I am not a crazy person” I yelled at her as she walked back to her room.

I tried to look back at the window to see if anyone was still there. 

But there wasn't anyone there anymore.

The next morning I walked downstairs and my mother had left a note saying:

“I am going for a meeting in florida

I will see in a couple of days

Please be safe and lock all doors.

Most importantly do not go out of the house

From: Mom

Now what am I going to do?

I thought she didn’t want me to be alone.

And she knows that I don’t like to be alone as well. 

This might be the worst couple of days of my life!

Anyways the day was almost ending so I went to my room and got everything I needed.

“I am not going outside of my room in the middle of the night” I told myself. 

I locked my door and turned on the Tv I my room. 

Then I fell asleep as I was watching a movie. 

I woke up.

Then My heart started beating fast because randomly a note slipped under my door. 

I walked very slowly to pick it up.

When I did.

I was so terrified. 

It said “Watch out.. I’m in your house”

I trembled and walked back to the corner of my room. 

Until I heard strange noises coming from downstairs.

I wanted to know what was going on.

So I got up and unlocked my room door very silently. 

And looked downstairs in my living room.

There was a man whose whole body was in blood, he was mumbling strange noises. 

He put a knife and gun on the table. 

Until I looked behind me someone was tied up in the kitchen and she looked like she was in so much pain. 

I wanted to help her..

But I knew if I did the man would have gotten me as well.

When I looked back at the man he was gone.

I didn’t see him.

So, I ran back to my room. 

I forgot I left my phone downstairs charging.

So I had to get it back.

I ran downstairs and got my phone. I looked at the time.

It was 12:24 am.

Then My phone got a message from a random number.

It said “Look behind you”

I was frozen for a second.

Until I looked around and it was the man In black with a knife ready to stab me.

I fainted.

I was covered in blood when I woke up. 

I was tied to a chair. 

With duct tape that covered my mouth, completely shut. 

I tried to scream and call for help but I was too weak.

And I looked to my right.

It was the women from earlier that I saw.  

The man came back with a pair of scissors in his hand.

He ripped out the duct tape that was on the women’s face and he grumbled 

“Are you ready.. To suffer”

The lady screamed but he took the scissors and cut her whole mouth open.

Blood dripped everywhere on the floor.

I was panicking. 

The lady was half-dead already. 

She suffered enough.

He brought hot boiling water that was on my stove and splashed it in the lady’s face. 

The lady screamed even more.

After that you couldn’t hear her scream anymore. 

Because I knew she was dead. 

I fainted again.

And woke up again.

The lady’s body was gone.

I saw the pair of scissors that the man used earlier.

I pushed myself to get it. 

Then It fell but I still managed to get it even though I was tied to a chair.

It cut the rope that I was chained on. 

And I was crawling in pain to the front door until the man was behind me and stabbed me in my back.

The whole ground was red.

Covered in blood. 

I was half-way out through the door. 

“H-HELP” I said.

Then bullets started to aim everywhere.

“Shoot him!” a voice called out.

Then there was a bright light above me.

It was a helicopter.

I saw the man had gotten shot.

I passed out. 

“Beep.. Beep” the monitor went.

“Honey please wake up!! I am so sorry that I went somewhere so far away and just left you with no one inside the house!” a soft calming voice said right near me.

I woke up.

“Mom…” I said with my body aching cold and in so much pain.

“What's going on?” I asked her confusingly. 

My eyes were a little blurry and I was still dizzy.

But I knew I was at the hospital.

My mom said in a worrisome tone “I should have believed you when you said someone was at your window, please! Please forgive me”

I replied looking at her with pale eyes “Ye-yes mom. I forgive you” 


The cops spoke to me.

And of course I told them every single detail that happened.

Mom and I moved out to a safer neighborhood where all my old friends are!

Which are perfectly great. 

But I will never forget…

When my alarm went off.

🌸Hey! Thanks for reading my first ever story!

I am 12 years old.

Weird right?

But it’s my first story and I wanted to try and write something new.

Please read my story!

I really hope you enjoy it! 

And if you dislike it that’s totally fine! 

Have a great day! 

-A.K 💐

January 26, 2023 22:40

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1 comment

Ariana Khagraj
22:40 Jan 26, 2023

Please enjoy this story!


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