I can make it

Written in response to: Start your story with a character being followed. ... view prompt



I don’t know who it was, but I could feel them. They were close by as I was racing down the sidewalk. I was sweating. I could feel my palms growing cold. My heart felt like it was trying to escape my chest. I was trying to listen as closely as possible but all I could hear was my own heart. The blood flowing through my neck. My labored breathing. I was close. I knew I was close.

I tried to pick up the pace. My legs were burning but I didn’t dare slow down. I knew I was close to home, but I would have to pass it to the police station so I could escape whoever it was following me.

I pulled out my phone. My breathing was increasing as I opened up SnapChat and took a quick photo of myself and whoever was behind me. I looked down at the photo to see the shadowy figure of someone behind me. I posted it on my story. Even though you couldn’t see the person, I hoped that someone would look at my story and pray someone called me. Try to help me out to escape this situation.

I was growing desperate. Panicked.

I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to get away. I managed to slow my breathing down just a bit to hear the heavy footsteps behind me. I snapped my head around to see the figure was closer than when I took the picture. I felt panic run into my veins.


I stared to slow jog.


I began sprinting down the sidewalk. As I was sprinting, I could hear the person behind me trying to catch up.

Fuck me! They were following me!

I felt sweat pouring down my back. I wanted to scream but who would hear me? Would anyone actually help me?

My throat and mouth became dry. I wish someone would help me.

But it was late at night. I got off from my job at the gas station. Could this be one of the customers I talk to this late of night? It must be. I know there are a few lonely customers who stop in to talk.

Would this be the last day I live?

I never got to wish my sister a happy birthday. I never got to see my mom this morning. She asked me to come over today too, but I might not even make it.

I passed by my house, even though I wanted to stop and enter. I knew that wasn’t the smart choice considering if this person didn’t know where I lived. They would if I walked up the steps in that moment.

I could hear myself gasping for air. My throat was dry but I knew I had to keep going.

Don’t stop!

I could see the police station just ahead.

Just a bit more!

Don’t stop!

I kept running. I peered behind me for a second to see that this person was keeping in pace with me. Almost too close. They could almost reach me.

My legs were numb with pain. My lungs felt like they were being sliced by the wind. I could barely see everything that I passed because my vision was blurring. I couldn’t see anything.

I felt the panic rising up in me again.

I was getting closer but all I could hear was my own blood pumping through my body. I rushed through the parking lot, almost slamming into a car.

I kept thinking about my family. Myself. I kept thinking about all the things I was missing out on. What was going to happen to me? Was this really my final moments? What if I don’t make it to those doors and this person takes me away? The only proof I have is of the photo I posted on my own SnapChat.

Not a single person called. Not a single person has seen it. 

I never thought I would die alone. I didn’t think I was going to be murdered. Especially not in front of a police station. Was no one out tonight? It was five. Someone had to be outside witnessing myself being chased by this person. So why was no one doing anything?

Is it just that no one actually cares? Just like no one had seemed to pay attention to my post that I had put out moments ago.

It must be the case.

I was going to die.

And not a single person was going to know.

I should have just stayed the extra hour my boss had asked me to work. Why didn’t I?

Oh, right.

I was tired and wanted to go home. I wanted to see my cat, Daisy. Daisy wasn’t going to know what happened to me. No one was going to check on Daisy either. Poor Daisy. My poor cat.

I swallowed the fear of death.

I had to.

I ran up the steps to the police station. Seconds from the door. I felt hope light up in my gut.

I wasn’t going to die today. I was going to run into this police station and this person that was following me was going to turn right back around and leave me alone. I would be able to call my mom and have her come get me from the police station. I would go and get Daisy and quit that piece of shit job at the gas station. Find a new job. Maybe at an office. I could be a receptionist with full benefits. Way better than a shitty gas station that was open until midnight.

I grabbed onto the handle. I felt the rush of adrenaline. I made it!

I made it!

I felt like laughing in this person’s face as I yanked the handle back.

Fear coursed through me again.

The doors were locked.

I kept yanking and finally my voice began to work as I screamed in the dead of night holding onto that door handle.

May 24, 2024 22:24

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RBE | Illustrated Short Stories | 2024-06

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