Fiction Romance

Death by Chocolate

You’re Invited! This year for my birthday, I decided to give all my guests gifts, too! How fun would it be to do a cookie exchange?? RSVP so we all know how many dozens of cookies to make! I have only invited my closest baking friends to this little party of ten, and I hope to see you all there! – Noel

I read over my invitation one more time before I posted it to my friends. Having a December birthday is not always easy. People are busier now than any other time of the year, and understandably so. However, it does have its perks, and this year, I intend to capture a bit of holiday magic that will also benefit my guests. They can take the dozens of cookies they get at my party to any celebration they attend over the holidays. That’s enough allure, right? I certainly hope so, especially for one guest in particular. You see, lately, I just can’t get him off my mind.

It’s a long story… Well, it’s not really all that long. Anyway, Paul and I dated for a few months. He’s an incredible person, and I really enjoy spending time with him. However, being a farmer, Paul didn’t have a lot of extra time. It was usually taken up by his chores and not to mention his part-time job at the bakery. See, that’s where we met.  He was the baker’s assistant in a baking class I took this past spring.

I absolutely love to bake, and my favorite bakery was hosting a class on how to make their famous Death by Chocolate cookies! I was excited to attend, but I didn’t expect to gain anything more than a cookie recipe. There, Paul and I shared a connection… It was a simple smile at first, but the more he walked me through the recipe, the more we found to talk about than just flour, eggs, and sugar… Before I left, he asked if he could have coffee with me sometime.

That coffee date the next day lasted until we ordered lunch. We just enjoyed each other’s company so much… He’s a real gentleman. He held the door for me, pulled out my chair, and called me Ma’am. I usually don’t like a date to call me that, but it sounded so sweet and respectful from him that I grew to appreciate it.

He told me about his animals with a passion only a select few hold. Paul cares for each of them and has a specific routine to keep up with their needs. His work sounded earthy and magical at the same time. There’s just something that makes me feel cozy about the idea of farm work. And I quickly discovered that was all that made me feel ‘cozy’ about it…

The night his youngest calf fell ill, Paul texted me that he was staying in the barn all night to be sure it drank and took its medicine at the proper times. He wasn’t sure it would make it until morning, and I didn’t want him to go through that alone. So, I put on my muck boots and a thick jacket to keep him company in the barn.

 It was a long, exhausting, and disgusting night that turned my head to farm work but gave me an even greater respect for Paul. That man could do anything. After that, I respected when he said he was needed at the farm. I didn’t mind riding in the tractor with him, but my allergies didn’t like it too well. I was sneezing, and my eyes were watery… I know, very romantic. He found me amusing, I guess, but even he could see we were just different.

I tried to introduce him to crafting to give us something to do in the house together. However, it was then that we discovered his allergy to cats. Mr. Whiskers was offended, but our guest had to leave before we even got to cut and glue anything.

Hoping to simplify matters, I brought all my crafting supplies over to his house. I had hoped it would be the best of both worlds, and it was for a time. With his animals so close, however, it was hard to say no when one needed him. His farmhands left us little privacy, and boy, did he take a ribbing when they saw the scrapbook we had put together…

Eventually, though we enjoyed each other’s company, we decided our worlds just didn’t fit together. We mutually and maturely ended things about a month ago, and I am still not over that man.

I had never enjoyed any other relationship half as much. I really feel that we are right for each other. There’s just got to be some way to make it work…  So, I hope this invitation reopens the door. Baking brought us together before. Perhaps, it can again. Taking a deep breath, I posted my invitation as a group message.


The night of the party was finally here. Mr. Whiskers was to enjoy his stay in my bedroom, so he wouldn’t get into the cookies or cause any other issues. The house dawned its Christmas best with evergreen garlands, red bows, and twinkle lights abound. Cinnamon candles wafted the aroma throughout the house. On the table, I set out a tray of my cookies, some other snacks, and drinks. With a little Christmas music, my party was ready.

My guests began to arrive, each bringing dozens of their favorite kind of cookie. We had chocolate chip, macaroons, oatmeal, pinwheels, frosted sugar cookies, sandies, molasses cookies, peanut butter cookies, and my contribution, Death by Chocolate cookies. A little on the nose? Probably. But I’m hoping my not-so-subtle hint doesn’t go unnoticed.

Amy and Carol came in, followed by Natalie, Carmen, Greta, and Dee. Not too late, Carl and Chris drove up together. I began to give up hope as time ticked on. A half an hour into the party, I heard the low rumble of a familiar truck pull into the drive. I couldn’t help my smile as I hastened to greet my final guest.

I turned the knob and opened the door to the man who’d held my heart. His warm, tender smile met mine. I still saw love in his eyes… Our parting had been so gentle but hard to deal with. I could see my mix of emotions reflected on his face. He had felt the pain we separately endured, the relief in seeing the other again, and the awkwardness of facing each other now.

“Hello.” I forced myself to speak.

“Good afternoon.” Paul stepped in over the threshold when I invitingly opened the door.

“I’m glad you could make it to my party.”

“I was honestly surprised to be invited with the circumstances and all, but I’m glad to be here.” We shared a smile as I shut the door behind him. His leather boots were wet with snow, his jeans were an indigo color, his thick tan jacket was slightly worn, and his black cowboy hat sat proudly on his head. Just like I remembered him on a date night… “I, unfortunately, can’t stay very long.”

“Troubles on the farm?”

“As always.” He smiled, knowing I knew what he meant. “I wouldn’t miss this, though.”

“Well, I’m glad to have you over, and I’m sure you’ll love the treats everyone brought.”

“If they bake anything like you, I’m sure I will.”

“Thank you.” I blushed a little at his compliment.  It was then that I noticed the covered dish in his hands. “Your baking is amazing, too. I’ve been looking forward to what you would bring tonight.”

“Oh, it’s just an old recipe, but I hope you like them.”

“I’m sure I will.” I smiled sweetly at him, and he opened the container to pull out a single cookie for me. “Happy Birthday.” My heart fluttered. He made Death by Chocolate cookies…

“You… you remembered.”

“I know you love these, and we enjoyed making them together in the past…  Baking these brought back a lot of memories.”

“I know what you mean.” I picked up a cookie I made off the serving tray on the table. Confidently, I showed Paul my creation and watched his eyes widen. “I think you did better, but it appears we still think very alike.”  We gazed at each other a moment. If I read him right, we’re still thinking the same thing now.

With a sigh, he admitted, “The kitchen is a bit lonelier now… So is the barn. I’m starting to wonder if… Well, maybe we ended this, us a little prematurely. I really love you, Noel.”

“Oh, Paul. I’ve been thinking the same thing! We’ll find a way to make it work. I understand that you’re busy, but even the times I got to see you for a short time were better than not seeing you at all. I love you, too.”

Relief flooded his features as he took me in his arms once again. I missed how safe, loved, and happy I felt in them. It was a familiar and welcome feeling.  

After a sweet kiss, he once again wished, “Happy Birthday, Noel.”

Posted Dec 10, 2020

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