Bad Company Will Lead You a Stray

Submitted into Contest #89 in response to: Start your story with an ending and work backward toward the beginning.... view prompt


Horror Black Crime

      Bad Company Will Lead You A Stray

       Once upon a time there was this teenager who love to drink, smoke, rape anyone he see and when he is done he would let his victim go. He would first become your friend and let you trust him to the point where you would tell him everything. Then he would use it against you. Before  all that John had a wonderful life and family or so you would have taught. John family is very poor. Jennifer who is John mom never get to finish  her education, because she had John when she was 16 years old. Jennifer mom throw her out when she found out that her daughter was pregnant. Jennifer cry to the point that her was swell and said mommy when I was coming home from school some gangs of guys rape me over and over again. They didn’t stop until I was pass out and could hardly more or walk. They box and kick me  so hard, they started to laugh and run away. Jennifer said there was no one around to help me and even if someone saw me they wouldn’t help me out either. Jennifer mom said “GET OUT” you prostitute. You are no daughter of mine. Jennifer pack her cloths and leave out. She was left on  the street no one to help her she didn’t know where to turn to. She call her family members and ask them if she could stay with them for the time been. The family members said no because Jennifer never get a chance to spend time with them so they said I only know them when I want some place to stay. Jennifer got so angry at them and hang up. Jennifer had nothing to eat or drink for the pass weeks and days. 12 moths later  Jennifer was in labor and she call out for help but no one could hear her. She pass out because she was pregnant and didn’t had any to eat so she was starving. Bob was passing by and he saw Jennifer laying on the floor and he took her to the hospital. The nurse gave Jennifer a injection. Bob said is she going to be alright and the nurse said yes. Jennifer slowly open her eye and said Where am I? Bob said you are in the hospital. Jennifer say How did I get here? Bob said I saw you on the roadside pass out and I bring you to the hospital. Bob ask Why is a young beautiful woman like you are on the street? Jennifer didn’t answer. Bob ask Why did you pass out? Jennifer finally answer and said I didn’t eat for the pass weeks and days. The nurse gave Jennifer food to eat and she said thank you. Before Bob could ask another question the nurse said you have to step outside now sir. Bob step outside like the nurse instructed. 

The doctor came in she put on her gloves and a mask. The doctor said on the count of 3 you will push as hard as you can. 1, 2, 3 push Jennifer took a deep breath and push. The doctor said congratulations it’s a boy. She smile and said I shall call him John. The doctor call the in Bob who was waiting outside and said congratulations sir it’s a boy and he smile. When bob look at Jennifer holding John their eyes meet and fall in love with each other. Bob took Jennifer and the baby home. Bob told Jennifer that I will take good care of you and the baby. Everything was going good. Jennifer and bob went on dates and they were really happy and extremely excited that they found each other. Couple days after Bob buy Jennifer a beautiful dress and she was in love with the dress. Bob said I want us to go out for dinner tonight. Jennifer rush to shower and put on her beautiful dress. When she put it on all bob could say WOW. When they reach at the place they couldn’t stop staring at each other and smiling. Bob when on one kneel and said Jennifer would you marry me? Jennifer was so SHOCK she couldn’t speak a word but she finally speak and said yes I love to marry you Bob. Bob was so happy and they just hug each other and said I will never hurt you. Couple days after the proposal they got married everything was going good until Bob said change. Bob said what are we going to do with this child because he is ruined our happiness and I don’t like it. Jennifer said we are going to keep him because I never ask you to marry me so my child will stay no matter what happened. Let’s get one thing Straight John is my first child and he means everything to me and he is my heart beat okay. Jennifer didn’t speak to Bob the next day because she was hurt. Bob didn’t like that his wife won’t speak to him so he went out and buy her roses and a big teddy bear. Jennifer was so surprise when Bob come home and give it to her and said honey I am really sorry I hurt your feelings. Jennifer hug him and accept the gifts. 

              By John was 6 years old Bob started beating him, box him, kick him, he would want John to wash his clothes. Sometimes John would come home from school as John step inside the house Bob would start maltreat John and said he should have died. Jennifer wouldn’t say anything to Bob because she is afraid of him. Even when John was at school the entire school would bully him. One day the pain and frustration was too much to on John so when he got home he tie a rope on a tree and wanted to jump off and end his life but Jennifer came out and see what John was doing and she beg John not to kill him self because things are going to get better. John came down and hug his mom and said mommy I am tired of all this. John ask his mom if Bob was his real father. Jennifer said son you wouldn’t understand it because you are still young. When you are 18 years old I will tell you everything. When John was 15 years old and started Middle School he was a completely different person and his mom didn’t recognize John anymore. John started misbehaving,, John doesn’t come home early anymore,  John would skip school school with Andre, John started smoking, John was drinking and doing drugs. Both John and Andre would smoke after school, beat up every children at the school even when they don’t trouble them. Andre said everyone should be afraid of us because we run this school. Andre told John if he wanted to be his friend he would have to do exactly  what he told him to do. John said I will do anything because I am tired of people maltreating me. When John get home from school at 8:00 with a girl his mom said Who is she? And What is she doing in my house? John said Jennifer don’t ask me any questions. Kim get into before John could finish the sentence Jennifer said she is not going anywhere. Her name is Kim and go to the room now and don’t let me reach there before you. Kim just run to the room without blinking. Jennifer said Where are you  coming from? John ignore the question and acting like she wasn’t speaking to him. Jennifer ask What time did I told you to get home by? John ignore the question and push his mom out of the way and said I have better thing to do. John said to Jennifer me and Kim is hungry and we don’t want to wait on the food too long. Jennifer went to the kitchen and prepare his favorite food. When Jennifer was finish preparing the food she ran to give John and Kim the food. When Jennifer got there with the food she couldn’t believe was she saw. Jennifer couldn’t handle what she saw in John room so she call her husband. When he answer she begin to cry. Bob said honey What’s the matter with you? She took a long pause and then answer Jennifer said she saw John tieing Kim to the bed and forcing drugs down her throat. When she started crying and said him to stop throat. When she started crying and said him to stop John just box and kick her and then keep raping her over and over again until she was dead. John is also drinking and smoking. Bob SHOUT WHAT are you saying to me. I am coming home to you right now. John came out and said Who are you talking to? Jennifer answer nervously and said I was talking to your dad. John give her a box and said never in your miserably life you call Bob my father again because I don’t have any father. John said get into my room now and take off your cloths she refuse. John grab her and throw her on the bed and rape her 10 times over and over again. He wouldn’t stop raping her. She try to push him off her but John was too strong. John box her, kick her and even bite her up. 

           Later that same night Jennifer heard the phone ringing but she could reach the the phone to answer it because she was all cut up and bruise to the point that when she moves she just feels like her entire body is going to burst in flames. Jennifer still try to reach the phone. She finally reach the phone and she answer it and said hello how may I help you. The person said are you Miss. Brown she quickly answer and said yes he is my husband. The person said he got into a car accident and he died instantly. Jennifer didn’t know what to say so she said thank you for calling me and she hang up. Jennifer was so shock she didn’t know what to do or say. She lost the man who ever love her. Jennifer went to bed and didn’t say a word to anyone the next day. John went to school the next day next day and said Andre I have something to tell you. Andre said what’s up John said rape my mom 10 times over and over again I even box and kick her up and I bring this girl over and was pushing grub down their throat and tie her to the  bed and rape her until she was dead. Andre said one day you are going to over throw me and they started laughing and said that’s how it suppose to be. Every girl they see they would rape her until she die or pass out and then they would laugh. Everyday the same thing happened. Now the started to rape guys too. One day this guy name Prince said you can’t do this to my sister she is not your slave or anything. Prince said  you are a jerk and doesn’t deserve to live or give a second chance. 

              By time John was in High School Jennifer couldn’t handle John currently behavior. She was so frustrated and she could do it anymore. Jennifer try to put John out of her house but she couldn’t because John would just beat her up. John and Andre start to turn I new method. They start to making  friends and making  them trust them so it wouldn’t be noticeable. Everyone in the school would want to be their friends. Everyone loves John and Andre more because they were handsome and charming. Couple days later they started using the people secret again them. Everyday John and Andre would start to talk this group of girls and boys and they would invite them over to their house. John and Andre would say let’s play a game so the group taught it was a innocent things and there is no harm or so they have taught. First they would blind fold the girls and boys and tie them to the bed and they would bring Jennifer in their to watch. Jennifer couldn’t do anything so she had to stay there and watch. Then John and Andre would rip there clothes off and start to rape all of them over and over again. They wouldn’t stop and when the group started screaming that just made it worse for them because John and Andre would just beat them up, cut them up, spit on them and said you don’t deserve to live because you don’t know what I went through in the hands of my mom. The next day when the group when to school they try to tell everyone but no one would believe them. That same evening John and Andre and it to the wrong person. The girl went and told her brother Prince. Prince walk up to them and said you can’t do this to my sister because she is not your age mate. Prince said Why are you such a jerk?  you doesn’t deserve to live. Prince said Why are you doing this don’t you have conscience? The both of are dogs and sick my stomach. John and Andre laugh like they didn’t hear what Prince said so John said you are just jealous because you are not like us. Prince said I rather die than be like you John and Andre because the both of you are such a disgrace to manhood. Prince said count yourself lucky today because I am going to let you go with a warning never try this again with anyone. The next day John and Andre ignore Prince warning and said no one can tell us what to do because we run this school so they continue to rape both man and women. When they finish having fun with their victims they would let them go. On October 20, 2006 Prince put a end to John and Andre madness. Prince call the police and said they come to the High school because John and Andre have been terrorizing the school. The police rush and come to the High School and take John and Andre and they didn’t even try the case because the police have been looking for them for a long time so they just pass a judgment on  John and Andre that they must die in prison and no one should bail them out. The world was once safe again all thanks to Prince. Jennifer was pregnant and she didn’t want the baby so she abort the baby because she didn’t want the baby to remind her of the shame her son brought on her. Jennifer pick up what was left of her life and live happy ever after. 

April 12, 2021 02:36

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