Horror Suspense

I have never struggled so much with the word count iN My LIfE

I folded my arms staring at the walkway. Everything was so plain. So... Boring. I shoved my hands into my pockets. It's Hallow-fucking-ween people. Shouldn't you at least attempt to scare people? I thought angrily. I shook my head, walking down the pathway.

A bit of time past, me simply walking, before I realized something. I, Kasey Moore... Could do something. I grinned, to spice things up Halloween. I raised my chin. This, this is good. This could go wonderfully. I inhaled deeply, eyeing around me. I can do this. I'm the son of one of the greatest modern witches. There is almost nothing I cannot learn to accomplish.

Running down the pathway, I passed the town's cemetery. The wind was starting to kick up. The howls were a bit more intense than usual, I noticed. I bit the inside of my lip. It rarely did that. Then again, we're Washington. Mother Nature does as she does, no one, not even the greatest of Witches of the Supreme Council could do that.

After gathering some of the things I found necessary for whatever I possibly would do to this sad little town, I reviewed the list, ensuring I had more than three possible spells. All I would need is to find spells available with these ingredients. Memorizing incantations have never been my best subject, but as long as I write it down when I get home, it should be "easy peasy lemon squeezy" as the older generation would say.

I hummed to myself. What spell should I do in the first place is the question however. There are far more possibilities than I thought when I initially gathered the ingredients. I bit the inside of my lip.. Oh choosing- how I despise you.

I sat down on one of the many benches available on the sidewalk paths. I stared and stared at the basket. I couldn't think of a spell worthy of terrifying this town I'm trapped in. I clenched my teeth. How infuriating.

I combed my fingers through my hair as I thought about spells. At this point I thought about any spell, not just the ones I could do with the majority of the ingredients I already bought, I thought of everything. Even those spells that turn people into toads! Not original, I know, but I was growing more and more desperate by the minute. The positive to all of this obsessive thinking, was, I wasn't bored anymore. Far from it, thankfully. I cracked my knuckles, thinking of the more exciting possibilities. The ones worthy of creating a terrifying Halloween.

An idea soon struck me. I grinned widely. Oh how lovely this one would be. I grabbed my basket and started running. I have all the ingredients, in my basket, in my garden and inside my closet. The incantation would be difficult to say, but oh would it be worth it. I grinned. I just needed to look at the library- for the incantation.

I pulled out my chair immediately grabbing my pencil and a random piece of paper. I quickly scrambled down the date before writing down what I wanted. The words were fumbling around my head, mixing with other Latin terminology. I felt myself panic as the spells incantation withered away from my mind.

I cursed, throwing my pencil at the wall. It twirled, rolled and flicked my finger. My lip twitched. I glared at the pencil. "Oh fuck you.." I mutter before combing my fingers through my head. "Errgh.." My forehead and hand met the table with a soft thud. I can never seem to memorize the incantations. I do my best to write them before I forget but- oh, oh do I forget.

I sat there for who knows long, drowning in my own pity. That was, until, there was a soft voice. In the wind. It was so so quiet. Quieter than your mom's rage when no one cleaned a dish right. I raised my head. I tilted my head, attempting to hear the voice better, but, I just- couldn't. It flowed in and out of my ear, teasing me.

My lip twitched. I glared out the window. "Oh Wind, quit teasing me and let me hear this voice." I found myself whispering, getting up from my desk. I walked towards the window, ready to open it-

The Wind listened to me, settling down. The voice got louder, subtly, but it was louder. Clearer. I opened the window, hissing a little at the sudden cold. I felt my cheeks get strangely warm, nose too. I clenched my teeth, attempting to tune into the strange voice within the wind.

There was silence for a good few minutes. "...so.." I stood up, alert. "in..." A room, house, what? "help...." My eyes widen. Help? Help with what? I tilted my head.

"Help, with what?" I ask, sitting on the window's ledge.

"....Glen...back.." I grab onto the the window's edge. My eyes widen. Glen.

"Glen- Glen the Witch of the Supreme Council?" I felt excited, and- and terrified. Glen was one of the most well known witches ever. She was dead, gone. How is she back?

"..down..." I felt myself jump a little.

"What- down what?"


"I can't understand you when you're so-"

"lOoK DOwN." I jump, desperately grabbing onto the edge as I almost fall out of the window. I felt my heart almost jump out of my throat.

"Fuck! You don't have to shout." I hiss. I froze hearing a chilling laugh. I gulp, eyeing my desk.

"...look.. then.." I nod nervously, doing as the voice asked. I raise a brow.

"What am I looking for?" I ask, watching over the empty sidewalks and roads, the eerie lamp posts, the quiet apartments.

"..at me... foul.." My shoulders drop out of annoyance. I felt my face go blank.

"There's no one there."

"..move your gaze.. lower.." I did what the voice within the wind said, automatically. I blink. There was a cat. A black cat.

"You're... A cat..?" It met my gaze. I blinked again. It nodded. I felt a tinge of fear, my eyes widening.

"...and.. my name.. is Glen.." The cats eyes widen, and it opened its mouth, hissing. Somehow- so smoothly, it changed. Its limbs grew, and changed- I fell back into my room.

"No-" The cats hiss grew louder, the wind kicked up, up and up- "No!"

"And you are mine Kasey Moores!"

October 28, 2022 17:15

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Crows_ Garden
14:32 Nov 01, 2022

fghj- yes?-




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Jasey Lovegood
04:40 Oct 30, 2022

:0000 A spoopy story as the spooky season comes to an end? How wonderful <3


Crows_ Garden
19:19 Oct 30, 2022

Yee I would've wrote one earlier on but the inspiration just now hit me lol Thanks <3


Jasey Lovegood
10:54 Oct 31, 2022

Ahaha fair enough, ur welcome <3


Crows_ Garden
14:28 Oct 31, 2022

Mhm. Thanks<3


Jasey Lovegood
00:23 Nov 01, 2022



Crows_ Garden
00:42 Nov 01, 2022



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Crows_ Garden
17:19 Oct 28, 2022

The positive of no school work- you get to struggle with writing a story and eating a banana with chocolate milk. /lh /vvvpos


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Unknown User
04:34 Oct 29, 2022

<removed by user>


Crows_ Garden
12:26 Oct 29, 2022

: D


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