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American Black African American

The Cookie Exchange

“Hey Kevon, thank you for coming,” Venia said as she opened her bakery shop door.

The gentleman greeted Venia with a big grin. He came in and took off his jacket.

Kevon said, “Your sign said closed. I hesitated for a moment. Then I remembered you said the shop had not officially opened yet. So you're hosting a “Cookie Exchange” tomorrow? How will that work since your the owner of a Cookie Bakery?”

Venia took the mans jacket and hung it on coat holder. She held her arm out to lead him to her unusual black and gold edged counter.

Venia said “My cookie exchange will be as different as my bakery. All the invited guess will bring their favorite baked cookies. I will bake my cookies tonight, using my secret ingredient. My cookies will be placed in the mix with all the other cookies. Not me, but each guess will blindly taste all the exchange cookies. After a nice cookie feast, they will vote on their favor one. The winner will be an honor guest on opening day. Their cookies will be sold. The winner will collect 100% of their sales. I will take nothing.”

Kevon nodded in approval. He said, “That's an excellent ideal. You'll build a great connection with the community. Glad you invited me to see your bakery for our first blind date.”

Kevon took a seat and rubbed his hand over the beautiful counter top.

“Yea, this is my place.” Vena said as she poured some international coffee for her guest. “Like I said when we connected online, I still felt embarrassed. Looking on a dating site for company still feels awkward. I was not sure about you at first. So I kept our date a secret.”

Kevon said, “I know how you feel. I didn't tell anyone myself. If our date goes bad, no one will know. You and I know business folks like us, have to be extra careful. So many people want to take everything you work so hard for.”

Vena nodded as she took a sip of coffee. She stared at her guest for a moment. She took another long sip and smiled.

Venia said, “Call me a dreamer, but I believe someone out there could be the very ingredient I need to uplift my life.”

Kevon nodded. “I feel the same way. As you know I have a start-up Accounting business. I am so glad to see someone is till interested in start-ups. It seems the only way to build real wealth these days. Tell me about your bakery.”

Venia came from behind her counter. She carefully pulled off her colorful apron.

Venia said, “Lets start with this apron. I designed this picture when I was a young girl. Twelve years old in fact.”

Venia proudly laid her apron on the counter top. She said, “Its my original drawing of this bakery. If you look closely some lines are not straight. I kept this in my dresser drawer. I believed one day it would happen. I had the picture printed on all my aprons.”

Kevon said “So you were always a visionary?”

“Oh yes! I was determined to create a unique taste. It had to be different. I needed a new tasting cookie. I was always in the kitchen coming up with different flavor cookies.”

Venia paused as she look out of the window. The sun was barely picking through a large gray cloud. It started to rain. The street lights began to click on. One by one the lights brighten up the street.

Venia said, “A year of ago, I put my life savings into this place. Even tho I was short on my main unique ingredient, got my license to open. I gathered all my recipes. Brought this place, and all you see in here. I should have been nervous but I wasn't. I am here. I am ready. My Cookie Bakery will open tomorrow.”

Kevon gleamed. He said in excitement, “So show me around!”

Venia quickly wiped the counter. She said “Just what I was wanting to hear. Come on back let me show you the kitchen.”

Both of them walked thought the steel double swinging doors. Inside it looked like a professional kitchen. Metal center island. Multi double ovens. Industrial appliances. Large colorful mixers, and blenders all around.

Venia said, “Were hitting it off well for our first date, don't you think?”

Kevon touched her shoulder and smiled. He said, “I'm glad I came. Your much prettier in person than over the internet.”

They both laughed.

Venia said, “How about you and I make some cookies together?”

In excitement, Kevon untied his tie and rolled up sleeve. “OK whats first?”

Venia pulled down some bowls and open some maple drops. With her handy white towel, she pop him on his thigh. She said, “Hey, my handsome helper can you go through that metal door by those stairs and grab the brown flour on the very top shelf?”

Kevon grim, “Why sure boss. I'll get it and be back in a jiffy.”

Kevon eagerly walked to the door and went in. Kevon yelled back. “Hey where is the light, its dark in here!”

Venia yelled back, “Go in a bit more and you'll see a large bright orange button on the left side. Push the button and the lights will all pop on.”

Vena quickly ran to a lower cabinet on her right side. She bent down and reached way in. Venia stretched in as far as she could and in pulled a lever. The metal door Kevon went through slammed!

Immediately Kevon yelled in agony, “Help me, Help!” Vena ran over to the metal door and locked it. Kevon's voice quivered with horrible screams. The air was filled with cries and painful moans. One last time Kevon screeched out a horrible yell, “Noooo!”

Then there was silence.

“Crunch. Crunch. Grinding, then mixing sounds came from the room.

After a few minutes Venia ran downstairs. She opened up a concealed panel, and went inside. Up against a low ceiling wall there was a spout. She grabbed a jar and pulled the lever. Substance filled her jar. When it was full, she twisted the cap tight. Venia did a little dance as she made her way up the stairs.

In the man kitchen, Venia opened the jar and took a long whiff. She went over to her center island and prepared her batter. She scooped out a tablespoon of the textured substance from the jar.

“Just a scoop will do.” She tasted her mixture. “Hum, so tasty. A winner for sure!”

Venia hummed as she stirred in some added in flavors. She spoon her dough on the cookie sheet, and placed it in her warm oven. Twenty minutes later she pulled them out and tasted her cookie.

“Now that I have more of my secret ingredient, I'm ready for opening day!”

Lupe Fuller email: lmfday@hotmail.com

December 09, 2020 03:03

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1 comment

Judith Buskohl
21:07 Dec 19, 2020

I was surprised by the ending which was a shocker to say. It was surprising since I actually thought they were on a blind date which wouldn't end like that. Keep up the good work on the surprising ending.


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