The Long Awaited Change

Submitted into Contest #57 in response to: Write a story about someone breaking a long family tradition.... view prompt


Drama Creative Nonfiction Historical Fiction

It was a busy and hectic day at the royal palace. But, not much seemed different from any other day to Kyo. Since the day he was born, the palace environment was all he could remember- crazy and unpredictable. Anything happened everyday; good or bad it happened. He sighed as he saw many servants rushing back and forth from outside the palace to inside. Today was a big day for the kingdom, it was his father's birthday and it was one of the worst days for him. His father's birthday was a constant reminder that he had to become king soon and rule his country with a queen in tow. Don’t get him wrong, he loved his life and felt extremely blessed to have what he has. Yet, being a king was certainly not on his to do list. He knew that no one else besides his sister would be the perfect fit. She was a hard worker and constantly was involved with bettering their country, and no deserved the title of ruler than her. The only problem was that for generations to generations, men were the only ones allowed to rule. It was just the principle of things and it might as well have been law since no women had even ruled a kingdom, well not that they knew of since such topics were never allowed at dinner table talk or any meetings in general. It was something that was frowned upon and the many times Kyo suggested it to his father he was instantly shut down. But, today Kyo was ready to risk his life and future position for his dreams and his sisters. Kyo dreamed for years and years to leave behind his palace lifestyle and explore more of what the world had to offer. He wished nothing more than to paint the vast hills, mountains, or even sunsets. But, he was hardly allowed outside unless for important business regarding the kingdom or for his position and he hated that because he felt that he wasn't really living his life. Sometimes he wanted to drop everything and move as far as possible, but he also cared for his people and wanted to make sure the needs of everyone were met. Since, if it wasn’t for his people he and his family would not have anything they had today. Nevertheless, he was determined to make a change, and that change would be announced in just a few hours. Just thinking about it made him nervous on how his people and family members will take the unexpected news. He hadn’t really spoken it with his sister because he knew she would do the ‘mature’ thing she always did, which was stopping him from breaking rules or ruining his reputation. But he didn’t care if his title was tarnished, he wanted to bring peace and unity to everyone he cared about. He wanted nothing more than a strong and united country, and if that meant fixing a few things here and there, then so be it. With all the overthinking and conversations he had with himself in his head he didn’t realize how quickly time had passed. Now, he would be getting ready to speak in front of his people and willingly give up his position as king and allow his younger sister, Katherine, to rule for as long as she lived. So, with a heavy heart he forced himself to walk with pride and waited for the unexpected to happen just as he did every single day. After his father did the customary introductions, he thanked each and every person for coming. Slowly one by one each person bowed and then walked to the king in his throne. They would then ask him to accept their offerings and birthday gifts. As always the king would take his time critiquing every single gift and would then ask his wife, the queen if the gift was acceptable enough to be in their grounds. This made Kyo twitch his eye in annoyance, that was one thing he hoped Katherine changed once she was Queen. He hated how his father would look down upon his people, the king didn’t realize how some of their people sacrificed many of their things just to get their father the best gift they could ever afford. He even heard stories from the maids that many would go into debt and sometimes that debt would be passed down from generation to generation. But, his father was stubborn and ruthless and cared less about others circumstances. Which confused him because his father, the king, always preached of loving and respecting their people yet here he was being ungrateful. Even Kyo knew better then to act like this, since it was embarrassing to say the least. After this part of the ceremony was over it, it was then time for dancing. Everyone grabbed a partner and began dancing to the elegant and calming music. This is the only enjoyment Kyo could agree on with his traditions and he hated to admit it. As the women danced and twirled to other partners, he happened to be dancing with his sister next. Kyo tried not looking her straight in the eye because she could quickly tell how he was feeling. Yet, as always, Katherine asked him not to do anything he would regret. Kyo simply rolled his eyes and told her that whatever happens would happen, and with that his sister danced away with happiness and fear in her eyes. In Katherine’s mind she was considering how her people would take the news, she wanted to be accepted and loved just as a king would be. She was tired of living in a sexist world where a woman's opinion only mattered for accessories or useless questions that held no value to her. She wanted to prove to everyone that she was more than a beautiful face, she was a woman ready to lay out her life for the good of the kingdom. Her brother Kyo, was all the support she had and if things were to not end in her favor she would be casted away by society. The only punishment Kyo could face is gossiping and rumors- why this may not seem so bad as a woman’s punishment it would still be incredibly terrible for the royal family. If other kingdoms here something they will take advantage and use these tactics to their favor. So, anything that would happen after the dance is out of their control. 

August 29, 2020 07:40

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