Percy Smart in Denial

Submitted into Contest #255 in response to: Write a story about a someone who's in denial.... view prompt


Funny Science Fiction Friendship

Percival Smart, Percy for short, lives alone in a palatial house left to him by his deceased parents – not that fellow humans can confirm this. It is no ordinary home. The security resembles that of Fort Knox. The entire property is surrounded by high, spike-topped walls; it has a security gate and camera surveillance. Percy likes his privacy. As no one can get in to check the extent of his precautions, rumor has it that there are electrical devices and mines to eliminate the uninvited. This is reckoned by neighborhood children who are wont to speculate on things they know nothing about and gossip about their imaginings.

Visitors can't randomly pop around. Appointments or invitations are mandatory. The truth is, if the gates are opened for you, the gorgeous home is surrounded by trees, shrubs, and flowerbeds with an intricate water feature on the right as you walk down a wide driveway. A statue of a Grecian lady holding a pitcher from which a cascade of sparkling water pours into a large pond, a home to a bevy of bright orange goldfish, makes one think of Botanical Gardens, or at the least, a park. The scene takes one's breath away. Yet it is only recently that Percy has learned to smell the roses.

His regulars, a cleaner named Maria and his gardener, Jake, have their own secret codes to enable access. Jake lives in a small private residence on the grounds. Neither of them are visitors by any stretch. Lately, Percy has conversed with them regarding his houseguest, Adam, or at least his butler, Adam. Percy spends his days at work and seems anxious about his guest. So far, they have concluded Adam is human. This is the reason Percy discreetly questions them. Recently, Jake suggested that Adam might be bored, and both Percy and Adam went on a two-week holiday to the seaside. The truth is, Percy had no life of note to either speak or skite about until Adam arrived. Yet Percy is in denial about many things.

Adam appears human. So far, he has convinced the few people Percy has contact with. Adam is a state-of-the-art AI, but if anyone stood Adam and Percy side by side, they would likely select Percy as the AI.

Adam is a home edition who/which can manage a household, be a companion like a butler, play chess and card games if required, and pass for a human. How did Percy acquire his helpful AI?

It is no secret that Percy Smart is a successful man. He is almost up with Tim Sweeney, the founder and CEO of Epic Games, except he is more popular locally due to his snack factory. (More on this later.) He was invited to be the first to sample, and test run the first lifelike AI because he accurately answered every quiz question about the subject. What follows is the secret to why he knew so much about the topic.

Percy has always had a lifelong interest in Robotics and AI. If Percy's interest in Robotics and AI could be defined in terms of mountain climbing, he had climbed Mount Everest more times than Sir Edmund Hilary had done in all the mountain climbing realities and dreams this famous man had ever had while alive.

As a young child, Percy played with toy robots. He made their kit set versions before he progressed to making his own kit sets. No one he met could fathom or even remotely understand the heights of his expertise and knowledge on his pet topic.

The interior of his parent's home has numerous display cases throughout the vast hallways and sitting rooms holding his robotic replicas. From Flash Gordon's Annihlatons, C-3PO from Star Wars, his mate R2 D2, the Fix-Its Bots from Batteries not Included, the ensemble of colorful robots from the movie Robots, Transformer's Bumblebee and his mates, plus their enemies the Decepticons, CHOMPS the robo-dog, to every other replica robo-cyborg creation, Percy possesses the penultimate collection.

Pictures and posters adorn the walls, all in the same genre. The large mural in the foyer has Asimov's three rules of Robotics for all to see. Based on his knowledge alone, he was selected to test out the AI. He had no idea initially, that Adam isn't another toy.

Forever one for quirky ideas, he bought a genuine suit of armor and placed it inside his front door. He wired it to greet guests and stretch out its arms to receive their hats, coats, and jackets. It is a novel coat stand, if not comical.

Percy recently took two weeks off from his employment at Epic Games, where he works with the engineering and design teams for the game Fortnite. His specialty is character, gameplay, and level and systems design. He is a walking textbook of the game's current jargon and acronym usage. As a player, he's 'cracked' and sought after for team play. Naturally, his avatar skin is OG. (first of its kind)

He formed his sideline baking business because he preferred his nibbles in the shape of robots. Over the decades, many robot-loving children have grown up snacking on his robot-shaped bikkies in space-age flavors such as Mars bars, chocolate moon drops, and mercury melts. His robot crackers, chocolate bars, robot cakes, sweets, and robotic memorabilia are also hugely popular. His best robot kit sets are manufactured and sold on-site as well. The business made him his first million by the age of sixteen.

Percival Smart's Emporium has become famous, including the factory where his delicious goodies are baked and packaged. Children wanted tours, so he hired a team of vertically challenged individuals dressed in his personally designed robot suits. Percy didn't love children, but he remembered what it was like to be a child with an avid interest in such things and could see the business opportunities.

Brenda, a young lady from Percy's work, had visited Percy and Adam. Percy wanted to know if Adam could pose as a human for a guest. It's just as well Brenda has a huge crush on Percy, or she may have preferred Adam. Brenda is friendly with Adam, and together, they have a positive influence on stiff and starchy Percy.

Brenda has an additional reason for insisting they remain, at least, friends. She has the care of a young nephew, Steven, after her sister and Steven's father died in a car accident. He also loves robots and idolizes Percy.

It is a secret that Brenda and Steven turned up at the same beach holiday that Percy and Adam booked. Percy thought Adam had invited her, but it wasn't like that. Percy avoided Brenda after their 'first date,' and she sought guidance from Adam. After telling her where they were going, to alleviate her worry, he pointed out the importance of taking breaks. She took this as a suggestion to holiday herself – at the same seaside location.

By the end of their fortnight as a foursome, Brenda imagines herself as the 'girlfriend,' Percy and Steven have become chums, and Adam believes they make a great 'family.' He has enough information in his memory chip to know he mustn't say this to Percy in so many words - in fact, at all.

At the end of the two weeks away, Percy said, "If only we could stay here forever." The four of them had a wonderful time but had to return home.

"Dreams are free," said Adam, ever one to accurately calculate the exact cost of everything.

However, since their return, Percy has reverted to his workaholic existence, except for mealtimes with Adam present. Percy has learned the art of meaningful conversation, which banter he indulges in with Adam. It is the highlight of his day. He won't admit he likes to see Brenda at his place of work equally as much.

Adam keeps reminding Percy of the things he learned while on vacation. Brenda and Percy spent time together, and something remarkable happened. Percy had never laughed so much and loved spending time with Steven as well.

"You are in denial," said Adam. "There is no need to go back to Percy the prig."

"What? Where did that come from?"

"Brenda told me the boss calls you that behind your back. According to the meaning of the word, it's true. I can think of some worse and equally true expressions he could have used."

"No thanks, Adam. Don't want to know."

"Are you afraid of getting close to Brenda because of what happened to your parents? They died when you were only twenty. It must have been difficult."

"What's with the psychology, Adam?"

"It can be hard to invest in someone emotionally if you have lost those dear to you in the past. It creates anxiety that someone else you love will be taken away."

"I don't know. I feel tight in my chest and feel stressed whenever you speak positively about Brenda. I know she prefers me. Always has. But why me? Who am I to be fancied by someone so kind and pretty. It's easier to forget about the holiday and pretend I never knew she had feelings for me."

"As I already said, you are in denial. And you are a worthy person, Master Percy. You need to relax and be yourself. Don't overthink everything. Being a bachelor isn't set in concrete. Be open to new experiences. I'll help you."

"Mm. You've been right about most things. I suppose I should quit worrying . . . Easier said than done." He shook his head and slumped his shoulders.

"Master Percy, my information is always correct."

"That makes two of us!" Percy looked determined, bracing himself in case Adam came out with statistics to prove otherwise.

Adam suggested that Percy keep his promise and invite Brenda and Steven for lunch. Steven so wanted to see all of Percy's fantastic robotics. Adam prepared a delicious lunch of ham and egg sandwiches and homemade lemonade, which they had on the terrace overlooking the left side of the garden.

The tour of Percy's robotic displays went well. Percy and Brenda sat talking on the terrace over cups of tea served by Adam. Steven went exploring. He had been so intrigued by the suit of armor . . .

Percy and Brenda heard an almighty, echoing crash from somewhere in the house and rushed to see what had happened. They caught Steven standing on a chair beside the suit of armor. The visor had fallen onto the tiled floor.

"I'm very sorry," he said, his face flushed pink, "When it talked before, I thought someone was inside. I lifted that thing to check, but it came off."

Brenda giggled, but Percy just stood and looked with his mouth open. Adam had rushed through from the kitchen.

"And what did you find out?"

"There's no one there."

"What a relief. I wondered about it, too. No harm done. I'll fit the visor back on."

Brenda made Steven put the chair away.

Not half an hour later, Stephen arrived at the terrace dripping wet with bits of pond weed on him. "I'm very sorry. I bent down to see the fish and fell in."

Brenda looked stricken. "Oh, Steven. You might have drowned!"

Adam rushed to get a towel to wrap up the shivering boy.

He popped the towel over Steven's shoulders. "Boys will be boys. Master Percy has lived here all his life. He probably fell in, too, as a child."

Percy didn't smile. "I actually did. Friends of my parents visited, and their son pushed me in. How did you know?" He faced Adam.

"I didn't, but 'boys will be boys'. I'll keep a closer eye on Steven next time. No harm done."

It seemed a good time to drive Brenda and her nephew home. Apologetic, Brenda said she'd return the towel another day.

That evening, Percy and Adam bantered.

"You said, 'Next time'? Why did you say that? Do you think it's wise?"

"I'm learning too, Master Percy. I know the phrase, 'boys will be boys'. Now I understand it. I'll watch him next time. No damage has been done."

"My fish got a fright."

"I believe young Steven received an alarming wake-up call. I doubt he'll fall in again. Besides, I am responsible for ensuring no harm comes to human beings. Especially ones close to you."

Percy had also promised Brenda and Steven a tour of his Emporium.

"You have to take him, Percy. You promised. And you have to do so when everyone is there, working. You took me on a Sunday once, and nothing happened in the kitchen or the packing room. And the robot-dressed people had a day off. The experience was different from what you described. My imagination is based on recall, but I never saw it. It is true; I don't need to be entertained, but I'm sure Steven will expect to see some action. And he'll want to try some samples."

"I won't take him at tour time. Bratty kids everywhere making such a noise. And they all want photos with me. My face gets tired of all the fake smiles."

"Smiling is good. It takes less muscles to perform a small smile than to frown, you know."

"So, I've been told."

"If you go early on Saturday, it'll be like going as a fa- . . . a threesome. Much more special for Steven."

Percy sighed. "A promise is a promise."


After Percy and Adam picked up Brenda and Steven, and they pulled into the car park of Percival Smart's Emporium, Adam remained with the car. Steven grabbed Percy's hand and looked up at the imposing building before them.

"And you thought about building this when you were little like me?"

"Yes, I thought about it, but my parents agreed and made it happen."

"You must have been so happy. I wish Aunty Brenda and Granny could build me one."

"And be in competition with me? Aren't we friends? Why steal my ideas? Why don't you have a look and come up with a new idea to help me? I'll reward you if it's a good one."

On entering the foyer with its bright lights, clean white tiles, information desk, and brochure stand, Steven stared with eyes wide open. Percy turned to the woman at the counter in a smart black suit.

"Hello, Grace, I'm doing a personal tour with my friends today. Brenda and Steven, meet Grace."

He led them through the door to the bakery section of the Factory rather than the door to the Emporium's Shop.

When Steven saw the vertically challenged people in robot suits, he stood agog.

"I heard about them. It's like the Oompa Loompas in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!"

Some of the little robots gathered around to shake hands with him. Brenda took photos. Stephen had a huge smile.

Percy gave them a kitchen tour to see the big mixing machines and ovens. The workers wore white aprons and hats, and the small robot-dressed helpers donned aprons as well. After baking, cooling, and quality control, a large machine took the signature robot-shaped goodies, counted them into dozen lots, and bagged and sealed them. One of the little robots gave Stephen a bag of broken chocolate moon- drop cookies to munch on.

Work carried on as usual in the vast packaging room. Workers all down the line used a conveyor belt to take pre-bagged snacks, put set amounts in their corresponding illustrated boxes brought in from the folding room, seal them, and pack them in cartons. Everything ran with speed and efficiency.

Percy took them back to the Shop. Steven didn't know where to look first. The room pulsated with color and activity. Packs of robot-shaped biscuits in space-age flavors such as Mars bars, chocolate moon drops, and mercury melts stocked the shelves. His packs of robot crackers, chocolate bars, robot cakes, sweets, hugely popular robotic memorabilia, and robot kit sets had their stands in set areas. Colorful posters of robots decorated the walls.

"Take some goodies for you and your Aunty, Steven. I'm paying."

Brenda looked at Percy, her eyes sparkling. "You are so kind, Percy."

She carefully helped him choose snacks, memorabilia, and something for Granny at home.

He admired how Brenda looked after Steven so well. Her thoughtfulness and lack of greed amazed him. He planned to give them more packets and sweets another day.

Steven thanked Percy for the tour.

Brenda said, "You cannot eat in Percy's car on the way home."

Steven looked disappointed.

'Boys will be boys,' thought Percy, smiling.

On the way to Brenda's home Stephen told Adam all about his adventure.

Percy opened her door when they arrived back.

"Do you want to come in and meet my mother?" she asked.

"I, um, have other things to do, Brenda." Percy felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. "Maybe another time?" She looked hopeful.

Percy nodded. His throat had constricted.

"Sure, Percy. Can we make a date and time?"

"Rain check, Brenda. I-I'm rather busy."

She leaned closer and kissed his cheek. "Thanks for today, Percy."

Percy watched them walk down the path to their home, then turn and wave to him. He waved as he drove away.

"What do I do now, Adam?" he muttered.

"Master Percy. You must go. You made her believe you would."

The End

June 19, 2024 10:02

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McKade Kerr
03:38 Jun 29, 2024

I’m so happy to see them all again! You’ve created such great characters that are so fun to read about! I hope to see more of them again!


07:01 Jun 29, 2024

Thanks, McKade. Glad you are enjoying these characters.


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Helen A Howard
12:07 Jun 26, 2024

I love this A I story, Kaitlyn. It’s both humorous and pertinent. I know the story is part of a series but it stands out in its own right. Wouldn’t it be fun if you extended into a novel? It’s so funny the way Percy seems more AI In his approach to life than an actual AI. Very enjoyable.


20:49 Jun 26, 2024

Thanks, Helen. It's funny how Adam comes across as human, but then he comes out with typical AI stuff as well. I didn't want Percy to be in such denial. The prompt made me do it. LOL. I will have to try to redeem him. Maybe at Brenda's place with her mother.


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11:31 Jun 26, 2024

Such a sweet lovely story. The storytelling has a very classic feel to it despite including featurea such as AI. Very refreshing!


20:45 Jun 26, 2024

Aw, thanks Derek.


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Jim LaFleur
12:21 Jun 21, 2024

The optimistic portrayal of AI in Percy’s life adds a refreshing touch to the story. Great work!


03:56 Jun 23, 2024

Thanks, Jim.


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Marty B
15:34 Jun 20, 2024

With all the dystopian AI/robot stories, I appreciate your optimistic take on the possible future! "Do you want to come in and meet my mother?" "I, um, have other things to do..." Still with the commitment issues! He would be a wreck maybe even some kind of serial bomber without Adam to keep him straight.


22:46 Jun 20, 2024

I want him to improve LOL. The prompt made me do it. 'In Denial'. I had to go the whole hog. It's a let down after 'The Holiday,' though. Now I have to think of a story that fits Steven's great business idea. Actually, one good thig about Percy saying 'no' but Adam saying he has to. I see Percy going to Brenda's for dinner and it would be better without Adam present. Maybe . . .


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Alexis Araneta
17:18 Jun 19, 2024

Lovely work once again ! A delightful continuation of the series. I loved the descriptions here !


03:57 Jun 23, 2024

Thanks for reading, Alexis.


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Mary Bendickson
15:18 Jun 19, 2024

Percy is learning.


03:56 Jun 23, 2024

Thanks for reading, Mary.


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