I Haven't Forgotten You

Submitted into Contest #101 in response to: Write a story about a character who always repeats themselves.... view prompt

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Fiction Sad Romance

June 10, 2003

My love,

I went for a walk in the park today and was contemplating many rather philosophical aspects of my everyday life. Although I know this is the part where you'll start laughing to yourself and thinking of all these rather dramatic scientific solutions that completely deface the majority of beliefs and thoughts I have, I know that my words are very enlightening! Oh my, what would you even do with yourself if I never told you of all my "radical" explanations for "simplistic" concepts... Anyways, one thought led to another, and eventually, I landed on one that particularly struck a nerve. This topic, like a rose, seemed so delicate and like a virgin (see what I did there), to analysis and interpretation. To ease the suspense, I meant as well say it, it was about you and me.

Do you remember that time you were driving too fast in that old blue Ford, and you crashed it into that big oak next to the Oaklee river bridge? We were on our way to the dance, and we had just shared the most romantic kiss. You claimed that you were so in love with me you would swim the entire length of that darn river just to share another night with me. We got so caught up in laughing about it that it wasn't until you saw the headlights of another vehicle, that you swerved back into your lane. Unfortunately, you were only in the lane for about half a second before running us straight into a tree. Remember Mr. Weber's face when he showed up and your truck was halfway up that knocked down oak? The tree took falling to a whole other level and went to the point of trying to be 2-dimensional! He was so angry my daddy had to invest a thousand in his shop for him to not press charges!

Oh I miss the days when we were "young and in love". You always used to pick on me when I said that, but at the end of the bickering you would make sure to say that our love will last well beyond our age. Never, have I met a more unpredictably romantic person like you.

I hope you visit soon, it seems like it has been forever since you last came by. I love you endlessly; today, tomorrow, and forever.



July 10, 2003

My love,

Where have you been? I thought you would have stopped by to see me by now. I thought I could depend on you, love you, and cherish you. I thought by doing so when encourage you to do the same, but now sitting here, I feel betrayed.

I realized today how nothing ever prepares you for life. Not the years you spend in primary school learning Algebra, not losing a pet or even your own mother's kindness. Nothing can truly prepare you for life; for when your family puts a perfectly healthy sixty-year-old in a nursing home and wonders why she is unhappy, for when your children stop visiting you and you stop becoming a priority, and worst of all for when your marriage falls apart. We have been together since high school, and I truly thought we were the greatest love story. Now, I see how much of a lie it really was.

I will be filing papers for a divorce, get the annulment if you want. I couldn't care less, I'm not even catholic.



August 10, 2003

My Love,

Happy Anniversary. I love you endlessly; today, tomorrow, and forever. We got married on the tenth many, many, many, years ago today. You were the first and only person I have ever wanted to spend every moment of my life with. You are my sunshine, my treasure, my other half.

The nurses have said you stopped by very recently, but I think they have you mistaken for somebody else. I hope I see you soon, though. You never come visit me anymore.



September 10, 2003

My Love,

Is it true? I read my chart and it just can't be true. They diagnosed me with Alzheimer's, and according to the nurses they did this a while ago. I thought you would have told me. You didn't teach me that this was happening. How could you hurt me like this?

It is almost our anniversary, the tenth of December, and I don't want to see you. You and our daughter lied to me, everything was supposed to be fine.



February 11, 2003


It has been many weeks since you last spoke to me and I want to speak to you again. They're trying to find a cure for the Dementia I have, but honestly I don't know why it's so difficulty for these nurses to do so.

I like writing you on the 11th, it reminds me of us. I went to church and praid for you to come visit me soon.



June 20, 2004

My Dear Mallory,

Every time I read your letters, a piece of me joins you with the angels. You belong up there with them, you were always too perfect for this world. Your voice was the harmony to all life, your touch was the healer of all pain, and your beauty was everlasting. The day you passed will forever the day half of my soul died. Half of me will never be the same without you.

I know how terrible it was for you, in that nursing home. It was terrible for me too, seeing you in there. But in the most selfish and disgraceful manner, I would give everything to sit at that bedside table and play read with you like we did for all those days. I feel terrible for saying that, or better yet even thinking that because I know that you were gone long before you ever actually passed. I know you hated every minute in that terrorizing bubble. That's why the tenth will always be the best and worst day; you were finally free, but I had to accept that you were really gone. I love you endlessly; today, tomorrow, and forever.


Your Love

P.S. That kiss marked the day I started saving for our wedding.

July 03, 2021 23:08

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1 comment

Ryan Miller
15:29 Jul 11, 2021

Hi Alex, I really enjoyed the letter writing format! That's always been a cool and unique tool in my opinion, Dracula being a highlight. I'm curious what, if anything specific, motivated that choice? I look forward to reading your future submissions!


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