Love In A Boring Place

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt

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Jacqueline: Hiya~ 

    Anthony: Hello

Jacqueline: Whaddap? 

    Anthony: Nothin much, u? 

Jacqueline: Stuck at home :/ borrred 

    Anthony: Dang, that sucks haha 

Jacqueline: Yeahhh, corona am I right? How you doin’? 

    Anthony: Good as always

Jacqueline: That’s good. You’re not bored? 

    Anthony: Nope, doing the same thing I do everyday haha. 

Jacqueline: Nice haha. We haven’t talked in a while, how’s life been goin? 

    Anthony: Eh, anime, videogames, writing and school as always. 

Jacqueline: Oh, what major are you? 

    Anthony: Film & Media 

Jacqueline: Duude, that’s awesome. Sounds sooo much more fun than my major. 

    Anthony: Whats urs? 

Jacqueline: Bio

    Anthony: Yeah that’s lame 

Jacqueline: Hey! Don’t trash on my major

    Anthony: Ok nerd

Jacqueline: When did you become such a jerk hahaha, you were like the nicest guy in highschool

    Anthony: I’ve always been this way 

Jacqueline: No way, you were so sweet and always smiling. What happened fr?

   Anthony: Just college lol, don’t have the energy anymore

Jacqueline: … you sure your okay? 

    Anthony: Yeah, just alotta stress lol. Should be better now tho, I don’t even have to leave my house anymore. 

Jacqueline: Where do you live? 

    Anthony: Irvine, u?

Jacqueline: Riverside, you should come visiiiiiiiit 

    Anthony: No way, you got that corona

Jacqueline: I don’t I swearrr, I just want company. I hate being cooped up. 

    Anthony: Just go lick someone and get it over with then 

Jacqueline: You’re gross 

    Anthony: Good, stay away 

Jacqueline: Ugh, it’s pointless talking to you

    Anthony: Why’d you message me anyway?

Jacqueline: Idk, just wanted someone to convo with ig. Am I bothering you? 

    Anthony: Yes, I was in the middle of making my anime girl harem 

Jacqueline: Oh, sorry 

    Anthony: I’m just kidding haha, do you even know what that is? 

Jacqueline: Uh, no

    Anthony: … good. Dont look it up

Jacqueline: …. Shouldn’t have said that ;) 

    Anthony: Don’t- shit


    Anthony: … I told you not to 

Jacqueline: God… wtf, are all weebs creeps? 

    Anthony: No dont get the wrong idea

Jacqueline: Wtf is a loli

    Anthony: … 


    Anthony: I’m not a lolicon so you can stop now 

Jacqueline: PERV I shouldn’t have messaged you 

    Anthony: Haha

Jacqueline: My brother watches anime… 

    Anthony: I was joking, I just wanted to creep you out but I forgot you don’t watch anime. 

Jacqueline: It looked so innocent… 

    Anthony: Oi, I’m on the loli protection squad. I'm like the opposite of what your thinking right now

Jacqueline: Wtf, loli protection squad? That the most childish thing i’ve ever heard of ahaha, what’s next? You poop rainbows?? 

    Anthony: Ok, bye

Jacqueline: Hey, no, don’t leave

    Anthony: Have fun being alone

Jacqueline: Shut up, I have plenty of other friends I can text 

    Anthony: No you don’t

Jacqueline: Yes I do! 

    Anthony: No you don’t~

Jacqueline: Oh yeah? How do you know smarty pants? 

    Anthony: Cause you wouldn’t have texted me if you did

Jacqueline: … 

    Anthony: Yeah, that’s what I thought

Jacqueline: Fine, go

    Anthony: ???

Jacqueline: Go make your harem

    Anthony: … okay ;) 

Jacqueline: Ok

    Anthony: Okay what’s wrong? 

Jacqueline: Nothing

    Anthony: Yeah right, no one says ‘ok’ and is actually ok

Jacqueline: … I just don’t have anyone to talk to

    Anthony: You don’t have any friends at school?

Jacqueline: No I do

    Anthony: Then what’s the problem? 

Jacqueline: I’m not that close to them, and they all went home already 

    Anthony: And I am? 

Jacqueline: Shut up, I’ve known of your existence since elementary

    Anthony: Right. Hmmm anyways, no hobbies? 

Jacqueline: No, I usually have someone around to hang out with 

    Anthony: … you should… watch… anime

Jacqueline: NO THANKS

    Anthony: But you would like it~~~~

Jacqueline: I SAID NO

    Anthony: Come on, it’s not weird I promise

Jacqueline: Right, like I’m gonna believe you after saying what you did

    Anthony: Give it a chance. Here, I’ll give you the name of a movie, then ask your brother if it’s any good. 

Jacqueline: I don’t want to

    Anthony: Just do it. It’s called “Your Name”, ask. 

Jacqueline: … 

    Anthony: Hello?

Jacqueline: … he said it’s the greatest anime movie of all time

    Anthony: YES! NOW GO WATCH IT! 

Jacqueline: NO

    Anthony: Come oooon you have nothing else to do, do you? 

Jacqueline: No...

    Anthony: Watch it then. Text me when you are done. 

Jacqueline: ...fine 

Jacqueline: I watched it

    Anthony: Well?

Jacqueline: … it was actually pretty good 

    Anthony: YES, see I told you~~~!

Jacqueline: Yeah yeah don’t get your panties in a wad 

    Anthony: The emotional rollercoaster, being at the edge of your seat 

Jacqueline: Yeah it made me cry hahaha 

    Anthony: I have more recommendations if you want them~~~ 

Jacqueline: Mmm, maybe tomorrow, imma go sleep now 

    Anthony: Okey, I will have a full list ready for you ;) 

Jacqueline: Haha okay, goodnight

    Anthony: Night

    Anthony: -File Attachment- 

Jacqueline: Dude, that’s like 2 GB of data 

    Anthony: Your welcome :) 

Jacqueline: Ugh, how do you find the time to watch all this? 

    Anthony: Got nothing better to do

Jacqueline: Dude, don’t you have a girlfriend 

    Anthony: Ew, girls 

Jacqueline: Omg really 

    Anthony: Jk, I just like the solo life 

Jacqueline: I thought you were dating someone 

    Anthony: Yeah but we broke up a while back

Jacqueline: Damn, sorry dude 

    Anthony: No biggie 

Jacqueline: What happened?

    Anthony: She cheated on me

Jacqueline: Damn

    Anthony: Yeah, things didn't end well. I'm good now tho

Jacqueline: That’s good

    Anthony: Yep

Jacqueline: I’ve been meaning to ask. Why did you choose to do film for your major? 

    Anthony: Well, after my whole breakup sequence I only had the energy to watch movies and tv to make myself feel better. My parents taught me to never touch drugs or alcohol, so thankfully I didn’t fall into that. Watching media was all that kept me going. So I decided I wanted to make media that kept others going too. 

Jacqueline: Wow… that’s awesome 

    Anthony: Yeah I guess haha. Why did you choose bio? 

Jacqueline: Uhm, my reasons kinda lame compared to yours? 

    Anthony: Just tell me

Jacqueline: I just thought it was something cool and smart to do and tell people… everything else seemed boring. 

    Anthony: Interesting

Jacqueline: I can feel you judging me from the other side of the screen 

    Anthony: No I’m not judging you. That’s good, most people don’t even know what they want to do. 

Jacqueline: Yeah I guess. I feel kinda dumb compared to everyone else here tho. Used to be the smartest back in highschool. 

    Anthony: Yeah, you really liked to tell people about what it felt like being valedictorian haha 

Jacqueline: Hey, I wasn’t a showoff, so don’t make me seem like I was

    Anthony: “Woahh, guys my GPA is a 4.5, that’s crazyy. I don’t even know how I did that” 

Jacqueline: Hey! I didn’t say that! 

    Anthony: -File Attachment- 

Jacqueline: What the… how do you have that? I actually said that? 

    Anthony: Yeah, the meme group chat loved you

Jacqueline: … well damn. I feel attacked. 

    Anthony: Yeah, I don’t think there was a single person in our school that didn’t know who you were haha

Jacqueline: Wow, I sound like a bitch 

    Anthony: Nah you weren’t that bad. You were always nice to me. 

Jacqueline: I’m glad I had some form of human decency. It’s only been what, 2 years since then? Feels like eons ago. 

    Anthony: Yeah, it’s crazy what can happen in two years 

Jacqueline: Dude, now I’m stuck at home with my parents for the rest of the year :( Do you know how weird that is after living by myself for 2 years? 

    Anthony: Can’t relate lol 

Jacqueline: Really? Did you move out permanently already? 

    Anthony: Nah my parents gone

Jacqueline: Wait, really? 

    Anthony: Yeah they gone gone lol

Jacqueline: Oh no… I’m so sorry… when did they pass away? 

    Anthony: Don’t worry about it, happened back in highschool 

Jacqueline: Wait really?? How did I never know that? You never looked sad or anything 

    Anthony: Yeah I was just good at hiding it. Didn’t want anyone worrying about me. 

Jacqueline: Damn, I’m so sorry. I should’ve known

    Anthony: Don’t be sorry, it’s not your fault or anything

Jacqueline: Still, I feel bad. Maybe I could of helped or something

    Anthony: Nah, I think you had just broken up with your boyfriend so it’s not like you could’ve done anything anyway 

Jacqueline: That guy was an ass 

    Anthony: Yeah, actually. Don’t know why you dated him. 

Jacqueline: Ugh, hormones probably. Everyone said he was hot and I thought dating him made me the shit

    Anthony: You were already the shit, you didn’t need him

Jacqueline: Awwww, thanks boo ^3^ 

    Anthony: I take that back, I want a refund for my regards

Jacqueline: A refund huh? :) 

    Anthony: Nevermind, don’t even try 

Jacqueline: Aww come on. I thought you were actually pretty hot back in the day 

    Anthony: Thanks, I feel old now 

Jacqueline: Wow, so ungrateful 

    Anthony: What, do you want me to bow down at your feet? “Oh Jacqueline, I am unworthy of your praise. I should feel honored to even have your eyes skim in my direction!”

Jacqueline: Perfect :D 

    Anthony: Whatever, Imma go play video games now 

Jacqueline: Nooo, don’t leave meee 

    Anthony: Bai

Jacqueline: Pleaaase, I’ll buy you food later! Just gimme something to do or I’m gonna go crazy in here!

    Anthony: Food? 

Jacqueline: Yes, whatever you want 

    Anthony: Hmmmm… okay, it’s a date. 

Jacqueline: A date? 

    Anthony: -File Attachment-

Jaqueline: Oh yeah, it's a date ;)

March 22, 2020 10:11

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1 comment

Glennj Russell
01:03 Apr 02, 2020

Well, she laid a trap, and he stepped into it. Mama used to say that the way to a man's heart was through his stomach. At some point, though I may have missed it, a little foreshadowing of the possible ending would have piqued my interest, but excellent story.


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