The wedding crasher

Submitted into Contest #264 in response to: Center your story around two people who meet at a wedding.... view prompt


Romance Fantasy Coming of Age

Alexia was sitting next to the stream lost in thought as she fiddled with the braid in her long blonde hair, when suddenly a large rock fell into the water, splashing water over her!

“Hey!” she yelled angrily turning to look at a young woman in a beautiful purple and pink dress, seemingly way more comfortable than her own tight sapphire blue one.

"You asked for it! It couldn't be helped” Margot, Duchess of Livervale, teased, sticking out her tongue. Alexia examined her friend from top to bottom. "So, this is what your mum went with?”

Her eyes widened. “Wait is that a Rovlo? Not all of us have the connections for a Rovlo! Even being a Duke's daughter, we don't have the right connections for that… I envy that dress! You need to be careful most girls unlike me will hate the fact an Earl’s daughter has one!"

Alexia sighed deeply “Want it… It's yours… I hate these gaudy dresses I would much rather be doing magic!”

Margot’s mouth hung open “You can’t just give a Rovlo dress…” She put a hand to her head. “This is why your parent’s despair with you, you will never find a husband with behaviour like that! Come on! Noble boys from across the kingdom are here for your cousin's wedding, he is to be the next head of the house after all since you have no brothers. I hear even the King and the princes are here!” She exclaimed excitedly.

“Mother has already been introducing me to every single non-engaged noble son in the realm, even to kids half my age!” She fell backwards onto the dirt. “All I want to do is to learn and study magic, I wish I could be an adventurer with only the rules I made myself, every day finding something new, discovering lost magic and developing new spells at my leisure.” She stretched out her hand to the sky reaching for it, wishing for change.

“Why are you so obsessed with magic?” Margot asked.

“Doing magic is what makes me feel happy! I feel that while using magic I am connected to a missing part of myself, but no matter how much I delve I cannot find the source…” Turning her head to the water and muttering a simple incantation she summoned a large ball of water from the river, fish still swimming inside.

“I cannot believe with all that magic power you have! You are still not engaged!” Her friend exclaimed.

“Don’t!” Alexia moaned “Do you realise just how many proposals I am sent? Some perverts even want me to be a concubine all for the sake of granting them a powerful heir. I’m more than a breeding mare! So, I've been doing all I can to ruin the meetings!”

Her friend grimaced, “I am aware you have quite the reputation! You are lucky they have been houses of lower standing… Had it been a house with a higher rank like mine, you could be imprisoned within their realm! It would not surprise me if your parents even agreed to it...!” Alexia continued to watch the fish swim, her heart feeling like it was being crushed.

“Alexia! Come here!” Her mother yelled and with a deep sigh, carefully lowered the water ball back into the river to release the fish. She slapped her face several times to motivate herself before giving her friend a weak smile and with the walk of one on the way to the gallows walked over to her mother.

She looked at her mother Countess Kathrine Grew, standing there waiting for her like a dark cloud, even black and blue attire, with tasteful gold and diamond jewellery, to match her hair, reminding her of a cloud that was about to storm.

“Alexia have you been doing magic again?! What did we talk about?! You can’t use your magic unless it’s to entertain our guests! I swear, do you even listen to a word I say? By the gods look at you! Your make-up is ruined! Your dress…!” She exasperated before going ghostly pale. “Do you even know how much it cost?!” She took out her handkerchief and tried to clear the watered-down mascara, from her cheek. Alexia hated that her mother always made her feel like a young child, she never saw her for the adult she was.

Alexia cast a spell over herself, and her dress cleaned itself to look perfect. Her mother's eyes narrowed, and some colour returned to her face. “You are the daughter of an Earl! Start acting properly to your station. You are embarrassing the entire family with your behaviour this is not how we raised you.” Her mother looked at her disappointedly. The disappointment in her voice was worse than any scream, especially when she talked slowly and sternly like she was not a particularly well-trained dog that stained the carpet.

She wanted to reply with “You didn’t raise me at all it was the servants” But she knew better, she would be locked away until she was an old lady if she dared say anything like that. Looking at her feet feeling disheartened and close to tears she muttered. “Sorry Mother.”

“Alexia, you are sixteen, the time for simple excuses of ‘just being sorry’ is far gone, and beneath nobility. You must take responsibility for your actions, or lack thereof. You should be focused on finding a husband, not magic! As a noble lady, your duties will involve running a household and bettering the people according to your position. Rule by your own merits, not parlour tricks.” 

“But mother…I don’t want to get married…” She squeaked, stopping as her mother raised the back of her hand to her. She flinched expecting a hit, but then she snapped her fingers. “Yes, my lady?” The familiar voice of one of the house butlers Cuthfort sounded.

“Redo her makeup, and have her rejoin the party,” her mother ordered dismissively. Cuthfort gave a deep bow before ushering Alexia away. Despite her many protests, she was dragged to her bedroom, where the maids forcefully reapplied her makeup before dragging her back to the wedding.

Her entire family courtyard was a sea of colours, white banners and flowers were everywhere, and there was even a section dedicated to the gifts given to her cousin for his wedding. A live band played soft and gentle music as the guests mingled and talked.

The groom-to-be and his bride were mingling speaking with everyone, armoured guards were patrolling. She forced a smile on her face, she tried to play the good daughter role her mother wanted.

The wedding ceremony commenced, and the priests did their sermons and prayed for the gods to bless the married couple. The Bride and Groom exchanged swords to symbolise the protection of the bride passing from the father to the groom.

After what felt like an eternity she collapsed into a chair at the very edge of the party, “When will this nightmare end?” She groaned, keeping one eye on the different groups of people. Some noble daughters like herself were circling the partygoers attempting to single out the single noble or merchant sons as if they were lionesses in search of prey and the opposite the noble boys who only wanted one thing, going from girl to girl to attempt their tricks. It was exhausting so she retreated here to collect herself before she snapped and turned one of them into a popsicle or stone statue.

“You look how I feel!” A voice said from above her, she turned to look. He had jet-black hair blue eyes, a scar on his right cheek by his side was a beautiful sword and he was dressed in a fancy-looking dress shirt, which seemed more fitting to a lesser noble or merchant family.

He seemed to be roughly the same age as her, but his looks were unimportant, the magic within his body however was so beautiful and unique that she wanted to know more and perhaps run some experiments.

She could only manage a small squeak in response. “That bad huh, would you like a glass or a bottle.” He smirked at her, which sent electricity shooting throughout her body. She clutched her chest as it felt like her heart was being squeezed. “I’ll take that as a bottle please wait here.”

She watched him go and her heart sank, she wanted to speak to him more. “What's come over me? Why do I feel so strange?” She muttered to herself. It was a few minutes, but the man returned with a bottle of the finest red wine her family had in the cellars in his hands.

“Ah good you're still here, I was worried you would run off like you did with the others.” He joked and poured a glass of wine and offered her the glass. Her heart threatened to jump out of her chest.

She smiled weakly in response as she took the glass. “The thought didn’t cross my mind… I only did that as my parents are forcing me to find someone… At this point, I may get married to some old pervert or sent off to the church.”

He whistles loudly stretching out in his chair “Damn noble lives are tough… I don’t envy you… I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with that bull. I think I’ll grab you another bottle, you need it!” He chuckled. Several noble boys began to approach her but the man next to her, gave them a cold glare and they retreated.

Impressed she said, “Can I keep you by my side forever?” As the words left her mouth, she realised what she said and felt completely mortified and downed her wine to hide her embarrassment.

The man chuckled and refilled her glass “I might consider that!” He winked at her. “Could save us both trouble.” He teased, fully embarrassed she punched his arm.

“Stop teasing me!” She yelled turning away and pouting, he laughed again.

“Ah please forgive me I forgot to ask your name.” He asked his tone calm.

Blushing she responded. “My name is Alexia Grev of house Grev. The sole child of Earl Grev.” She looked at him intently. “What about you?”

He smiled “Who me? Just Veric, I suppose you could say I am the adopted son of Duke Swain, but I am not part of any claims or titles. I am the commoner dog, the duke took pity on and took into his house, which is why none of the noble girls here would touch me willingly.” He laughed good-naturedly.

Her eyes went wide. “I heard this story, are you, not the young commander who conquered the Koupain kingdom with three thousand men? How are they not flocking to you?”

He smirked again “It was one thousand, the other two thousand were those sick of their king who I offered to pay. As for the offers don’t forget I am just a commoner, the women of nobility would rather bathe in acid than touch me.”

“Those women are delusional; you are a great catch.” She stated firmly, before once more feeling embarrassed, and wanting to jump into the ground and hide forever.

He placed a hand over his heart before moving his hand beneath his eye as if crying. “Those are words I’ve always wanted to hear.” She could tell he was teasing her again and she punched his arm again.

A horrifying roar sounded in the distance “What is that?” she exclaimed in surprise. Veric sat forward his demeanour completely changed and where it was once warm and pleasant now it felt as sharp as a knife.

“That's a dragon roar.” Rising to his feet, “It appears to be a juvenile so hardly worth being called a real dragon.”

“Boy! There's a dragon now kill that lizard before I put my boot up your backside and do it myself!” Duke Swain roared from one of the nearby tables looking perfectly composed.

Veric smirked yelling “Can’t you see I’m talking to a beautiful lady old man! But for the lady, I’ll do it! So don’t stress it's bad for the heart!” He gave her a wink and she felt herself flush.

Duke Swain laughed in response. “Put on a good show for us boy! I’ll make sure no one interrupts. Is that alright your Highness?” He looked to the king who only nodded.

Veric bowed “Of course! I live to serve the Royal family and the nobility.” The Dragon roared again, and a shadow darkened the courtyard. Veric turned to look up massaging his fists “And here I thought the wedding was going to be dull! Please don’t disappoint me you beastie!”

The dragon swooped in low for an attack, seemingly aiming at the crowd, fire building in its mouth. Veric ran over to one of the guards stealing his spear before jumping up the courtyard tower until he reached the roof then threw his spear which the moment it left his hand roared like thunder and stuck the dragon in its right flank.

With a scream of pain, the dragon crashed down into the walls of the courtyard destroying the walls, it was a beautiful thing with dark red scales the size of three houses lengthways it lay on the ground stunned, Veric jumped down and with elegance of a master drew his sword approaching it for the final strike.

However, as he got close to it the dragon's tail lashed out, sending Veric flying and crashing into a stone statue of her grandfather. The dragon got to its feet and leapt down at Veric, instinctively she created a barrier to protect Veric and used a telekinesis spell to drag him to her.

Veric’s electrifying blue eyes once more looked upon her, making her even more determined to help. “Thanks! I might have become dragon chow with that, I appreciate you saving me” She helped him to his feet. “Wanna team up? I need a strong mage if I'm to kill that lizard.” He asked the Dragon roared and glared at them.

 “I will be helping you. This dragon is attacking my home, and I will defend it!” She said firmly in response.

The look on Veric's face despite him keeping one eye on the dragon was completely captivating. “Tell me what kind of magic you can use?”

“All kinds, I have a total affinity to all magic!” She boasted.

“Little miss perfect right here, anything you can’t do?” He teased. She blushed at his words brushing a loose strand of hair out of her face, looking away from him embarrassed.

The Dragon roared and blew fire she was so distracted her brain felt like mush, her heartbeat threatening to jump out of her chest. She could not even form a spell. But she felt herself being tackled to one side “Oi Lizard, can’t you see I'm having a conversation here wait your turn!” Her unease only grew when she realised, she was lying in Veric’s arms.

The dragon screamed again as Veric swiped his sword and his sword struck its right eye causing it to scream in pain, blood soaking the earth, Glaring at Veric with pure hatred. “Alright, let's get to dragon slaying. If you can cast fire resistance on me do so, if you know any spells that can tear his wings make that a priority! Other than that, harass it! If it looks like I’m in trouble save my butt again I will focus on the front and cut its head off! Got it?”

She nodded and cast fire resistance on him, and he charged in as the real battle began It was unlike any experience she had, everything until now was child's play, she was forced to duck and weave, blasting all kinds of magic spells at the dragon. But in that moment fighting alongside Veric she felt alive and free.

He was a marvel to watch and just by fighting together she felt herself grow, he kept yelling out different spells and commands to her, and it was thanks to him that she was not roasted alive several times and could tell why he was sent alone to handle the dragon and might have been fine earlier when she saved him.

The rest of the party watched the fight like some kind of show, cheering them on. Finally, thanks to her using water magic to dampen the soil and earth magic to pull the dragon to the ground, Veric managed to sever the dragon's head.

“Ha, we make a great team!” he exclaimed, walked over to her, and patted her on the shoulder. “You did well!” The crowd erupted into cheers, and the dragon was dead. But her heart sank, she didn’t feel like she did a good enough job.

“Sorry, I slowed you down…” She murmured looking at the floor, feeling like tears were about to fall.

He lifted her chin and looked directly into her eyes; he was so close that her brain stopped working normally. “Alexia, that was your first battle, was it not?” She nodded. Then you did perfectly well. Its thanks to you, I killed it so easily. There is only one thing you are indeed lacking.”

Her heart hurt at his words dreading them, but she had to know them. “What is that?” she asked timidly.

“Experience! I can tell you have the practice and the book theory to perfection, but you lack real field experience. So don’t worry that all comes with time, now I better flee before the old man does something else.”

Watching him go caused desperation to claw at her “No stop!” she yelled.

He turned to look smiling “Why? Want to come with me?”

She gives him a cocky grin “I’ll consider it if you give me a dance! It is a wedding after all!” she commanded, grabbing his arm.

He grabbed her waist smirking “Let's go!”

August 21, 2024 23:48

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