Mystery Suspense Friendship

The sound of police sirens wailed, as several police cars raced down the streets toward an old looking factory that everyone knows has been shut down for years. In front of the building, Thomas held Reanna's older sister, Bella, tightly by the wrists. Both were pretty beaten up after the fight that had ensued, but Thomas was able to finally pin Bella down in the end.

Thomas watched as a police car drove away with Bella, and sighed with relief that that was over. "Detective!" he heard an officer yell out. "Yes, officer?" Thomas answered. "It's Reanna. She's in a coma at the hospital." the officer exclaimed.

Thomas's whole world stopped at the news; why was Reanna in a coma? "What happened to Red, I mean, Reanna" he asked. "Apparently, Bella bribed one of our own men to attack her in her cell not long after you left." the officer explained.

The detective wasted no time hopping in his car, and rushing to the hospital.


Thomas looked down at Reanna, and was suddenly on the verge of tears. She was hooked up to two machines that was helping her stay alive. "Why would Bella do this to her own sister?" Thomas asked himself, sitting in a chair next to Reanna's bed.

A week passed, and Reanna still didn't wake up once. She was taken off of one of the machines because she was getting a little better, and it gave Thomas a little hope.

Every night, after work, Thomas would stay next to Reanna's side, anxiously waiting for her to wake up.

"Red, you're strong you know. After what you went through as a kid and still trying your best to help anyone you can. I wouldn't have been able to do that." Thomas admitted, though he knew Reanna couldn't hear him.

"I know it may sound weird, but after becoming a detective I checked out your background. Your dad left your mom when she was pregnant with you, and your mom was put behind bars for alcohol abuse only three months ago. Now, your older sister is also in jail for murder." he finished.

Sighing, he leaned closer to Reanna and asked, "What's your secret to being so strong-willed, Red?" A tear ran down his red cheek, when the only answer was another raspy breath from Reanna's mouth.


Two nights later, when Thomas was sleeping on a sofa beside Reanna's bed, the heart monitor started to beep faster and faster, until Reanna jolted awake.

It was so sudden, Thomas heard it and woke up too. "Re....Reanna." he stuttered joyfully, as he rushed over to her. "What's going on?" she asked. "Red, you were attacked, and-" "How do you know me." Reanna asked, cutting off Thomas.

Thomas gave her a confused look, and said, "Reanna, it's me Thomas. I've been your best friend since..." his voice trailed off as he started to realize that Reanna had no clue what was going on. "You don't remember me at all?" he asked.

Reanna gave him a slight shake of the head, as she continued to gaze at him with desperate eyes. "Do you know who you are?" Thomas asked. "I suppose my name is Reanna, because you've called me that, but other than that no. What's going on?" she asked back. Thomas's eyes widened, before he said, "Wait here, I'm going to get a doctor."

Reanna watched as he left; something inside her told her, this Thomas person was someone she could trust.


"You telling me, she has amnesia?" Thomas asked, after the doctor had examined Reanna. "Yes, it seems like it. I showed her pictures of Bella, her mother, even mentioned a few childhood friends. She had no idea who they are or who she is." the doctor answered. The two were in the hallway, so Reanna couldn't hear their conversation.

"Was it the beating or the shock that caused this?" Thomas questioned. "We're not real sure. It could have been both. I'm also not sure if this is permanent." the doctor answered. "Thanks doc." Thomas said, watching as the doctor walked by him.

Sighing, Thomas went back into Reanna's room, and sat down next to her bed. "What did they say?" she asked, keeping her eyes locked on her hands. "You have amnesia. It could have been the shock, the beating, or both." Thomas answered, Reanna looked at him and chocked out, "Why was I being beaten?" Her voice sounded so scared and lonely, and it broke Thomas's heart.

"You were in jail, and your older sister bribed one our officers to kill you." After saying that sentence, Thomas knew he shouldn't have. "I was in Jail? Why?" Reanna exclaimed. "Reanna, calm down. I told you way too quick." Thomas reassured her. "Thomas, why was I in jail?" she asked.

"You framed for murder by your older sister." he responded. "Why did my sister try to frame me?" she asked. "I don't know. I mean you two had a rough childhood. I guess she was mad you didn't join her down the criminal path." Thomas said.

"A rough childhood?" Reanna asked, puzzled. Thomas nodded, and Reanna leaned closer to him and asked, "What happened?" "Your dad left your mom when she was pregnant with you, and your mom is in jail for alcohol abuse." Thomas said trying to be brief.

After she got the answer to her question, Reanna leaned her head against the wall behind her, and said, "If there's a cure for amnesia, I don't want it." "Why?" Thomas questioned. He knew there wasn't really a cure for amnesia, but wondered why Reanna wouldn't want it if there was.

"If I had a bad childhood, I don't want to remember any of it. I want to start over in life. A better life." she answered, smiling as she looked at the ceiling. Thomas saw how hopeful her eyes were, and understood her reasoning. "There is one thing I wish I did remember." Reanna stated.

The statement startled Thomas and he asked, "What?" "You." Reanna simply answered. Thomas and Reanna locked eyes and smiled at each other. "I'm going to go see when you can get out of here." Thomas said before leaving once again.


"You sure it's no trouble for me to stay with you?" Reanna asked, as she and Thomas drove down the busy streets. "I'm sure, and I couldn't find any of your relatives, who live in the States." Thomas answered, stopping at a traffic light.

Thomas wasn't lying; he had searched for the couple days that Reanna needed to stay at the hospital to recover from her injuries. It was like her whole family had vanished from the face of the earth.

"How long have we been friends, Thomas?" Reanna asked, as the light turned green and they started down the road again. "Since we were five, Red." Thomas smiled as he answered. "Is that your nickname-" "Yes, you didn't like it when we were kids, but I still call you that." Thomas interrupted smirking.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Thomas could see Reanna smiling. "I'm happy I'll be getting to know you all over again." she said, as they pulled into Thomas's apartment building. After turning off the car, Thomas finally stopped resisting the urge and hugged Reanna.

He felt Reanna hug back, and he whispered in her ear, "If you ever remember something painful tell me and we'll get through it together." "I will." Reanna answered back.

January 01, 2021 20:19

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21:24 May 27, 2021

Haha! I love how you threw in Red as a nickname she loved. It made me smile. Great continuation. I also enjoyed how you worked in this week's prompt. I was wondering how you were going to do that. I'm going to read the first part of the sequel now. Keep it up!


Phoebe DeNeve
21:29 May 27, 2021

Thanks for the great feedback! Fun Fact: Red is actually my nickname given to me by my grandfather.


21:43 May 27, 2021

Aw, that is adorable! I always loved the nickname Red. I used it for a character recently myself. I was surprised to see it in your story. Except my character preferred her nickname over her name--the opposite to your original Red. Too funny.


Phoebe DeNeve
21:47 May 27, 2021

I've had so many nicknames growing up due to my red hair and my name. It seems my friends always come with new ones everyday. LOL


22:50 May 27, 2021

My best friend had red hair growing up. Maybe that's why I like it.


Phoebe DeNeve
02:42 May 28, 2021

Did you enjoy "Snow on the Pines?"


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Lilliane Wei
08:44 Jan 10, 2021

Hi again, Phoebe. Like the last story, this was an amazing one with such a great plot and storyline. Same advice as last time but also, this story was much more emotional than the last one and I thought that you conveyed it perfectly. Great job! -Lillian


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