The Midnight Ghost

Written in response to: Start or end your story with a house going up in flames.... view prompt


Horror Thriller Suspense

Once upon a time, in an old mansion in the middle of the woods, lived a woman and her husband. Their names are Nicole and John Patterson. They have been living in this house for about 3 years since Nicole’s grandmother passed and left her the house. The house is a 5 bedroom and 4 bathrooms, in a small town in Atlanta. Lots and lots of trees and grass surrounded the house. But one thing about this house is that Nicole and John didn’t know that her grandmother forgot to tell them that someone murdered 3 people in that house. I guess her grandmother didn’t feel like it was something to tell.

Even though they have been living there for 3 year’s nothing stuck out to them or nothing never happened in the 3 years. Nicole and John always went on about their day with nothing to worry about. Until one day, while Nicole was in the garden, she looked up and seen something standing in the middle of the trees. She wiped her eyes to see if she was seeing things, but when she looked up, the strange thing disappeared. Nicole grabbed her things quickly frighten by what she saw. She went into the house calling her husband, who was at work, to let him know what she had seen and to come home as soon as he can.

Not over 2 hours later, John comes walking in the door and Nicole runs to him. There was something strange standing in the woods but I couldn’t see what it was so I called you said, Nicole. John replied how many times have you seen this? Well, a few times before but it was just sounds, so I didn’t think anything of it since we live in the middle of nowhere until it got closer this time. I just didn’t want you to worry replied Nicole. John hugged his wife tight and said I will put cameras up around the house inside and outside first thing in the morning. Okay replied Nicole.

As the day turns into night, they both got ready for bed until they heard a loud noise coming from downstairs. John told Nicole to stay right here I’m going to check it out. Nicole nodded her head and said be careful. As John is walking down the stairs, he hears that same loud sound again that he heard from upstairs. So he stopped for a minute, then started back going down the stairs. It sounds like it’s coming from the kitchen; he said to himself. John finally makes it to the kitchen and doesn’t see anything. So he looked around, checked all the doors and didn’t find anything so John walked back into the kitchen and got him a glass of water.

John drunk his water and set his glass down on the countertop, then made his way back upstairs to his wife. While he was walking up the stairs he that he just felt something just touched him but when he looked back nothing was there. So he got to the room and told his wife what happened and she said I’m scared. You don’t have to be, honey. Those cameras will be up first thing. John kissed his wife, and they both laid down to sleep. As they were sleeping, Nicole moved around in her sleep, then she jumped up, dripping with sweat. What’s wrong? Honey said, John. I just had a little nightmare, but it felt so real, Nicole replied.

The morning hits and they wake up to the beautiful birds chirruping and the delightful smell of fresh leaves. Nicole got up to start the coffee and to make them both some delicious breakfast while her husband gets ready for work. John comes downstairs and sits at the table, waiting for his plate. Nicole said almost done just a few more minutes. Okay replied John. Not too long after, Nicole was coming with his plate and coffee. As Nicole sits down in her chair, that’s when John told her he just got off the phone with the security people and they will be here about 10am to hook up the security system. That’s a relief replied Nicole.

John finished his breakfast, kissed his wife, and grabbed his suitcase before heading out the door to work. Love you said John, love you back replied Nicole. Now the story gets stranger than before. Nicole goes and grabs some more breakfast to watch tv until the security people come. As she ate her food and watching tv, she felt herself dozing off. It was already close for the people to come, so she went into the kitchen and do the little dishes. Soon after, she heard a knock at the door, so she went to answer the door, but no one was there. Nicole turned back and seen that the kitchen had a little fire and she moved quickly to put it out. What is going on in this house said, Nicole. First, something was standing in the trees, then the loud sounds in the house last night, and then the knocking on the door.

Then there was another knock, and Nicole went to answer with a mad look on her face. Stop knocking at my door. Oh, I’m sorry I thought you were knocking back and forth. Must have been someone else. But anyway, come in said, Nicole. Where do you want the cameras set? Said the security person. Where ever you think will cover the entire area replied Nicole. Okay, let me get to work replied the security person. So he walked off to go set the camera up and Nicole went to watch tv. 2 hours later the man came back and said all done and gave me the instruction to set up the security code. Thank you so much said, Nicole. Your welcome and goodbye replied the security person.

She waited until her husband got home for him to set up the security code for the house. Staying watching her favorite tv show, John walks in the house early from work. Hey honey, hey why are you home so early replied Nicole. The office computer went down and the boss said we all can go home early because it might take a day or two to fix the entire system replied John. Anyway, did the people come said John, yes and hook everything up. That’s great, said, John. So since you are home early, that means that we can have a movie day since you have been working hard said, Nicole. I will love that replied John.

But before we find a movie and I go make us some snacks, I have to tell you what happened today. What is honey? Said, John. Well, before the people got here someone or something keeps banging on the front door but when I went to go check nobody was there and then when I closed the door the kitchen was on fire and I didn’t leave anything on. Do you think we got a ghost in the house said, Nicole? I don’t know, but since we got cameras, we will see replied John. Yeah, you're right said Nicole and now it’s time to find a movie to watch. What movie do you want to watch hun? With so much going on, how about we watch an action movie? That’s sounds good to me replied John.

As they looked for their movie, Nicole went into the kitchen to fix some popcorn and poured them a glass of water. As they watch the movie, they hear a loud cry saying, get out or die. They both jumped up and looked back but didn’t see anything, They started back watching the movie, then a loud sound came from the kitchen and John went to check it out. When John walked into the kitchen, he sees all of their cabinets open with their sliver wear on the floor. John cleaned the stuff up. John walks back into the living room and told his wife what happened. I think it’s time for us to go to bed said, John. I think you're right, Nicole replied. So they made their way upstairs to get ready for bed.

Time went by and they gave the cameras enough time to catch something and they saw that there was a ghost in the house and she was furious. What are we going to do said, Nicole? I don’t know replied John. She not going to run me out my house said Nicole, but Nicole didn’t know what she started when she said that. That made the ghost furious. So when Nicole said that, things happened, and the ghost wasn’t playing. The ghost said to leave or die. And Nicole said no. But Nicole didn’t know that this day will be their last day living in this house.

As the day went by, Nicole and her husband John went out to run some errands to get some things for the house and when they came back, their house was a mess. The Ghost came out and said to leave or you will go down with the house. Nicole said no and the Ghost got angry and set the kitchen on fire, then the living went up in flames. By the time you know it, the entire house went up in flames and they had to rush out of the house. Nicole and John had to sit out there and watch their entire house go up in flames.

The moral of the story is don’t fight against ghosts or your house will get burnt down.

August 24, 2021 05:29

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