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Drama Romance Mystery

"...Huh?" The brunette-haired girl raised her eyebrow, then she frowned. "Where... did you just said we will be moved to?" she asked her boyfriend.

"Yokohama. You haven't forgotten our hometown, right? The Boss said we will be transferred there. It's on mission purpose," he answered, looking into the girl's round eyes. "Don't worry, no one will know–"

"–No," her face went gloom, then walks toward the door. "I won't go. You can go alone if you want, you loved the place anyway. But not me, so I won't go. I'll be waiting for you here." she continued as she opens the door.

"No, wait, please, listen to me," he begs, holding the girl's hand. "I know that that place is your hell and nightmare, and I know well how you hated the place. Sometimes you just shiver from hearing the city's name. But please, I need you there. I can't go alone."

The girl groaned. "Why? Your family is there. Maybe they didn't look like it, but I know they're waiting for you to return. Of course, without me," she looked down. She tried to hide her emotions, but it seems like it failed.

"Look at me," he held up her chin. "You know what would they do with me if you're not with me, right? I mean, yeah, I loved the place. I love that city so much, that I don't actually want to move and live anywhere but there, but I can't exactly go back alone. They would just trap me inside the house again. Plus, you won't be there to save me like before. Then we won't meet again. Do you want that? It's not like you're actually a fugitive or anything-"

"I AM a fugitive. Even if it's not on my control, even if I'm controlled by someone, I..." she looked down again, sighing then mumbling "...I've killed so many people," she's trembling with fear, her tears are going to fall anytime soon.

"Yeah, you killed them. So what? They won't be coming back alive, anyway," he let go of her hand, then hugs her and stroke her back, trying to calm her. "Look, I know you're trying to repent about what you did back then, but again, it won't change anything. If you go there with me, you and me–together, we will save people. I bet the people you killed would also be pleased with that. Also, besides my family matters, you know that we're both so helpless without each other, right? Do you want to spend the rest of our time worrying for each other, hm?"

His warm hug, his gentle and calm voice, his body scent seems to break down her defense and all her tough act she is putting up all this time. She then sobbing and shakes her head.

"Yeah, you can cry all you want," he patted her head. "And just so you know, whether you want it or not, I'm going to take you there, even if it's by force. You know, our next mission will be about you."

Confused, her tears just suddenly stopped, and she stared his boy's eyes, demanding an explanation.

"About your background, and about the group that controlling you that night. Which family are you from, or why did you're on that lab, who are those mad scientists, etc. We'll dig all the truth about you, so you also have to be there."

"... Alright," she finally agreed, after thinking for a while. "Well, the truth is I did remember something from my past. But I'm not sure, and I don't want to disappoint you or anything."

"So, you'll go with me?" His face is finally full of smile. He looks so happy.

"Yeah, yeah. How can I say no after all of that?" she chuckled. "But you better promise me that you won't leave me alone outside. I'm okay inside the house though."

"Alright, I promise."

1 week later

           The next stop would be the Yokohama station. The next stop would be the Yokohama station.

           The sound of the train attendant echoed in the whole car, waking up a certain 25-year-old boy. He stretched his body, and he tried to wake the girl beside him.

           “Hey,” he shakes the brunette-haired girl. “Yura, wake up. The next stop is ours.”

           “Mmmrrghh,” Yura groaned, forcing herself to wake up. She stretched her body a bit, then looking around. “Where are we going, again?” She asked while looks confused. The boy just can sigh.

           “Yokohama, remember? We will be living here for 1 year,” he tidied up his belonging, preparing to get out of the train. "C'mon, don't make that sour face. We already talked about this before, right? Hurry up, the door would be opening anytime soon."

           She lets out a big sigh, then gets up from her seat. She thinks for a while. Suddenly she got this awful feeling about this trip.

"Dai," she called, making the boy tilted his head. "It will be okay, right?" she asked while gripping Dai’s clothes. Dai smiled.

           “Yes, we will be okay. Everything’s going to be okay. C’mon, the door opened.” He held Yura’s hand tight, not having any intention to let go.

           "So warm," Yura mumbled.

           “Hm? What’s that?”

           “No, it’s nothing,” she chuckled. “Thank you.”

           “You’re welcome.”

They walked for a while, and finally get out of the station. Dai looked around.

           “Someone should’ve pick up us here–WHOA, are you okay? Your face turned green,” he shocked after seeing Yura is so close to barfing.

           “No, I’m okay. It just, there are so many people here, I–”

"–Yeah, I understand. You sit there," he pointed a bench where there are fewer people. "I'll go buy some drinks," then he walked away. Yura stunned as she looks at Dai get further from her place. She can feel her body trembling and being cold in fear.

           “NO!” she screamed, hugging Dai tight, making him really startled and confused. “You PROMISED me you won’t leave me alone outside the house. You promised me, don’t you? Are you going to betray me now? After I agreed to come here?” she’s starting to sprout non-sense things, making people around them filled with curiosity and surround them.

           “No, no, wait, calm down. I’m sorry okay? I forgot,” he hugs Yura, calming her down. Then she began crying. “Hey, we’re kinda making an appearance here. Everyone is watching us, so let’s go,” he takes Yura’s hand–strong and furiously–and walking out, trying to make their way home.

           “Ouch, it hurts! Dai, are you okay? You looked all irritated here,” Yura got more scared, looking at Dai’s furious face.

They stopped. Dai turned his head, with his usual smile. “I’m okay. Sorry, I’m just confused and kind of mad because all those people who watch us earlier. They’re watching us like in a theatre,” he explained himself. He softens his grip and continuing their trip back home.


           Even after they arrived, Yura is still crying. She’s seriously trembling in fear, while her dark past is just keep playing in her head, like a movie.

           “It feels like forever since I’ve seen you like this. I’m sorry, I thought you have at least recovered for a bit,” Dai scratched his head, confused and feeling sorry for her. Actually, it’s not her first time acting like this. In the past, she has been like this for a whole year. It's not easy for Dai to make her open up and act like a proper girl of her age. He then remembered something, and begin rummaging his belongings, trying to find something.

           “Here, your favorite doughnut,” he hands out a plain sugar doughnut. It’s a good thing he sneaked out to buy it before they departed. Yura stopped crying, taking the doughnut, and started eating it. He smiled watching Yura. “I somehow know it would be like this anyway, so I bought some. Though I still couldn’t understand why you love this thing so much.”

           “This doughnut is delicious. Just try it,” she raised her half-eaten doughnut, trying to force Dai to eat it, but it failed. “Just so you know, I love this doughnut more than you, so if I share it to you then it means I acknowledge you. So you better be grateful,” she speaks as she eats, waving her doughnut. Dai chuckled.

           “Why should I? Don’t speak when you’re in the middle of eating something. And don’t wave your food around, it’s inappropriate.” She just nodded.

           Silence. The only thing they can hear just cicadas singing and someone munching. Dai trying to cool himself down with some ice cream, but it still feels way too hot. He fans himself while trying to figure out something.

           “Hey,” he called Yura, breaking off the silence. “If you can’t even be alone outside, how will you do your mission? I can’t be with you every single time you need to go outside; you know.” Yura pouted as she listening to him.

           “It’s not like I wanted it. I hate this city. The city itself, and the people. I’m okay in any other place, but NOT Yokohama. As for why, you should’ve known,” she sulked. “The only reason I agreed to come is because of you and your promise.”

           Dai raised his head, confused. “You don’t want to know about your…past? Before you were transferred into the lab, I mean.”

           “Nope. I’m not interested in it. I thought you know this, but as far as I remember, I was always being on that organization’s lab, being a guinea pig. I was 2 at that time, so maybe I even born there? Who knows,” she shrugged her shoulder.

           “About your parents? Do you ever wonder who they are?”

           “Not interested," she answered without hesitating. "I don't have any slightest interest in that. All I want to know is what would I do for the future. Marrying you is one of them."

           Dai gasped; his face went as red as a tomato. “Wait, why are YOU the one who proposing me?” He asked, flustered.

           “Ehh, you don’t want to marry me? I clearly said ‘if you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with me, then just go away and never ever come into my life again,’ 5 years ago and you agreed to it.”

           “You were serious about that…?”

           “Of course, I am. I’m always serious, y’know.” She pecked Dai's cheek and goes to her own room while humming.

           Silence again. The only difference is Dai is over-heated and nearly died from being embarrassed; he can even feel his own heart skipped a beat then beating again crazily. Nevertheless, he may seem to hate the idea he’s the one being proposed, but deep inside he’s so happy and hoping that this happiness can last forever. Then he remembered something important. He crushes his ice cream’s wrapping and looked at Yura’s room’s door furiously.

           “No, I shouldn’t be happy. I…both of us–especially her–doesn’t deserve those kinds of happiness,” he gripped his pendant strongly and think very deeply.

           “Wait for me. I’ll put an end for all of this very soon.”

Three months have passed since then, now they're completely busy with the mission. As Dai mentioned before, the mission this time is to find out about Yura’s past. It is all for clearing her name. The agency they’re in is already determined to make Yura their comrade, but Yura herself didn’t want it because she is in fact a mass murderer, so she said that she doesn’t have any right to join them. The others keep convince her that it’s not the case, but Yura doesn’t want to understand, so they thought it is for the best to dig about her past so that she can move on.

"But really, are you actually born there? I mean, there are no documents or data regarding your birth and your parents, no matter how we search," Dai asked when they're having their lunch.

            “Mmh, don’t care,” she dodged the question. She took one spoonful of Dai’s curry, getting complaint from the owner of the food.

           “It looks good,” Yura said innocently, putting a piece of her pork cutlet on his plate. "Here, compensation."

           Dai sighed. “Hey, be serious. What if we never find the truth about you?”

           “Don’t care~” she looked like it wasn’t her problem. Somehow, she feels like today will be a long and depressing day, but she brushed it and act like usual.


           “If you’re THAT curious, why don’t you just go there, then? Faster than searching from scratch without any reliable sources, right?” Suddenly her voice becoming serious. Her expression said it all: she IS being serious. Not only her voice and expression, the aura and atmosphere there just suddenly being grim. Dai stunned. Uh oh, the sound of trouble. He thought to himself.

           “Just go…where?” he asks carefully, making sure.

           “Their stronghold, of course. It is your house, after all,” Yura wipe her mouth, giving a sign that she is done eating. “That’s what are YOU coming for, right?” she smirked. Yep, it's trouble coming right here.

           “It WAS my house. Or rather, it's my parents' house," Dai answer half-heartedly, feeling restless. Then he remembered something. "Moreover, are you going to be alright, going there? You hated the place and all.”

           “No. I won’t go. I know you want to go home so badly, but you always hesitated because of me, right? I’m okay waiting alone at home, so you go and–”

           “–No, we’re in this together. I won’t let you slack off while I might have to fight for my life there.” He said sternly.

           “Urgh,” Yura groaned. She thinks for a while. Something’s fishy. “Fine, but–”

           “FREEZE, POLICE!” a deep voice roaring inside the whole restaurant, making them wonder what the hell happened. Except for Yura, of course. She’s trembling, scared to death. She shut her eyes tightly, mentally preparing what would happen after this. She can hear their footsteps getting nearer and nearer to them, eventually stopped, right on her right side.

           “You. Come with me.” Yura can feel her heart dropped. But she won't give in just yet. She took a deep breath, looking at the cops on his eyes.

           “Why? Did I do something?” She asks, trying to be as innocent as possible.

           “This,” the cop pulls out a file, giving it to her. She took it, her eyes getting bigger as she read the content. It consists all things about her. Her complete and updated profile, her daily life, and of course, her crime. “It’s you, right? The fugitive who killed a whole big and respectful family who has been disappeared for this past 6 years.”

           Oh shit, so this is the bad feeling I’ve been feeling for these past 3 months. I should’ve known I shouldn’t–wait. There's something wrong here. The one who knows the way to this place should've been limited to a member-only. Furthermore, the only one who knows this much about me is just–

           Yura tries to take a look at Dai's face. She holds her breath, shocked because of the fact that she wouldn't even dare to believe. He’s smiling. That smile. That wicked smile of his. He…betrayed me?


"He's the first son and the heir of Furukawa family–the name of the family that you slaughtered–and the head of the military forces, Furukawa Daichi.”

           “Dai, it’s a lie, right? Hey, Dai–”



           “Don’t you dare ever call me by that name again, you murderer. This is what you get for killing my family. Take her away. Get rid of her," he said as his expression going darker, and his tone sounds cold.

           Yura can feel her blood boiling. No, don’t do it. Don’t–

           Her eyes went red, and her body burning with rage. Before she knew it, she took the fork on his table and started slaughtering the cops. She uses her weird powers–the one she gets from being a guinea pig for many years–to trap everyone inside the restaurant they’re in.

She hesitates a little. She wanted to kill everyone, but there’s this only person she couldn’t kill, no matter how they hate each other.

           No, it was because she LOVED him, that she couldn't bring herself to kill him.

           But it’s too late. There’s almost nothing but hatred inside her.

           “Hey Dai,” she walked towards Dai’s unconscious body, and crouched in front of him. “Are all of it…a lie? I don’t really mind about your true identity, but your attitude, your smile, your warmness, your…everything towards me. Are all of it just nothing but a lie, to deceive me? To make me feel tortured like this?” her tears rolling down on her cheek as she speaks. Her heart was really torn into pieces.

           “...It’s true that I don’t want to kill anymore. But now there's no point for me to even live anymore.”

She takes some oil from the kitchen, pouring it everywhere she can, and starting a fire to burn down the whole building.

“We'll die together. That way, we would be together, for eternity.”

September 17, 2020 14:56

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1 comment

21:32 Sep 23, 2020

I love the story, it's very creative. Try reading it out loud, it will help you catch missing words and wrong tense verbs. Keep writing!


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