Adventure Drama Science Fiction

This story contains themes or mentions of substance abuse.

Part I: The Pyramid’s Arrival

Beatriz Chanoyu stood on the bridge overlooking the stream that meandered through the urban landscape of Nazca. The water below reflected the late afternoon sunlight in shimmering, golden patterns. The river, with its mix of clear currents and patches of discoloration from upstream debris, flowed lazily under her gaze. Nearby, a great kiskadee with its bright yellow underparts and rusty brown wings swooped down to snatch an insect near the water’s edge. The surrounding greenery, a mix of lush vegetation and patches of scrubland, provided a soothing contrast to the concrete buildings lining the riverbanks.

But Beatriz’s mind was far from tranquil. As a journalist tasked with covering the most enigmatic and bizarre occurrences in the region, she had grown accustomed to strange phenomena. Yet, the recent discovery had unsettled her. A pyramid had appeared on the Nazca Plain—five meters on each side, its presence unreported and as mysterious as the ancient geoglyphs that surrounded it.

It wasn’t just the pyramid’s sudden materialization that disturbed her; it was what the government had declared about it.

A low buzz emanated from her pocket, pulling her out of her reverie. Beatriz took her phone out and saw the notification that was broadcasted on every major news channel across the country.

Beatriz’s fingers hovered over the screen as she hesitated to open the video. She knew the contents well enough—had even helped draft parts of it for the Ministry of Cultural Affairs—but seeing it on her phone screen made it feel disturbingly real.

Taking a deep breath, she pressed play. The familiar voice of the Minister of Culture echoed through her earbuds, the weight of his words pressing down on her like a physical burden.

“We regret to inform the citizens of Nazca, and the world at large, of an unprecedented discovery on the Nazca Plain. A pyramid, perfectly formed and radiating a peculiar luminescence, has appeared on a remote section of the plain, nestled between the ancient geoglyphs of the hummingbird and the spider. Initial investigations by our top scientists reveal that the pyramid’s surface is smooth to the touch and emits a low-frequency hum that defies conventional explanation.

“We are consulting with international experts and scientists to better understand the implications of this ‘reality-changing’ artifact.

“We ask that the public remains calm as we continue our investigation. Until more is known, the area surrounding the pyramid has been declared off-limits. Unauthorized individuals attempting to approach the site will be detained.

“In the meantime, we urge everyone to be vigilant and report any unusual occurrences or phenomena to the local authorities. Together, we must face this challenge with the courage and resolve that has defined the nation of Peru.”

The video ended, leaving Beatriz in stunned silence. This was no ordinary archaeological discovery, obviously but she was still unaware of how personally implicated she was to become.

She tucked the phone back into her bejewelled bag and began the short but dangerous walk to her apartment. Each step tempted her to look backwards as a mystery now seemed to grow more complex and frightening for those aware of the communication with each passing hour.

Part II: The Play and the Revelation

The theater was small and intimate, the perfect setting for the amateur production put on by the Escola de Belas Artes. Beatriz sat in the back row, her mind still reeling from the government’s announcement. She had hoped the play would offer a distraction, a brief respite from the looming mystery of the pyramid. But as the lights dimmed and the actors took the stage, she found her thoughts drifting back to the Nazca Plain. Evidently the cast and audience were not connected to the internet.

The play, a whimsical take on construction workers discovering a hidden world beneath a bustling city, was charming in its simplicity. The actors, clad in makeshift builders’ outfits with stapled-on parts of furniture, stumbled through their roles with an endearing earnestness. The dialogue was filled with hesitant queries of, “Is something there I need to know about?” and awkward pauses, but the amateurishness added to the play’s charm.

As the story unfolded, a commanding voice from the back of the theater announced the entrance of the Spirit. The crisp narration brought a sense of solemnity to the scene, elevating the humble production. Then, as if by some strange coincidence, a video projection illuminated the stage, showing several seconds of copyrighted dancing from a global superstar. The unexpected addition gave the performance an air of sophistication, a reminder of the world beyond the theater’s walls.

But Beatriz’s mind was elsewhere. The pyramid, with its reality-altering potential, loomed large in her thoughts. The play had been written before the pyramid’s discovery, its themes and storylines a subtle nod to the mysteries of the ancient world. Yet the audience, unaware of the real-life enigma just beyond their city’s borders, laughed and clapped, oblivious to the anthropological performance that was building a pyramid outside as well.

As the play concluded and the audience began to disperse, Beatriz checked her watch. Her regular clients would be waiting for her back at her office. In small print below her name sign it read: Reporting on the enigmas of science, ancient archaeology, and DNA discoveries. Fixed behind the glass door, a sign read: Appointments on the hour, Monday to Friday, and her schedule, much like the cosmos she explored, oscillated between Closed and Open, depending on when she chose. She felt a pang of guilt until she realized that everyone had dispersed.

The city’s lights were twinkling around her. The sloping streets, with their handrails and narrow walkways, led her to the next street out of curiosity. “We’re ready to eat, Ms. Chanoyu,” one of them said. “Care to join us?” Spanish hospitality was touching.

Beatriz joined in and found the food still palatable. As she reached for the last container, she spotted something moving inside—a small, wriggling creature.

An assassin caterpillar.

She grimaced and quickly squashed it, disposing of the remnants before returning to the theater. The experience left her feeling unsettled.

Back at the theater, she joined the audience in the makeshift dining area, eating quietly as she mulled over the day’s events. When the meal was finished, she wiped her mouth with a paper towel and stood up, addressing the room.

“It was a fine play, all of you,” she began, her voice carrying over the low murmur of conversation. “But you must know that a strange signal has arrived where the Nazca lines and geoglyphs intersect.”

The room fell silent. Some of the guests exchanged uneasy glances, while others stared at her with a mix of confusion and annoyance. Beatriz knew she had violated an unspoken rule—bringing up such a serious topic at a social gathering was seen as inappropriate, almost taboo.

But the pyramid weighed too heavily on her mind to remain silent.

Beatriz regretted her outburst, knowing she had alienated herself from the group, but the pyramid’s existence was too important to ignore.

Part III: A Chance Encounter

The following day, Beatriz sat in her office, her eyes scanning the waiting room. The magazines and newspapers scattered across the tables were filled with the usual headlines—politics, celebrity gossip, local events. But tucked away in the corner, almost hidden from view, was a small black-and-white photograph of the pyramid.

The image showed the pyramid nestled among the geoglyphs, its smooth surface reflecting the harsh desert sun. To the untrained eye, it might have seemed like a trick of the light, a mirage created by the shifting sands. But Beatriz knew better.

She leaned back in her chair, her mind replaying the events of the previous night. The announcement, the play, the strange sense of unease that had settled over her. It was all connected, she was sure of it. But how?

A knock on the door pulled her from her thoughts. She looked up to see a young woman standing in the doorway, her frizzy hair framing a face filled with curiosity.

“Excuse me,” the woman began, her voice tinged with nervous excitement. “But I couldn’t help noticing your captivating presence at the theater last night. I find myself intrigued, wondering if perhaps fate has granted me the opportunity to share this moment with someone as enchanting as yourself. Would you perhaps have a conversation over a cup of coffee?”

Beatriz blinked in surprise. The woman’s words, spoken in flawless Spanish, caught her off guard. She had expected a client, someone with a question about the pyramid or a lead on a new story. But this was different—unexpected.

“I… sure,” Beatriz replied, still processing the woman’s sudden appearance. “Coffee sounds nice.”

The two women left the office and walked to a nearby café, the streets bustling with the midday crowd. As they sat down with their drinks, Beatriz studied her companion, trying to make sense of the encounter.

“My name’s Flora Moxie,” the woman said, offering a warm smile. “I’m an archaeologist, here in Nazca to study the geoglyphs.”

“Beatriz Chanoyu,” Beatriz replied, shaking her hand. “I’m a journalist, specializing in ancient mysteries.”

Flora’s eyes lit up at the mention of Beatriz’s profession. “Then you must have heard about the pyramid,” she said, her voice dropping to a whisper. “It’s all anyone in my field can talk about.”

Beatriz nodded, feeling a sense of kinship with the young archaeologist. “I’ve heard more than most,” she admitted. “The government’s announcement… it’s hard to know what to believe.”

Flora leaned in closer, her expression intense. “That’s just it,” she said. “The pyramid isn’t just some random anomaly. It’s connected to something much bigger—something ancient and powerful. I’ve been researching the Eternals, a group mentioned in some of the oldest legends and texts. They were said to have the power to alter reality itself.”

Beatriz felt a chill run down her spine. The Eternals. She had come across the name in her research but had dismissed it as myth, a product of overactive imaginations from a bygone era. But now, hearing Flora speak of them with such conviction, she wasn’t so sure.

“Do you think the pyramid is their doing?” Beatriz asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Flora nodded. “I do. And I think the government knows more than they’re letting on. This ‘reality-changing’ declaration… it’s a cover for something much more dangerous.”

Beatriz felt a surge of adrenaline. This was it—the lead she had been waiting for, the missing piece of the puzzle. If Flora was right, then the pyramid wasn’t just an archaeological curiosity. It was a threat, one that could change the course of history.

“We need to investigate this further,” Beatriz said, her mind racing with possibilities. “But we’ll need to be careful. If the government is involved, we can’t afford to draw attention to ourselves.”

Flora nodded in agreement. “I have some contacts who might be able to help,” she said. “But we’ll need to move quickly. The longer we wait, the more dangerous this becomes.”

Beatriz’s heart pounded in her chest. She had come to Nazca in search of stories, of mysteries to unravel. But now, it seemed, she had found herself at the center of something far more significant than she had ever imagined.

As the two women left the café, the weight of their task settled on Beatriz’s shoulders. The pyramid, the Eternals, the government’s secrets—it was all connected, and it was up to them to uncover the truth.

Part IV: Uncovering the Secrets

The next few days passed in a blur of research and late-night meetings. Beatriz and Flora worked tirelessly, piecing together the fragments of information they had gathered. The more they uncovered, the more convinced they became that the pyramid was no ordinary structure.

Flora’s contacts provided them with access to restricted documents and classified reports, many of which confirmed their suspicions. The pyramid was emitting a strange energy, one that seemed to warp the very fabric of reality. Objects near the pyramid would shift and change, sometimes disappearing altogether. Even time itself seemed to behave differently within its proximity.

But it wasn’t just the physical anomalies that troubled Beatriz. The reports hinted at something darker, something that sent a shiver down her spine. Several scientists who had studied the pyramid up close had fallen ill, their minds unraveling in ways that defied medical explanation.

Beatriz and Flora knew they needed to get closer to the pyramid if they were to uncover the full truth. But with the government’s tight security, that was easier said than done. The area surrounding the pyramid was heavily guarded, with soldiers patrolling day and night. Unauthorized access was impossible, and anyone caught trying to get near was immediately detained.

But Beatriz was determined. This was her story, the one that could define her career—and perhaps even change the world.

One evening, as they poured over maps and satellite images of the Nazca Plain, Flora looked up with a gleam in her eye.

“There’s a way,” she said, her voice low and urgent. “There’s an old tunnel system beneath the plain, dating back to the pre-Inca era. If we can find the entrance, we might be able to get close to the pyramid without being detected.”

Beatriz felt a surge of excitement. It was a long shot, but it was their best chance. Together, they gathered their supplies—flashlights, ropes, cameras, and notebooks—preparing for what could be the most important journey of their lives.

They set out before dawn, the desert air cool and still. The entrance to the tunnel system was hidden in a rocky outcrop, concealed by centuries of wind and sand. Flora’s archaeological expertise proved invaluable as she carefully unearthed the ancient stone slab that marked the entrance.

The tunnel was dark and narrow, the air thick with the scent of earth and decay. Beatriz felt a thrill of fear and excitement as they descended into the darkness, their flashlights casting eerie shadows on the walls.

As they made their way deeper into the tunnel, the air grew cooler, and the walls seemed to pulse with a strange energy. Beatriz’s mind raced with possibilities—what would they find at the end of this journey? Would they finally uncover the secrets of the pyramid, or would they meet the same fate as the scientists who had come before them?

After what felt like hours of navigating the twisting passageways, they reached a dead end. But Flora, undeterred, examined the walls carefully, her fingers tracing the ancient carvings that adorned the stone.

“There’s something here,” she whispered, her voice barely audible in the silence.

Beatriz watched as Flora pressed her hand against one of the carvings, and with a soft rumble, the wall began to move. A hidden door slid open, revealing a chamber bathed in a strange, pulsating light.

Inside, the pyramid loomed before them, its surface glowing with an otherworldly luminescence. The air crackled with energy, and Beatriz felt a strange sensation, as if the very fabric of reality was shifting around her.

Flora took a step forward, her eyes wide with awe and fear. “This is it,” she breathed. “It’s the Astronaut sculpture.”

Beatriz raised her camera, capturing the sculpture which was too heavy for the pair of them to lift before her. The pyramid’s surface was smooth and featureless, yet it seemed to ripple and change as they watched, as if it were alive. Essentially what the Astronaut was was a rendering in three dimensions of the Nazca geoglyph known as the Astronaut, wrought in fine granite with rubies encrusted into its shape which had no openings and was obviously one piece of stone. Beatriz recognized it first but Flora Moxie knew something else. It had been in the auction in Cahuachi – the same auction which her farther the drug smuggler had attended to sell his own works of art in order to finance his coup upon the Peruvian government. The Eternals were attempting to change history by offering it to her possession.

Suddenly, the ground beneath them shook, and a low, humming sound filled the chamber. Beatriz stumbled, her heart racing with fear. The pyramid’s light grew brighter, and for a moment, she felt as if the world around her was dissolving, reality itself unraveling at the seams.

But then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the shaking stopped, and the light dimmed. Beatriz and Flora stood in stunned silence, their minds reeling from the experience.

“We need to get out of here,” Beatriz said, her voice trembling. “Whatever this is, it’s beyond anything we can comprehend.”

Flora nodded, her face pale. Together, they hurried back through the tunnel, the weight of their discovery heavy on their shoulders.

As they emerged into the daylight, the sun rising over the Nazca Plain, Beatriz knew that their lives would never be the same. They had uncovered a secret that could change the world—a secret that the government had tried to keep hidden.

But with that knowledge came a terrible responsibility. What they had seen in the chamber beneath the pyramid was not just an anomaly—it was a force capable of altering reality itself, with consequences that could be catastrophic for some individuals, even if done for the greater good.

As they stood on the edge of the plain, the pyramid’s dark silhouette looming in the distance, Beatriz felt a sense of dread. The world was on the brink of something unimaginable, and it was her fate that must decide her what to do next.

August 29, 2024 21:57

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