Fiction Romance

Jacqueline and Matthew Shea have been together for 60 years, they have three children, seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren, Jacqueline and Matthew's life have been filled with joy and happiness, but that sometimes joy and happiness comes with a price.

Jacqueline and Matthew's love story begins in the summer of 1959 at the age of sixteen. Jacqueline and Matthew's story is unlike anything ever seen before. It was love at first sight for the both of them.

July 4th 1959 at the annual Independence Day celebration is when their eyes lock on each other. Jacquline smiles at Matthew, he returns with a smile of his own. They keep staring at each other for the entire celebration. It is only when Matthew's best friend Max tells Matthew "go get her" that Matthew goes to Jacqueline..

Matthew walks up to where Jacqueline is talking with her friends and introduces himself. Jacqueline is shy when Matthew begins begins to talk, but as they get to know each other Jacqueline becomes more open and less shy. As the celebration winds down Matthew asks Jacqueline out on a date. Jacqueline accepts.

The next day Matthew picks up Jacqueline for their date. As a true gentleman Matthew walks up to Jacqueline's house, he knocks on the door. Jacqueline's father answers the door. Matthew introduces himself and asks Jacqueline's father "may I take your daughter out?" Jacqueline's father looks Matthew up and down and approves. Jacqueline walks down the stairs in a beautiful pink dress with matching pink shoes.She kisses her father on the cheek. Matthew extends his arm out, Jacqueline wraps her arm around Matthew's arm. Matthew leads Jacqueline to his car.

Matthew helps Jacqueline into his car, she smiles, Matthew smiles back and shuts the door. Matthew gets into the drivers seat and drives. Jacqueline asks "where are you taking me?" Matthew replies "how does a picnic sound." Jacqueline smiles. "It sounds perfect."

Matthew drives to the lake where he has already set the picnic up. When Jacqueline sees the beautiful picnic she smiles. "Wow it's beautiful." Matthew stops the car, he tells Jacqueline "don't move I'm going to open the door for you." Matthew gets out of the car and opens the door for Jacqueline. Matthew helps Jacqueline out of the car and leads her to the picnic area.

Jacqueline's eyes are sparkling seeing the picnic basket is pink, her favorite color. Matthew sees the joy in Jacqueline's eyes. He helps Jacqueline sit on the blanket. Matthew takes a seat across from Jacqueline. I like the blanket it's my favorite color." Matthew smiles. "I'm glad you like it."

Matthew hands Jacqueline a ham and cheese sandwich. Jacqueline takes the sandwich and begins to eat. Matthew is embarrassed to give Jacqueline a ham and cheese sandwich, he knows that Jacqueline deserves better, but Matthew sees that Jacqueline loves the sandwich. "Don't be embarrassed Matthew the ham and cheese sandwich is good see I ate it all. Matthew feels relieved.

Jacqueline and Matthew talk about everything from their favorite movies, their favorite books, favorite color and so much more. Matthew and Jacqueline find something new about each other like Matthew saving up all his money to buy his car to Jacqueline being a dancer, and they find that they like each other a lot.

Matthew being a gentleman asks Jacqueline if he can kiss her. Jacqueline nods. Matthew and Jacqueline share their first kiss. Their first kiss is passionate, exhilarating and mind blowing. When the kiss is finished Matthew and Jacqueline knew they were meant for each other. After their first date Matthew and Jacqueline spent everyday together. They went everywhere together, they were inseparable. They met each other's families and spent the holidays and birthdays together.

As the 50's turned into the 60's Matthew and Jacqueline have been together for four years. They were happily engaged, but a dark cloud is descending over the happy couple.

The Vietnam war is raging and there are rumors of a draft. Jacqueline fears for Matthew, but it is Matthew who came home with unexpected news that would shattered Jacqueline. Instead of waiting for the draft Matthew willing joined the Army. Jacqueline is hurt and scared that Matthew would do this without talking to her. Matthew tells Jacqueline "If my country wants to send off to fight in a senseless war then I am not going to wait until the draft. I'm going now." Jacqueline has no words to say to Matthew. She hugs him and she knows there is no way to stop him.

On a sunny spring day Matthew leaves for Army training. Jacqueline cries as she holds Matthew. Matthew tells Jacqueline "don't worry so much. I will be back." Jacqueline gives Matthew one of her famous smile. That's my girl." Over the next couple of weeks Jacqueline prepares for the day Matthew would leave for Vietnam, but until that time came she goes on about her normal day. Jacqueline of course wasn't happy about any of this. The war is tearing apart everyone's life and now it's coming for her.

July 4th 1963 the annual Independence Day celebration is the day Matthew finally came home from Army training. Jacqueline is waiting for Matthew at the exact same spot where they had their first date. Jacqueline is wearing her pink dress with matching shoes. She spots Matthew coming and runs to him. Jacqueline gives Matthew the biggest hug imaginable. "I missed you love." Jacqueline kisses Matthew. "You're wearing the dress I love." Matthew kisses Jacqueline. They stay at the lake until sundown.

The next morning after their blissful, passionate night Matthew tells Jacqueline that he is scheduled to leave for Vietnam in late August. So for the next month and a half Matthew and Jacqueline spend every waking moment together, they even got married. The day before Matthew is to leave Jacqueline finds out she is pregnant. Jacqueline does not tell Matthew. She wants to give the news about her pregnancy to Matthew when he leaves so that he has something to live for.

It's the day Jacqueline has been dreading for the last month and a half, the day Matthew leaves for Vietnam. Jacqueline gets up early from bed to cook Matthew breakfast. Matthew also gets up early to pack his bags and to cherish this day with the love of his life.

Matthew smells Jacqueline's cooking, his stomach is rumbling, he heads downstairs and sees Jacqueline has finished making breakfast. He sits down next to Jacqueline, they eat in silence. At 8:30 am Jacqueline and Matthew hear a car honking. Matthew looks at Jacqueline and she knows it's time to say goodbye. Matthew and Jacqueline stand up from the table, they head for the door. Jacqueline stops Matthew and tells him "come back for me and for our baby." Matthew looks at Jacqueline in shock. "I'm going to be a dad." Jacqueline nods. "Now you have something to live for." Jacqueline and Matthew kiss. Matthew gives Jacqueline his favorite leather jacket and tells Jacqueline "keep this for me, keep it safe." Jacqueline nods as tears being to form. Jacqueline kisses Matthew one last time. Matthew heads for the car, he turns around and whispers I love you. Matthew gets into the car and waves goodbye. Jacqueline heads back inside her home and cries.

Over the next year Jacqueline and Matthew exchange letters and pictures. Jacqueline has given birth to a beautiful baby girl name Annie. Jacqueline sends pictures of herself and Annie to Matthew. Matthew is thrilled to be a dad. Every night he looks at the pictures of his two best girls.

The letters keep on coming for another year and then the letters stop. Jacqueline begins to get scared. She wants to find answers, but a knock on the door gives Jacqueline a tight feeling in her heart. Jacqueline goes to answer the door, she sees two Army soldiers, they tell her that her husband Matthew Shea is missing in action. Jacqueline falls to her knees and begins to cry, but then she sees her daughter and knows she has to be strong for Annie. The soldiers leave her house. Jacqueline goes to Annie and tells her "don't worry sweetie daddy will come home to us."

Days turns into months, months turns into years without any word on Matthew. Jacqueline has kept hope alive that she will see her husband. Every single Christmas and on Matthew's birthday Jacqueline and Annie buy presents for Matthew and Jacqueline takes pictures of Annie so that Matthew can see his little girl growing up. Jacqueline has told Annie all about her father, the story of their love. Annie loves hearing those stories and just like her. mother has done Annie has kept hope alive that one day she will meet her father.

When everyone around Jacqueline has told her to move on with her life and told her Matthew is dead, Jacqueline refuses to do just that. Jacqueline believes in her heart that Matthew is alive, that he will come home and no one is going to tell her to stop believing.

In early 1973 eight years since Matthew went missing comes the news that Jacqueline has been waiting for. As part of operation homecoming, the result of diplomatic negotiations concluding US military involvement in Vietnam, 591 POWs are set to come home. Jacqueline gets the news that Matthew is alive and is coming home. Jacqueline also finds out for the last eight years Matthew was a POW. Jacqueline is sadden to learn of her husbands fate, but is also happy that he's alive. Jacqueline and Annie are finally going to have Matthew back home. Jacqueline cries tears of joy.

Jacqueline gets word on February 12th the first group of POWs will be released and Matthew will be among them. Jacqueline is elated Matthew will be among the first to return. Annie gets to work on a special surprise for her father. Jacqueline asks Annie "what are you making sweetie?" Annie replies "I'm drawing a picture for daddy."

On the morning of February 12th Jacqueline and Annie get up early, they are both excited for today, it is the day Matthew is set to come home. Jacqueline cooks breakfast for Annie and herself. Annie rushes through breakfast. Jacqueline tells Annie "slow down." Annie tells her mother "mommy I'm too excited. I'm going to meet my daddy for the first time." Jacqueline smiles.

For the last eight years Annie has been the one person to keep Jacqueline sane, the one person who kept her going and kept the memory of Matthew alive and the one person who always believed Matthew was alive when everyone told them to stop believing, now all that is paying off because Matthew is alive and coming home.

Jacqueline helps Annie get dress. Annie is wearing a pink dress just like her mom is wearing with matching pink shoes. Jacqueline has always told Annie "this pink dress is your father's favorite dress." Annie smiles. "It's my favorite too." Jacqueline kisses Annie. Jacqueline also gets the leather jacket that Matthew told her to keep for him. She puts it on and wears it.

Jacqueline and Annie are ready to leave for the Army base, they get into the car and happily drive to the base. As they are nearing the base Jacqueline and Annie see so many people waiting. Jacqueline parks the car and walk to the staging area. Annie looks around and sees so many kids waiting for their daddy's to come home just like she is. A little after ten in the morning a plane is spotted. "Mommy look." Annie points to the sky. "Daddy is in the plane."

The plane lands. Annie is happily jumping up and down. The plane lands, the doors open one by one the soldiers start to walk down the stairs of the plane. The seventh soldier coming out of the plane is Matthew. Jacqueline immediately spots Matthew, he looks different than he did the last time she saw him, but to Jacqueline he is the most beautiful person she has ever seen. Jacqueline bends down to Annie and tells Annie "that's your father coming." Annie immediately runs to Matthew , she stops and tells Matthew "I'm Annie Shea. You're my daddy." Matthew smiles. "Hi Annie. It's nice to meet you. You look beautiful in your dress." Annie twirls around . The crowd Jacqueline and Matthew laugh. "Mommy said you like the pink dress. I wore this for you." Matthew bends down and hugs Annie. "I love you so much baby girl." Jaqueline comes to Matthew and starts to cry. "I never gave up hope. I always knew you were alive and you would come home to us." Matthew hugs Jacqueline and kisses her. "I dreamt of this moment for eight years. I have my two best girls with me, and you are wearing my jacket." Jacqueline backs up so Matthew can see her. "I kept the jacket new for you." Matthew hugs Jacqueline once again. Jacqueline, Matthew and Annie head home after the emotional reunion.

The first few months since Matthew's return are very emotional and sad. Matthew has a tough time adjusting being home, he has nightmares every single night. Jacqueline takes care of Matthew every day and night. She stays up with him when he has nightmares, soothes him and tells him stories about Annie. In no time Jacqueline nurses Matthew back to health and of course Annie is right there helping her mother. Annie tells her father eight years of stories and shows him pictures. Matthew laughs at all the stories and smiles at all the pictures Annie has told him and shown him, in no time Matthew knows all about Annie's life. Matthew got back to being the same person Jacqueline met all those years ago, the kind, caring person she fell in love with.

In the ensuing years Matthew and Jacqueline's family grew to include two more children another girl and a boy. Matthew went on to talk about his experience in Vietnam and as a POW, eventual Matthew gets a teaching degree and gets a job as a history teacher at the local high school where he taught until his retirement.

For the next sixty years of their lives Matthew and Jacqueline enjoy raising their kids seeing them grow up and having kids of their own, but mostly they enjoy being together laughing together and loving each other.

Jacqueline and Matthew have been together for sixty years, they lived a life full of joy, happiness, miracles and hardships, and it is through their time apart and through their love that has kept Jacqueline and Matthew's marriage alive and strong. Their love story is one for the ages that is forever and eternal. An eternal love that is long lasting and true.

February 16, 2021 23:16

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