“Average day turned upside down by an unexpected visitor - SANDY“

Submitted into Contest #43 in response to: Write a story about an average day turned upside down by an unexpected visitor.... view prompt



                    “Average day turned upside down by an unexpected visitor - SANDY“

Life has its own ups and downs , twists and turns . We had just shifted to our new house and were still in the process of unpacking our stuff. Our whole house was in a mess with packed cartons lying around here and there. Also, our family were in a deep shock as we had just lost our dearest sister to a deadly disease.

As it was a fine “ Sunday” and we were busy unpacking our stuff suddenly the doorbell rang “Twice”. It was “SANDY” our neighbor as he introduced himself in a loud hoarse voice. He was short heighted, bald, with a lean physique. “Do you remember me? We met 10 years back?”. We dint to be honest, nor did we wanted to.

As “SANDY” made his way to be seated on the “SOFA” he literally banged his foot to the nearby “CARTON (BOX)” that was lying around. We all hoped and prayed that nothing was broken and thank God it wasn’t . He was quite restless as he wasn’t able to sit properly in one place and kept on moving his body here and there. On offering him a glass of water, he almost balanced the water tray and literally bounced the glass that was incidentally also made up of “GLASS” so another accident avoided there.

As it was nearly lunchtime,  for courtesy sake we asked him if he cared to have lunch with us? He replied in affirmation stating that “YES! And I will have 4 chapatis (wheat bread taken with vegetable curry)” . He dint even bother to wash his hands , as he took off his shoes and literally grabbed the plate as if it was running away somewhere.

Since, he liked the food, he demanded more of it. We fell short of lunch and had to prepare the entire meal for him again. On looking at his physical stature , one could not really guess his huge appetite. More matter of suspense was where all the food really went, which dint quite apply to his lean physique.

Sandy started enquiring about us and his way of talking was quite weird as he spoke really fast and ate up some words in middle. As he had a restless temperament after having lunch , he became so anxious that he moved around our entire house here and there banging himself against the wall and other packed stuff lying around.

We asked him to cool down and sit at one place but it was in vain. We wanted to have a little nap as we were all tired , but our guest was in no mood to leave. As also, we were expecting our music teacher to come for our lessons in the evening  we wanted some rest. Sandy somehow made himself comfortable on the Sofa and it seemed he wanted to stay for the evening tea as well.

After a while, my brother just wanted to check on his car and went downstairs and Sandy insisted to join him . Also, SANDY said he wanted to go on a small drive in our car, so my brother made sure if he knew driving. Sandy very happily nodded his head. However, that drive was more of an adventure. Sandy due to his restless temperament had no control over the speed, and also maneuvered the car steering very badly. It almost appeared that they would hit someone on the road.

He even “jumped” one of the signals and was also fined by the Police officer. My brother have had enough at that point and became so furious that he literally took over the steering and managed to bring our car back safely.

“SANDY” came back to our house with him and looked quite upset. He also stayed around for our “Music class”. When our music teacher came in for our lessons , SANDY almost lied down on the floor and literally slept. Our music teacher was very surprised on seeing this and looked at us very strangely. It was really a awkward situation for us and we asked “SANDY” politely to leave as he needed some rest. “SANDY “shook his head in denial. In fact to add to our misery he also invited his brother “SHOMU” at our place on his phone.

By this time, our music class was over and as our music teacher was leaving our house, SHOMU was climbing up the stairs to reach our house and he almost collided against our teacher.

Somehow , our teacher managed to escape safely. “ SHOMU” on seeing us all, wished us and demanded that he would like to have “Lemon tea”. He also specified as to how would he like the tea to be made with little honey, some lemon and very light tea leaves. Both the brothers were way too weird for us.

“SHOMU” was way too ahead from his brother, he was very clumsy and dint know how to behave properly. He literally had an argument with “SANDY” in front of us which we dint like at all. We were amazed at their self confidence or rather rudeness , as they dint know how to behave in front of other people.

They had made themselves far too comfortable in our house, though leaving us uncomfortable . As we were somehow coping up , SHOMU announced “ Ill stay for dinner if you don’t mind. “. SANDY’s eyes grew brighter on hearing his brother , and he too joined him saying “I will be glad to stay too!”.

Our family was in complete shock as we had never seen such shameless people in our entire lives. They were sadists or totally unaware we weren’t sure of. We only knew that we had unexpected guests at our place who made our life miserable.

Somehow as a last straw on the camel’s back we prepared humongous amount of dinner for all of us and our “2” brothers literally hogged on it. However , GOD was kind to us somehow and we were able to see them off by around 12 midnight.

It was a terrible “SUNDAY” we will never be able to forget in our lives. Too much confusion, too much tiredness , mess and unexpected visitors who turned our lives upside down !!!!!!!!

May 29, 2020 15:19

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Ravi Joshi
17:03 Jun 01, 2020

Very surprising but creates inquisitiveness as to what happened next with these funny guys...


Alkaa Sharma
18:10 Jun 01, 2020

Hahaha the suspense continues


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Waqar Abbas
16:46 Jun 01, 2020

Love you ❤️😘


Alkaa Sharma
18:10 Jun 01, 2020

Thanks dear dost God bless


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Waqar Abbas
16:32 Jun 01, 2020

Every story is worth reading


Alkaa Sharma
16:10 Jun 02, 2020



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