Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story about a rainy day spent indoors.... view prompt



The intoxicating smell of the earth woke me up from my slumber, it was pouring slowly. I wished I didnt have to get out of the cozy and warm bed, taking my phone from the nightstand I saw it was 8 in the morning and also realised it's sunday! I pulled the blanket once more over me wishing to just lay there. Out of nowhere Scotch jumped on the bed and licked my hand, "hey baby! You up so early, good morning! Good boy!" petting him I pulled him close and he gladly snuggled to me. I put on some good songs and relaxed staring outside. I never get days like these, always too busy on work I never had time for myself! I was staring into oblivion, lost in my thoughts when I heard my phone ringing!


"Hey best friend! How are you doing idiot?"

"Oh hi! It's you! You still remember me? I am so blessed!"

"Stop with your sarcastic remarks. I know I didn't call you lately that's why I thought why not make it up for my girl! I am coming over in about an hour, is that okay?"

"Oh well! I thought I'll laze around but I dont think you'll allow that so why not!"

"So it's all set! See you then."

"OK bye!"

I saw it was quarter to nine I didnt realise I layed there for that long. I got out from the bed and freshened up. The kitchen was a mess as the housekeeper was on leave for two days. I prepared scotch's breakfast along with my coffee. I cleaned the place and was making the breakfast when I heard the knock on my door it seems he came early.

"Welcome stupid to my humble abode!"

"Oh this doesn't look anything like an abode dumbo!"

"Heyyyyy!" I hit him as he laughed.

"How's my girl doing?" "She's good and she missed you" "I missed you too! Where's scotch?" "He's having his food"

"Oh! I am hungry too!" "Come! I made some pancakes!"

We had our breakfast catching up with all that's going on in our life lately. He is my childhood friend, from same school to same college we have been there for each other all the time! Now that we are busy in making our own careers we dont get that much time.

It was windy out there when we decided to sit in the balcony, the cool breeze blew through my hair and kissed my face. We talked about all the things that changed in our lives, we talked about our family who lives away, we talked about his girlfriend, we talked about everything. It felt good to just sit there and talk about things.

It started raining heavily and we were starting to get all wet, Scotch was jumping around as he loved to play in the rain but before he get himself all wet I took him inside. He was wiggling to go out but as he saw me locking the glass door he knew I wouldn't allow him. He went to his small bed and layed there to show he's upset. "Awh! Why did you do that to my baby! You cruel woman!" He glared and accused me while I rolled my eyes at him "he's no innocent baby it's all his trick to go outside!". The doorbell rang and I went to see who it is, warning him not to let scotch go out.

"Hey kiddo!" "Oh hi! What a great surprise you two!" I was surprised and happy to see my other two friends who lived in other city. "How come you both here so suddenly? You didnt even call!" "This is all your best friend's idea, he called us early this morning and we planned to surprise you! By the way where's he?" "This is great! I missed you guys! He's here." "Oh hello children! You're here!"

We four were together from college, we met this cute couple who were high school sweethearts, when we were in our junior year and the bond's still going. We settled down on the couches with pizza that they bought. "The roads were all blocked due to the heavy raining, we thought we'd never make it!" "Oh yeah? But the weather's so beautiful!" "It is when you are inside your home all day!" "You know it's actually different when you just sit at your home and relax, take a break!" "Yeah! That is an appealing idea but then how do we earn?" "Yes money is an undeniable important factor to live in this world! But it doesn't harm anyone to take a break from all that's going on. You need to be there for yourself too! You need to appreciate and be grateful for all those things and people that's there with you! You never know what happens next!" "Ok ok that's too much serious and deep for me guys!".

After our lunch with so much talks and laughs, we decided to see a movie. We were snuggled up to each other on the couch and was watching the movie. This reminds me of my college days with them, those days were beautiful. We were all carefree and happy, we never need to worry about our angry bosses, we had all the time in the world for us! You never realise this on the time but you never value what you have with you at the moment but you either regret for what you had or wish for what you dont have with you.

We finished the movie and decided to play UNO. I made hot chocolates for everyone and some milk for Scotch. We settled near the window with cushions and started the game while Scotch snuggled to my side. We spent the whole evening playing, fighting, talking and laughing and dancing crazily while it poured heavily outside.

It felt good after a long time, we were so busy in making our career, we forgot ourselves and this small reunion made me feel myself again. This made me realise that at the end of the day it's not the money that I earned made me so happy but my loved ones. A day with them made me forget all the worries. A day with my favourite people, I realise that it will be always like the rain as if hope pouring down.

March 25, 2020 21:40

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