chasing away the flames

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story told entirely through one chase scene.... view prompt



The first thing I did when they called me to tell me my house was on fire was 'ever so fucking lovely this week has never gone my way surely it will be the worst fire ever' I thought grabbing my art stuff off the ground and quickly packing it away in my side bag before clocking out with my teacher and leaving a note; then I run down the street hoping to catch a bus. I see one that stops near my house but it's about to leave so I jump in the door way as it closes.

"that was mighty brave of you miss; but you better have the money for a ticket." say the bus driver offering a hand up, I take it. "here" I say handing him my last dollar in my pockets, glad I get a paycheck tomorrow and I guess I'll walk between school and work... "miss this is a moving vehicle you should sit on down." he says "right I answer climbing to the very back at the last empty seat. I sigh strapping my side bag tighter; this is gonna be a long night.

after a few minutes weeks are at my stop and I politely get off then the moment I'm out of the bus, I'm running again. I run so fast that I'm almost there where I hear my cat, I know her mew anyway I turn around to see my outdoor/indoor cat everyone knows amber.

going a little slower now with a cat in my arms I reach the apartment in no time they tell me only the bottom level burned and then they let me sit with the others from that floor. my roommate Ali comes over holding the wiggling animal Cubs she has [their triplets but not really] in her arms their names are April the sloth bear, Star the bangle tiger, and Hope the Florida Panther, Ali is a big volunteer for this group called ROAR and they help endangered animals by giving them a home in real society. " I was taking these little guys on a walk when it happened but I came as soon as I heard... plus a nice lady from my work lives a few floors above and told us to stay there for awhile." she finishes "we better be sure to give her thanks when we get there-" I started to say but was cut off by a fireman yelling "THE FIRES OUT SO GATHER WHAT YOU CAN SALVAGE, ALSO WE HAVE EXTRA LEASHES FOR ANIMALS AND A LADY NAMED SALLY BRAMPTON SAYS THAT SHE WILL LET THREE STUDENTS STAY WITH HER SHE ALREADY HAS TWO PICKED." and with that the crowd from floor one including is surged.

we found Sally Brampton waiting for us when we were done get a harness and leash for Amber [ the others already had theirs on from their walk] plus we salvaged some clothes that were not burnt to badly and one sleeping bag on a high shelf. "hello Mrs. Brampton" we said in unison "girls just called my Sally please have good your here too!" she said looking at Zeke [he's my best friend at school] "ZEKE!" we said in unison again and we all smiled, hugs went around and we got to the apartment.

the next morning [1:30 exactly] I was up in a dash running around in my clothes from yesterday. first thing I do is brush my teeth with a burrowed then grab the saved clothes and taking a quick cold shower before putting on beat up red Chucks, black self ripped and self patched jeans [ they were just black jeans once but I'm clumsy], a yellow crop top hoodie that say Honey I the front and my dad old military jacket [ I wear it everywhere and never leave it at home so the fire didn't get it.] I put my long thick curly brown hair down my back still wet and messy from the shower so I do my hair routine quickly and stuff a almost done Burt's bee's lipstick balm into my pocket and walk out of the bathroom fully done, I walk into the shared kitchen quickly heating up a waffle and while I do I write a note for the others about how I have to get to work by 5:00 to start cleaning so by 7:30 we open [ that's the only shift left and it worked with my classes so I took it] the micro waves beeps and I stuff the warmish waffle into my mouth then I clean up my mess because I'm not a jerk.

I say bye to Amber [yes still a cat] and start calculating off my old watch, it was 1:30 when woke up and it took me 30 min. to get ready so now it's 2:00 plus it will take me 35 min. to walk to the Coffee shop called Venture Coffee Co. witch gives me 15 min. to drink some coffee with using $20 dollars of my coffee card witch then gives me 50 min. to walk to work at Sonic Boom records witch is perfectly on time plus then it'll be 3:00 and I can put away and wash any left over dishes and finish my first cup of coffee before my shift at 5:00 - 6:30 then I walk one entire hour to school just in time to reach class at 7:35 so it gives me five min. to start drinking my second cup and maybe take a small nap before school starts.

I had just about finished my waffle when I arrive at Venture Coffee Co. I knock and Blaze comes to the door muttering something about getting fired for letting me in here at 2:50 but their the manger and would never turn me on [they work the morning shift like me but here instead] I ask for two coffee's like normal and they make the coffee letting me sit on one of the cleaner spots on the counter as they work. "so I heard about the fire." they say not looking up "are you guys okay?" [their like the parent of the group of us, we all work backstage at the theater after our schools] "yeah me, Ali, and Zeke got a place from Sally the costume maker at the theater we work at." I say "oh good" they say planting a kiss on my cheek and hanging me two coffee's they are wearing a baggy joker T, a dark red hoodie, black leather jacket with a Non-binary bad ass patch and a rose patch, their leather motorcycle jeans, worn in knee high red Doc Martins, and black makeup. "your gonna get me in trouble I pout." whipping at my cheek but I can't help laughing when they pout back at me.

I look at my watch "sorry got to go." I say I boop her nose on my way out "ay you weren't on the bus were you?" they ask catching up "nope I don't have enough money but I will after today." I respond "one min. let me finish my shift and pass it to James, I'll drive you on my motorcycle" they say walking around to the front talking to someone then I hear that being and James enters and we fist bump "ay James good to see ya." I say " you to now get off the counter." he jokes and I try but fail to get off using my short limbs. "help" I whine "coming' replies Blaze through their laughs and sets me on my feet "bye James" she calls "you two need better adult supervision!" he calls back "your not an adult" I teasingly call back over blaze laughing their head off "mm" he replies then closes the door and turns around the sign.

their motorcycle is black with hints of red and she shakes out their short red hair and puts on a black helmet handing me another then they examine my clothes and brings out a too big leather jacket stuffing it over me. I'm glad it's winter. they sit down and I do too [ I've done this before] grabbing their waist as we pull onto the street with loudness around me and the wind in me hair with warmth covering my body from the cold I lean into their back and fall asleep.

July 14, 2020 19:13

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