
Day 1

Unknown Number: Look! You are just getting this entirely wrong, this is not like what it looks like, I can explain, you missed my cricket matches so I was mad.

Unknown Number: Mom!!

Unknown Number: Mom!!

Unknown Number: Mother!!

Unknown Number:  I was super mad mom because you never show up whereas dad always shows up, I’m not liking it Mother. It’s my right to ignore you and stay mad at you and annoy you, do not make it yours. DO NOT STEAL MY THUNDER.

Me: Ok! Are you Monica Geller? :P  

Unknown Number: Mom! I’m mad.

 Me: Ok

Unknown Number: Is that it? You missed my 3 matches mom!!!!!

Me: Look Mr./Ms. I have no clue what you did to annoy your mom, this is definitely not her.

Unknown Number: Mother, just because I made my friend call you and say that I’m in the hospital, to check if you really care for me or not, doesn’t make you disown me. I know the prank misfired.

Me: OMG! How old are you?

Unknown Number: Mom, you know I’m 25: P, I’m still mad at you, you should apologize, then I can think of accepting your apology.

Me: First of all, dimwit act like 25 then and secondly I’m not your mom.

Unknown Number: Mom, let’s talk this out soon, I’m on way to home. Let’s agree mutually that you would be coming to my matches and I shall start acting sensibly. I love you.

Me: I have two things to say Mr./Ms. Unknown Number:

1.    I’m not your mom, you texted the wrong person.

2.    Why don’t you check the number before you send out a text? I mean how can you get your mom’s number wrong?

Unknown Number: Oh my god! I just typed in the wrong number I’m so sorry…I thought it was my mom and I just thought she is pissed. Sorry again.

Me: Well, I can clearly see why your mom got pissed.

Unknown Number: I said I’m sorry.

Me: Fine! You better not annoy me anymore and also do something your mom likes, that will make it easy for you, I do the same. :P

Unknown Number: I can handle my stuff. Bye

Day 2

Unknown Number: Hi!

Unknown Number: Just wondering how you were J

Day 3

Unknown Number: Hi! Not trying to annoy you, your plan actually worked I cooked mother’s favorite food. It worked!! who can really stay angry when there is yummy food.

Me: Good for you!

Day 4

Unknown Number:  I have been thinking about our conversation and I find it pretty interesting so, I was just wondering if we could be friends?

 Me: Well, how do I know whether you are a real person or not? You could be a bot or a scammer.

Unknown Number:  I’m not a scammer or a bot.

Me: Well, then tell me something about yourself. I want to make sure that you are not a bot, I will come to the scammer part later.

 Unknown Number: My name is Riyan, I’m a cricketer, I play for the nation and I’m 25 years old as you know already.

Me: This confirms that you are a scammer!! You seriously want me to believe that you are a national cricket player? Bye, Unknown Number.

 Unknown Number: I can prove it.

Me: Bye. Stop annoying me.

 Unknown Number: I can prove it. Please

Me: How?

 Unknown Number:  I need to know your name for that.

Me: Are you kidding me?

Unknown Number:  No, I’m serious, I can prove that I’m not a scammer if you let me know your name.

Me: Fine! My name is Mayank.

Day 5

Unknown Number:  Hi! Are you sure that your name is Mayank?

Me: Come on now, are you disappointed that it is not a girl’s name.

Unknown Number:  To be honest, YES.

Unknown Number:  But, we can still be friends, I have a feeling that we will be great friends.

Me: Don’t you have enough friends already?

Unknown Number:   Yes but none like you.

Day 7

Unknown Number: I stick by my words, tune into any news channel at 7:00pm.

Me: Will try.

Unknown Number: Are you watching Mayank?

Day 8

Me: Omg! I did not expect you to be the captain of the national cricket team and you actually said ‘I thank Mayank, my text friend, because of whom my mom is here to watch me play’

Day 10

Unknown Number: Hi! Of course, you knew and to confirm that you even called me during my press conference and yes your idea convinced my mom to come to my matches again.

Me: I had to confirm and honestly did not know that you are the national cricket captain.

Unknown Number: Ok. It is your turn to prove that you are not a scammer.

Me: Before that, I would like to tell you my name is not Mayank, I’m Maya, I’m a graphic designer and I’m 23 years old.

Unknown Number:  You are a scammer now.

Me: Look, I just did not want a stranger to know anything about me.

Unknown Number: Ok. Then prove that you are Maya, not Mayank.

Me: How can I prove that to you, it was easy for you because you are famous.

Unknown Number: I have no idea but you must do your part else it’s just unfair.

Me: Well then I work for Google, I guess you could ask any of your famous friends or someone to


Unknown Number: It’s your turn so you do it. (I dare you!)

Me: I’m not a scammer.

Unknown Number: Will see.

Day 20

Cricketer: I almost confirmed that you are a scammer until I received a call from your boss stating you are indeed Maya and turns out your boss is my friend, the one who prank called my mom.

Me: What? You could have simply asked him about me. You know I had to wreck my brain to come up with something. Also, let me tell you something Riyan, it wasn’t easy to do what I did.

Cricketer: Nothings ever easy: P Also this is the first time you ever called me Riyan and I’m glad you got back to me! It shows you are interested in taking this thing forward.

Me: Ok.

Cricketer: Come on now! I have to ask you something. Can I?

Me: Ok.

Cricketer: Hey! Let’s start things fresh ok? When you did not get back to me in 10 days, I really felt you would never come back.

Me: I might sound unfriendly but I’m really not :P Is that what you wanted to ask me?

Cricketer: Hmm……Did you?......Did you just get back to me because I’m famous?

Day 25

Cricketer: Hey Maya! I’m so sorry. I just wanted to know.

Me: Hey Mr.Famous cricket. No, it’s okay, I’m glad you are being honest. You would never know someone’s true intentions until you get to know the person completely, that being said, NO, I’m not here after knowing you are famous, in fact, I had no clue that you are the captain, I don’t watch cricket and also what if you are not the person you claim to be either? What if you turn out to be like every other famous person? Arrogant and ill-hearted. I had these questions about you ever since I knew you were famous and yet I took my chances.

Me: You got to take chances if you really want something to happen.


Day 27

Cricketer: Maya, I want this to happen and I want us to happen. Sorry, I was busy had no chance to reply, I was in flight to Africa for a tournament.

PS: Yours was the first message I read upon landing, do you understand? J

Me: Is it not too early to tag like us? We did not even meet Riyan. I have a boyfriend. FYI.

Cricketer: No you don’t. I’m sure about it. Fancy coming over to my next game here in Cape town? I know it sounds crazy.

Me: What? Yes, it is crazy. I can’t afford a trip to South Africa just to meet someone whom I haven’t really met.

Cricketer: You are getting better at this. Glad you did not call me a stranger.

Day 29

Me: Are you crazy Riyan, you booked a ticket for me and did not even care to ask me if I could come or not? I have work to do. You are making Cape town sound like a neighboring city.

Day 30

Cricketer: Do not blame me. I asked you, you said you couldn’t afford.

Me: Well, yes I can’t afford missing out work. I’m a busy person too.

Cricketer: I’m a considerate person, a ticket is for this weekend. Treat this as our first date.

Me: I’m sorry I cannot come and I just thought we were supposed to be friends.

Cricketer: Look, Maya. I find you interesting and smart and let’s see how this relationship goes. I started liking you because I thought you were witty. It would be really nice if you could come.

Me: I still cannot come to Riyan. Sorry and good luck with your tournament. You might not like me in person.

Day 32

Cricketer: Hey Maya! The flight is tomorrow, just in case you decide to come. I know I shouldn’t have just sent the tickets to you. I’m sorry and I swear I will not repeat it if we are still friends or whatever. I will be busy for the next 3 days if you show up please come to the Beachwood café by the Silwerstroomstrand beach on Saturday at 4:00pm.

Day 35

Me: I’m at the café!

Riyan: Welcome ‘Newcomer’ you look beautiful in that dress.

March 28, 2020 03:56

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Manoj Pal
02:33 Apr 02, 2020

It is a good short story. And it progressed quite well. Just a few grammatical errors here and there. Enjoyed it.


16:56 Apr 02, 2020

Hi Manoj. Yes, I knew the mistakes, just couldn't get time to fix them, I submitted my story like a minute before the end time. Thank you so much :)


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