Strange Letter

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


Suspense Fiction Horror

Millions in Transylvania are plagued by this deadly virus arising nationwide. From 6,988, the number of residents who tested positive has increased to 9,578 as of April 31, 2021. Local Government Units are utmost responsive in initiating strict adherence to our health protocols. 

As I shut the television down, I immediately ran off downstairs to have my breakfast before fetching my friend Ivan from a distance as we’re both planning to buy some contributions to spare with our upcoming parties’ smorgasbord. Displayed on the table are my favorite dishes that have awakened my benevolence. 

“Sup dude!” my greeting to Ivan as I turned the engine off of my service.

“Damn Keiffer, the supermarket is not the best place to show off your OOTD!” he replied with an evil laugh.

“Are you gonna ride or I’ll lend you some of my coolness?” I sarcastically responded and drove as fast as I could when he gripped tightly.

“You might bring me to heaven instead of the supermarket dude. Slow down!” Ivan screamed. 


Ivan loaded our shopping cart with tons of liquor. I wouldn’t be surprised if he's a hard drinker for life obviously that made him avuncular, but for me, I prioritize purchasing finger foods and sweets. Suddenly, I lost sight of him due to my focus on searching for Toblerone. Others may say I’m weird but I am. I continually look after Ivan when someone covers my mouth with an alcoholic fragrant towel.

Ivan: Searching for me? I’ll pay 25% of this swear. (laughs like a cute idiot )

Keiffer: What the heck, Ivan. You almost scared me to death. Why does your towel smell like alcohol? Are you kinda a kidnapper before resurrected? (maybe it was because of the disinfection before we get in the store)

Ivan: Relax man, I’ve got you some of your favorite chocolates.

Keiffer: You do know me after all. Keep your contribution in your pocket, I will pay. Let’s go.

At the counter, we patiently waited for our turn and prepared my atm. I checked the time on my watch and paid the total bill. Promptly, my attention was caught by a folded red paper that was sticking on my shoes, for I thought it was owned by the old lady prior to me in the lane. I unhesitantly ran after that lady and I was too late. Good thing Ivan caught up on me with the commodities and all of his sweat out. 

Ivan: Is this what I get after you treat me with drinks? Because if it is, thank you.

Keiffer: Did you see that strange old lady before us at the counter? She may have left this document. (shows the paper in his hand)

Ivan: Wow, it might be an answer to my prayers -cash. Let me have it.

Keiffer: No, no. We’ll return this paper no matter what. 


The wind’s blows are like hugging me in bed and my mind’s curiosity is having a party. I grabbed my phone and checked our Batch 2020-2021 group chats. Sally, our former class president, reminded everyone to bring a handkerchief and be early so that we can better prepare the venue. Right after, I video called Ivan to let him know that I would open the letter on paper because it might contain information about its owner.

Ivan: Yes bro, what can I do for you? You just disturbed my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious nap.

Keiffer: Since when did you become the father of tongue twister, Ivan? Anyway, about the letter, we saw a while ago. I am trying to open it, I may find some details on who and how to return it.

Ivan: It’s up to you man. Just you promise to share with me if ever it is money, haha. 

Keiffer: Get rid of your bad intention. Have your day a good night. See you there.


Amidst the program, I was a little baffled and came so unprepared. I didn’t even fetch Ivan so we could go together. Where could he be? I started to wander around and displayed our pledge on the table. I fixed my suit for maybe Ivan can’t recognize me. 

Sally: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to welcome you all to our Batch 2020-2021 Class Reunion. Settle yourselves, acquaint yourself and socialize for this kind of gathering exists only once in a blue moon. (background cacophony plays )

The crowd was all alive and people socially agglutinated. However, I was still searching for Ivan because one thing that advances him over me is the confidence to hang out with other people. Call me an introvert but I really find it hard to open a conversation. I grasped a glass of wine this way so I can boost my confidence level to 0.1%. 

After a long walk of searching, I felt nausea and my head started to ache as if it was squeezed. Instead of searching for Ivan, I am now searching for the comfort room. I approached Ellah, our valedictorian if she knows where the comfort room is. Luckily, she told me it is on the second-floor room 108. I head to the room as soon as possible because my tummy is about to explode. 

In the dark corner next to room 108, I saw a person gasping for breath. I was in a dilemma whether to help the person in need or release the tension in my body. I approached the stranger slowly but Ivan surprisingly appeared with his body trembling. 

Ivan: We… We… We have to get out of here now!

Keiffer: Why? The party had just started. You might have run out of drinks man. Besides, we should help that - (Ivan didn’t even let me finish instead instantly grabbed me out from the corridors)

Ivan: Keiffer, you won’t believe what I saw. There is a stranger from Transylvania who’s infected with the deadly virus. I came close to that man and he jumped on me. I don’t know but he seems hungry for humans. Fortunately, I was able to beat him with a chair. Let’s head home now or never.

I was in deep shock upon hearing Ivan. I convinced him to broadcast in the party what he knew, then scampered out from the room. But, when we searched for that stranger, he was no longer in the corner of the room. 

We returned back to the venue and all we saw was blood, people running and screaming for help, and complete chaos. I guess we are too late. Ivan fell to the ground and is extremely shaking. His skin instantly discolored. He never told me he was bitten so it’s impossible he has also become one. I slowly and courageously patted his back and felt he was all out trembling. Ivan, are you ok--. He strikingly leaped over me. 


I felt someone waggled at me and hear a word before I could open my eyes. 

Mom: Keiffer? Keiffer? Wake up! You sure are having a bad dream. Ivan is already waiting for you on the veranda. Go, take a bath and eat your breakfast. I made you and Ivan some checkerboard sandwiches. ( Mom placed my towel in the bed and went down)

Before I may forget, I took the letter out of the drawer and opened it again. 

[ Movies to Download:


-Resident Evil

-Zombie Apocalypse

-Day of the Dead]

May 13, 2021 08:58

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