The Words Died On Their Tongues

Submitted into Contest #74 in response to: Write a story that takes place across ten seconds.... view prompt


Romance LGBTQ+ Drama


 In that exact second as the countdown clock struck 10, James glanced over at Ghost. Striking white eyes met deep brown eyes. In that moment, James realized he was in love. He was in love with his best friend. James realized he has probably been in love with him for years actually, now that he pieces it all together. Every butterfly in his stomach, every red faced reflection in the mirror after talking to him. It all makes sense now. In that exact second, everything comes together like a puzzle. One big, confusing, aged 14 and up puzzle. James closed his eyes and slowly exhaled. James really really wanted to say something, to ask Ghost if he returned his feelings, but the words died on his tongue painfully. All that ran through his mind in that moment was why on Earth he had to fall in love with the one person who would never love him back? James thought it was easily the most painful second of his life. 


 At the exact moment the people in the town square yelled “nine”, the knife went through Kassie’s chest. It felt piercing and cold and oh so wrong. She tried to call out for help, for something, someone, but the words died on her tongue as the initial pain of the wound hit her like a shovel. Kassie tried to find the person who stabbed her, tried to spot them in the crowd of people all around her but they were gone. Lost in the crowd. People were all around her but no one seemed to notice her falling to the ground in pain. Kassie thought it was easily the most painful second of her life. 


 Just as the countdown clock struck 8 outside of the foggy hospital window, in that exact second, Simon saw the light leave his mother’s eyes. Just as the people in town square yelled out ‘eight’ the heart monitoring machine flatlined. Simon squeezed his mother’s left hand as the deafening beep rang in his ears. Simon never knew a sound could bring him so much dread, sorrow, and pain, but, here he was, sobbing quietly on the cheap hospital seat he had sat on for far too long. Here he was, wishing to whatever good there was out there to never have to hear that noise ever again. Simon thought it was easily the most painful second of his life.


 In that second, just as the countdown clock struck 7, Austin spotted his girlfriend kissing his best friend. In that one second, that small, seemingly meaningless second, Austin finally noticed all of the red flags, as if taking off rose-coloured glasses. Austin wanted to run up to them, slap them, cry, or even yell at them, but the words died on his tongue. Mabey it was his fault for being so stupid, so dismissive. Maybe if he had been around more, maybe if he had just tried a little harder, maybe he would be the one kissing his girlfriend right now. But that doesn't matter now. In that one second, Austin lost two of his favourite people. Two people he thought he could trust with his life. Austin thought it was easily the most painful second of his life. 


 Just as the countdown clock struck six, precisely in that exact second, Karma saw Trixy’s mask slip. The same mask that took years of perfecting, critiquing, along with the tall, secure walls she had built around her for so long had fallen and crashed to the ground, all because of five words. Five simple words that wouldn’t have really meant anything if Karma hadn't said them with such concern, with that certain look in their eyes that asked a trillion questions. “I know you’re not okay.” Is really all Karma said, and even though it wasn’t a question Triky still tried to answer, yet the word died on her tongue as quickly as her mask had fallen. Trixy could feel the walls crumble around her, her walls crumble around here. Trixy’s eyes quickly filled with tears, as she looked down at her feet with clenched fists. It was the first time in a while that she had cried in front of someone. Trixy thought it was easily the most painful second of her life, yet she had never felt so relieved. 


 In that exact second, just as the countdown clock promptly struck 5, Aria practically yelled three words in her girlfriend’s direction. “I LOVE YOU!” And even though the words were not said as a question or a query, Aria’s eyes were still filled with a question that seemingly died on her tongue. And even though the question was never asked, Tiffany still answered with a firm “I LOVE YOU TOO!” Mabey 11:59, exactly five seconds before New Years day, in the middle of town hall, surrounded by mostly drunk people, music blaring and barely being able to hear each other isn’t the most romantic or perfect way to say “I love you” for the first time, but hey, no one ever said love was supposed to be perfect or planned. Aria and Tiffany thought it was still (easily) the happiest second of their lives. 


 In that exact second, just as the bright countdown clock struck 4 and the people around her yelled out “FOUR!” with increasing suspension, Samantha saw her boyfriend’s hand shift at just the right angle to see a small, velvet box. Her boyfriend, Willow, had hidden his hand containing the ring box back behind his dark green skirt as quickly as it had surfaced, and he didn't seem to think that Samantha noticed. Samatha was going to say something, maybe even say “yes”, but the words died on her tongue as soon as she thought of them.  Instead Samantha just smiled to herself. That explains the nervousness and sweaty hands. Any second now and Samantha was going to be engaged to her favourite person in the world. Samantha thought it was easily the most thrilling second of her life.


 In that exact second, just as the drunk people in town hall yelled out “THREE!” like their lives depended on it, Mabel hit the ground right out of her bedroom window in her backyard. Merely a second before that, Mabel had decided that yes, she was actually doing this, yes she was running away from her parents. Mabel felt her heavy backpack hit her back roughly from the force of the jump. As Mabel heard the music and yells coming from town hall she frowned. I bet none of those people have ever had to go through anything challenging in their lives if they are celebrating something so stupid like the numbers on a calander. Mabel almost wished she had said something to her parents before leaving, but every time she tried to speak up the words quickly died on her tongue. Even though Mabel was cold, scared(though she would never admit it), and quite frankly exhausted, she was relieved. She was finally getting away from her abusive, homophopic, Trump-supporting parents. Mabel thought it was easily the happiest second of her life. 


 Just as the countdown clock struck 2, the numbers large and bright red, Alex saw the love of his life. One second ago, if you had asked Alex if he had believed in love at first sight, then he would have quickly, almost without thinking about it, shot down the idea without hesitation. That was before he saw her. Maybe it was the way-too-loud music, the swarming crowd, or the bright neon lights that were making his brain swim, but he was sure it was she was the one. In that one second that she made eye contact with him, he felt something. Something better than hot chocolate on cold nights and being in the passenger seat in the car on a rainy day. It was all just the matter of if she felt it too. Alex felt the sudden urge to yell out to her, but the words died on his tongue quickly. It seemed more appropriate to go up to her formally instead of yell at her across the town square. Alex thought it was easily the most thrilling second of his life. 


 Right before the countdown clock struck 1, Ghost glanced at his best friend, James, who was closing his eyes with a look of concentration on his face. In that moment Ghost realized he had fallen in love. How had he not noticed he was falling until he hit the ground? Just as the clock struck 1, Ghost looked at his best friend again, who was staring at the bright red letters with a look in his eyes that showed great excitement. Excitement for new beginnings, new memories, new stories. Excited for the future. He just hoped he was part of that future. Just as Ghost was about to say something, about to ask if James felt the same way, the clock struck 0 and James’ face lit up and turned to him as he yelled “Happy New Year!” with a small smile on his face. In that small, seemingly insignificant moment, James looked at him with such love and happiness(and maybe a little bit of drowsiness) that Ghost knew James loved him back. This time, the words didn’t quite die on his tongue. 

 Ghost and James didn’t know if this was going to be the happiest moment of their lives, as their lives had not ended yet, but it was sure going to be up there. 

December 31, 2020 03:07

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