
I follow my mother into the kitchen as she continues to tell me I cannot go to prom this year. I keep wondering why she would deprive me of such a cliche high school experience. She usually loves those. My mother has forced me to go to dances, plays, football games, anything to get me out of the house. The one time I want to leave and have good time with my new friend, she doesn't budge. Her eyes are glazed over like she had just cried minutes before. I can see the reflection of our backyard pool in her eyes, as the raindrops make little splashes into the leaf ridden water. The window is open in my kitchen as I smell the spring air blowing in. My mother still standing there with a blank face and a stale smile. I keep pushing my mother, asking why over and over again to get an answer that I want to hear. "You're step father says no, that is why." She says solemnly. I immediately question why this non-biological creature has any sort of control over my life, especially when it came to senior prom. My mother looks like she has had a long week at the hospital, so I leave her alone.

In my room lays my prom dress, the one I bought months ago with my new friend. Her name is Quinn. She smells like warm rain, and looks like a sunrise. You just want to stay outside and take it all in. I don't want to disobey my mother, but Quinn was not one you wanted to let down. I know what her reaction would be already. Face frowning, but she quickly hides it to not make you feel bad because it is out of your hands. "My mom said no." I would say sadly, and she would lighten the mood with a joke, or an activity we can do instead. "How about we bake cookies, and have a movie night." She would say while my head is still down from saying my bad news out loud. An activity even more cliche than prom itself, but I agree.

On the other hand, I could sneak out to prom. I could say I am too disappointed about not going, and lock myself in my room then sneak out the window. Quinn made me do things like that, I was never the risk taking type until I met her. She just made everything easier, like you knew you were never alone doing anything. My thoughts were hers, and hers we're mine. If I snuck out I would have the time of my life during my last year of high school. Yet another boring cliche saying that everyone worships. It is true, I will give them that. It is my last year, and after this I could be going to college in Washington D.C. Living in Maine doesn't exactly help that fact. Quinn was my best friend, I could even be in love with her if I let myself admit it. I won't though, things are too good right now.

This process is full of cliches, my heart saying one thing and my mind another. I am just concerned for my mothers sake. She looks bad, and I constantly hear yelling downstairs between her and my stepdad. He is a complete dick, and I don't even need to explain further.

I keep finding myself going back to the idea of me sneaking out, but it seems too impossible. Quinn always told me that the impossible is for pussy's, and I would laugh with her. Now, her words are burning in my eyes like I can't escape them. Prom is a day away and I need to chose an option.

I am at prom.

That's right, Sarah McDonough isn't a pussy. I brought my dress to Quinn the day before at school and she took it home. I snuck out as planned and went to Quinns to change. Now, the music is blasting, I am with the one I love (geez), and actually having a good time. I feel like I am at a rave with the lights pulsing and music so loud I can't even hear myself think. The time slowly ticks as we reach the end of the night, and my social battery is starting to run out. My nice warm bed is starting to feel real good right about now. I slip off my heels and start to walk barefoot because of the pain in the ass blisters forming on my heels. Quinn brings the car around bumping music as loud as the dance was, and yells out the window "The party doesn't stop until I drop you off." I get in the ear piercing car, and start laughing as she sped off to bring me home.

My whole house is dark which is weird because my mom usually stays up late waiting for me to get home safe. She also hasn't texted me all night which I didn't bother worrying about until now. I open the door and turn on the light immediately and call out to my mom. No answer. I even call out to my step dad a few times, but he doesn't say a word. I am mostly confused, but a little worried. I drop my purse of the kitchen counter and call my mom. Her ringtone starts playing in the living room, and I slowly make my way to the sound. Her phone is flashing and ringing but no one is there to claim it.

"Shit" I say as two hands wrap around my face and drag me to the floor. I am screaming help and for my mother but no words can come out. I am suffocating, drowning in my words but still getting air. A figure is dragging me to the basement where I see a tiny light bulb lit on the ceiling. The figure throws me into a chair and wraps me up tight. My mind is racing I haven't even had time to process the situation. I started to think about Quinn, prom, and if I had made the right decision. If I didn't go where I know where my mom is, would I not be tied up, would I not be chocking back tears. The dust finally clears and I look around. The person has disappeared but there is another chair next to me with another person in it. I suddenly realize who it is when I squint my eyes closer. It's my mother.

"MOM!" I say, but her head just hung there with no life flowing through it.

The figure comes back with a bag and sets it down next to my mom. Her reveals his face into the light so suddenly without a hassle, and I see him. My step dad. Bustling around the basement as if nothing bad was happening. His face didn't seem evil, his posture didn't look cruel. I thought he was just a regular dick step father that hated his life and took it out on others. I always wondered why my mom married him, but that wasn't even going through my thoughts.

I sit in my chair contemplating the last 6 hours of my life and wondering if I had stayed home would anything be different. Then I thought to myself that my step dad was the one who wanted me to stay home for the night.

It was inevitable.

Being down here was going to happen either way. He wanted me to stay home to make it easier for himself.

Well, at least I got a good prom out of it.

March 17, 2020 04:13

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