Creative Nonfiction

Today era is digital platform. Technology covers the whole ground. Nobody can walk a step without the support of technology. Oh! What a peculiar life! We can't move on by our own pristine way. Always seek the perfect and adorable path for walking. We don't want to spend our time as usually as the innocent children. Life seeks only luxurious plot. A greedy mind is rising- like a kite is soaring up the sky. Now, it wants too much relaxation time. A thought--- we are doing all by brain. So we suffer many head's difficulties. We are exhausted. How can use a way of freedom?

 If there's a technology that our thoughts are automatically done perfectly by using that technology and we can change the way of thought as an eraser and rewrite . Then, not any dark site in the earth can be existed. Such a thought, takes the priority to some scientists and a challenge to God. Nobody knows the incidents of dramatic result may turn at which direction--- good or bad!!! Let's wait and see.....

Jack !!! Are you there??? Plz, come on. It is now 10 am. You should get up.

Jack, a young scientist works with a scientist group. They have a secret mission. They want to help human brain. It is so tough but yet they can't stop to discover the technology. Ok. I'm coming, mom.

Jack wakes up and quickly ready to go outside.

We're a secret group of scientists. We try to make a history. A technology, to help the core of brain. Our brain is exhausted by working all times. We need a break to give that some rest. Max, Alex-they are my supporters. We all are worked around 5 years. The group is vast. Around 15 scientists, are involved. Finally that day is arrived. Unleash the inner power!!!!!!

The machine is like a helmet but it has multiple techniques within it. So many fine wires are included. They act so finely just like flowers touch. After wearing that a blue button is pressed for starting the machine. 15 minutes to set up, then a dramatic plot is rising. All things are swirling. Myriads dreams are dancing. Real visions turn to a mysterious lane. It's a demo trial. After a lot of experiences, within poor human, they are ready to launch this session. One big limitation (nobody can imagine)- it diverts all things......... Desperate mind is rising.......

God's creation is mysterious. Nothing can beat that. Nature can’t change the rules. The sun can’t rise in west side. Moon never shows in day period. All are unique at their own places .Fusion can only destroy the natural beauty.

Human brain is the most complex and mystic organ. Our silly thought that we want to regulate that by remote, as a dancing doll. What an imagination !!!!!!

The day is arrived-opening ceremony of the device to control human brain. My uncle is ready for the experiment upon himself. He wears the helmet. A quick connection and spark----- then the bluish segment is running onward verse. Something very unfathomable situation --- the mystic behavior of human being . He acts like a criminal- such an atrocious way to move. No humanity can be seen upon his reflection. Need all things to fall as perfect as. No pain or sorrow can withstand, only love and laugh can exist. An evergreen Entertainment plot must exist....... It can't be like that. All of the members are surprised. They just want to help human but can’t beat the God's creation. It's like a hypocrisy. It shouldn’t allow. Now what’s going to onward verse????

Anyone here???? Give me a glass of orange juice.

Someone come and suddenly the current is gone. Oh no!!!!! Why??? There's no light. Rubbish!!!!!..For all of your existence make this curse. I will kill you. Just go away .Such a tone... like a devil is come...All are astonished....Where can find the kindness shower? We want to help but it turns as a flash back of ruthless power...The evil comes with it’s pristine desires------

A poem is written in the cabinet as moral...

“Let me take a trip for opening legend

My heart is craving to dive in deep ocean

Let me write the story of earth

Which are still unopened in ridiculous mirth

Let me fly with the flocks of dove

To pick freedom essence in this life

Let me hold the zephyr of universe

To make a ride as a racer horse

Let me catch that mystic moments

Wandering sights always chase my mind

This earth is full of wonderful sights

All are the gracious touches of God

I want to take a mission for life

To wander this earth as a vagabond or crazy heart

Tiny life never hold for an extra moment

Destiny can call anytime without warning sign

Now as a lively soul in earth

Want to touch the warmth for eternal mirth

Let me to create a new history

All should cherish the lovely story”

But here things are out of control from all of us. Also, another write is decoded  for reciting…. 

“Let's hold the hand as an unique nation,

To take every step for better communication.

Though civilization is a major fact,

It's also an integral matter to protect all from pollution.

Without any too much collaboration-

Take the way to beat all collapsed forms.

We need to rearrange our mystic norms,

Without hamper the peaceful abode.

Day by day Pollution is rising---

It's very difficult to breathe beneath azure.

So many noxious darts now flying,

Anytime from anywhere piercing the heart.

Why do we need too much civilization?

When there's only harmful exhibition.

Properly can decorate the beautiful earth,

Without badly affect all lively mirth.”

We need to save the earth....hit the point... the discovery may contradict....it can destroy all the rhythms in a second………..

Technology is essential to make a smooth way but it may be dangerous, if can't be controlled fruitfully .The jury board can't imagine that such a devastating plot may arise in front of their eyes and if this can’t stop right now , the future will be turned to a paranormal earth.

We need to rectify this as soon as. God makes this earth. We can't compete with His creations. Such a magnificent plot , can't be operated by mere human beings. The helmet is a technophobe . It should be destroyed without any second thought. The beautiful mind and golden heart are existed in human shells. Need a strike to awake that.

“Mankind is the best crown acts as helmet.

Don't make a wrong perception-

Wear crown of mankind,

The best dignity in this earth!

Time may pass,

But essence of humanity can't fade up.

Hold the hands of love’

Forgetting all rifts’

It helps to build the palatial earth.”

February 25, 2021 11:35

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