Creative Nonfiction

    This was supposed to be the happiest day of their lives. The day Tim, Joe and pascal never dreaded, the day that held so much for them and the world around them. They were clearly the "Three Monkiteers" in their own case. 

Their eyes glittered with the joy that was unmistakable, of course who in their case will hide the feeling? All the butterflies one could think of as throwing a party in one's belly were all partying in their bellies. Tim had gone all over the streets sharing the invitation cards, Joe was up and doing trying to fix the venue and obviously Pascal could not be doing any less keeping dates with the Publishers as the day for their grand finale approached. All what needed to be done was done. There was actually no place good enough for such joy to be expressed, it was their Life long dream about to bloom like a Hibiscus flower. They may not have had enough money as the big boys in town but of course the enthusiasm in them was not the type easily to be found in any others and for that the went about their businesses with all the necessary confidence. 

Their Friendship had lasted long enough for their voices to blend as one. They all spoke and demonstrated alike, one could hardly differentiate and of cause many had taken them to be triplets, at different occasion one has being mistaken for another, it was not their fault. They were almost the same age only the difference in birth month prevented them from being triplets from different mothers. They grew up together,went to the same schools and were studying the same Course in their Tertiary Institution. The bond, love and trust that lived among the trio was only found among them. Growing up they were times one got into fights that they had to take up and execute what they referred to as "United Fight". Whether they ever had misunderstandings among them was a question that begged for answers in the hearts of many who came across them. They have being living without having to settle quarrels between them.They were a perfect blend made from heaven. The most unique aspect of them was the way they set and achieved goals. Tim was the idea initiator, Joe the idea analyst and Pascal the idea executor. This way they achieved feats beyond their age. This time too,they were set out to hit an age long target that gave them all the sleepless nights they could ever imagine, the desire to ne autbors, of course it was the first of it kind, the most unique goal and a life changing one at that.

Tim drove pass No.18 David Mike by- pass, High Level, Makurdi. He saw a writing posted on the wall of a Storey building, it was written in black ink, not so bold but he was able to read the letters that rolled in slanted format "You can do it." The next question on his mind was "you can do what?" He thought about this over and over again, but the answer was not forth coming. After some days he forgot about the writing, but one of the days he sat in class and lost concentration of the lecture, he was lost in the thought of "you can do it." suddenly it was about a book, they had thought to write, but he could not share it with his friends because of the slim possibilities of achieving this dream, although the thought of writing a book never left them. He always thought about it. It was not so pressing as it is now, the pressure to write now became too pressing on his mind as it was now after reading the write up posted at the building, immediately he made up his mind to discuss this glamorous idea with the other guys of cause they will buy it, it was their collective desire. They never frown at his suggestions probably because they are never out of place. 

It was on a Saturday morning about 10:30am , it was weekend a day of rest from School activities, the guys were all lying face up in their apartment when suddenly, Tim sprang up and said in a raised but steady tone that he had an idea, the rest of them Joe and Pascal sat up almost at once to look at their friend and hear what he had to say.

"Guys, we can write the book, that good content book" Tim said

"Wow, really?" Pascal said

"Oh My....!" Joe exclaimed

"That's a really nice idea guys, Joe went further.

" So what do you think should be the title and content of the book guys?" Tim asked

"Well..." Joe said lifting his eyes to the ceiling in the room, in a memory lane.

"we will think about it and come up with a title a suitable title" Pascal said, leaning back to rest his spinal cord. The boys all settled with that and laid the book title issue aside as they continued gisting about the week's events.

The next few weeks were invested in rigorous thoughts about what the book's title and content would be, it was a thorough one because the boys wanted something that would be outstanding, more so,it was one that would turn their lives around and give them a place above their equals. Finally, Joe suggested the title "Gotten." They all agreed at once with the title after critical analysis. The boys got down to work. They gave little time to academics at this point as they were set out to achieving their dream. All their lives as Friends they have always thought about adding value to the society why hitting a fortune. This was not just about a book, it was about a dream coming true, it meant so much to all of them. The ball was set rolling, writing a book about the struggles of Rica, searching for happiness in every nook and cranny of life, unraveling the mystries behind the unfortunate circumstances surrounding his birth and having no one to lean on was a herculean task undertaken by the trio, because it had to go to the root of an unknown culture, a different breed of people all together with a unique tradition that was understood only by few people who were really not easily within their beck and call. Finding an editor for such work was even more tasking than putting the words in writing, the terminologies to be used especially when it had to do with words from that ethnic group, to depict clearly the character Rica in their work and doing that was actually the basic ingredients and uniqueness they needed to captivate their readers and set a pace in that area of work.

"Going above your strength is the actual successs" pascal said after much deliberations.

"You are right, so right pascal" Joe replied

"You all are right, it is really about doing more" Tim said

"So let set the ball rolling, we will get an editor no matter what it takes" Pascal said. And they all agreed on finding an editor for their book, someone who did not only know the language of Rica the character's ethnic group, but someone who was experienced in the culture and tradition of that language.

It was on a Monday morning, Pascal walked briskly to one of their lecturers office, someone he knew could do a perfect job for them. A tested and trusted experienced Linguist, gladly he agreed to be their editor and of course support system. Work commenced in ernest as there was no more time to waste. Within the next few months the manuscript was ready for editing and publication. Pascal had being spending more time at the Publishers place than with the guys. It was really demanding on his part and the rest understood and made up their minds to bear with his tight schedules that kept him away from spending time with them. The whole work was typed and ready fro mass production. 

A day was fixed by the guys for the public presentation of their amiable work, preparations were on ground in other to have a perfect day. Tim was up and doing, Joe was fixing the venue and Pascal was always running to the publication company in other to get a hitch-free publication of the book Gotten.

The D-day was finally here, the grand finale, the day to nail down a fortune, the long awaited day. The day that was not in sight was staring deep into the eyes of the three friends, their age long dream of becoming authors one day was standing face to face with reality. All the invited guests were seated, family, friends and well wishers were all here to grace this occasion. The occasion was to start in few minutes, but the one questions that begged for answers was where was the object of presentation? Was it still at the publisher's place? Obviously,no one could answer that. Pascal who was to make an attempt to those questions was no where in sight. Tim and Joe were all tensed up at this point. Had they gathered people to disappoint them? Or did they gather people to disgrace themselves. Tim went to the Publishers place a thousand and one time,but met the offices all locked. He had gone the previous day to have a look at the cover page after Pascal told him that the book was one in town but met the locks on guard and Pascal's phones were all switched off. Tim and Joe waited back at home for Pascal but he did not return home nor made an attempt to reach out to them, they had no choice than to wait trusting their friendship never to fail. Pascal had returned the next day with a made up story long enough to be book, but the good news was that the assurance of a memorable public presentation of the book was granted them by their executioner friend Pascal. 

The tick tock of the clock kept consistency and ran into 11:am prompt, tension raised standard as the most awaited Pascal did not suddenly appear. It was now clear to Tim and Joe that the day was gradually spanning into a black one, program commenced not withstanding, yet Pascal nor the Publishers brought in the books. Unknown to the duo that Pascal already struck a deal with another author, sold the copyright in the book and all othrf rights there with to the author in collaboration with the publishers and travelled out to a different location to enjoy the proceeds leaving his friends to wallow in misery, something they never thought would happen to their friendship was staring right in their faces. Gloom took hold of the day, people made faces expressing displeasure at the way the program was going. Finally they could not hold back the awful news than break it to the eager audience, the program was dissolved and people left for their various destinations. They made contacts, lodged a report for Pascal's arrest and subsequent trial, of course Pascal was arrested, he confessed to the crime and the Copyright in the book and the produced Copies recovered but by then it was too late.

November 20, 2020 10:43

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