The Secret Prince of Monico

Submitted into Contest #106 in response to: Write a story about a character who’s secretly nobility.... view prompt


Fantasy Romance Teens & Young Adult

It was a normal Tuesday morning and as usual I had woken up bright and early to start my day. 

 After my coffee, I received a phone call from my best friend Kelsie Jones. “Morning Jane, have you heard the news? Apparently, Prince Louie from Monico is coming here to find his princess.” 

 Not knowing who he was as I didn’t even know about the royal family from Monico, I replied with a who cares attitude. “So, who cares Kelsie, he is just a prince.”

“Fair enough bestie I was just thinking that since you are single you could stalk him on the internet and meet him. I remember when we were kids you always wanted to be a princess.” Kelsie replied reminiscing about our childhood memories.

“Yeh but I’ve grown up now and I’m not ready for another relationship just yet. I don’t care if he is gorgeous, all royals are stuck up and I for one wouldn’t want to be apart of that family.” I answered as I started patting my 2-year-old husky Belle. She started barking in the background as Kelsie started to talk again. ‘Shush girl mummy is on the phone to Kelsie.’ 

“Aww tell Belle I say hi and will see you both soon, but back to the topic, yes the prince is gorgeous. I understand where you are coming from, I won’t argue with you. I have to go, give belle a hug for me and we will talk soon.”

“I will and take care bestie have a good day.” I hanged up the call and went to grab the leash to take Belle for her morning walk.

As were we walking through the park, I let her of the leash so she could have a run around. ‘Ok girl don’t go too far now, I want to be able to see you at all times.’ I told her as I took of her leash and went to sit down on the park bench to check my phone. Some time went past, when I looked up from my phone, I realised that I couldn’t see my dog anymore. Before I got to upset, I got up and started to call out to her and look for her.

 I went to check the last spot where I saw her, but she wasn’t there and no where to be seen. A couple of hours later I still hadn’t found her and I was starting to worry. As I was just about to call Kelsie to get her to come help me to look around the neighbourhood, a tall dark handsome stranger walked up to me and started to talk.

“Hi love, are you ok? I heard you calling out to your dog for the past two hours.”

“Oh, hey there, no I can’t find her anywhere and was just about to walk home to get in my car. Something must have spooked her; she usually comes straight to me when I call her.” 

“Ok well I could help look for her if you’d like, can you send me a photo of her and I will round up some friends to have a look. By the way what is your name beautiful?” the stranger asked me while giving me his phone number to send the photo.

 As I was sending through the photo, I told him my name and then asked what his name was. He hesitated for a minute and then responded; “My name is Charles, nice to meet you Jane, if I find your dog ill give you a call straight away.”

With no luck searching the neighbourhood I started to think that I wouldn’t see her ever again and that she was lost forever. I logged onto my Facebook to start posting a lost ad in hopes that sooner than later someone would find my baby. After I posted up the ad, I made a coffee for myself and Kelsie who was calling up the local shelters.

“Any luck with the shelters?” I asked her hopeful as I handed her the cup of coffee.

“No sadly not, I hope your new guy friend has better luck then we do, by the way what did you say his name was?” Kelsie replied as she took a sip of her drink.

“He said his name was Charles, I do hope he can find her. Maybe I should give him a call just in case if he has forgot to call me.” I got up to grab my phone to call him.

“Hello Charles, its Jane from this morning, I was kind of hoping that you have found my dog and forgot to call me?” I asked being hopeful.

“Well, hello gorgeous, sorry I actually did forget to call you. I found her about 10 mins ago in the McDonalds carpark. Can you text me your address and I will bring her straight over to you?”

“Ah that’s awesome news, thank you so much. Ill send you my address now. See you soon.” I hanged up the call and texted my address straight away.

“Looks like you will get to meet him, Kelsie; he has just found Belle and will bring her around straight away.” I told her so happy my baby was safe and sound.

“That’s awesome news, and I can’t wait to meet this mysterious Charles.” 

Twenty minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I rushed to answer it excited to see my baby again and to see Charles again. When I opened the door; Belle jumped up on me and I gave her a big cuddle. “Don’t run away from me ever again girl, you scared me.” I told Belle while I gave Charles a hug.

We both pulled away awkwardly, “Sorry about that I usually don’t hug guys that I just met, but I’m so happy that you have found her. How can I repay you?”

 But before he could answer, Kelsie came into the lounge room and interrupted us. Once she saw Charles there was a shocked look on her face, she leaned in and whispered in my ear. “That’s Prince Louie, not sure why he told you a different name for. Maybe you should ask him his real name.”

“I'm not going to say nothing and neither are you, if he likes me then he will tell me himself eventually.” I whispered back to her hoping that she wouldn’t ruin this moment for me.

“Hi you must be Charles the nice guy who helped find Belle, I’m Kelsie nice to meet you.” Kelsie shook his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too, and to answer your question, Jane; you could agree to go to dinner with me tonight as a favour.” he asked me while winking and giving me a sexy smile.

“Of course, I would love to Charles, give me a few minutes to get ready then. And Kelsie can you please feed Belle tonight for me?”

“Sure, I can do that I don’t mind at all Jane.”

After a lovely dinner, I decided to confront Charles about his real name and to ask why did he lie to me.

“So, my friend told me that you are prince Louie, is that true? And if so, why did you tell me your name was Charles?”

He took a deep breathe then answered my question, “Ok your friend is right, I am so sorry I lied to you. The only reason I did was because most girls only want to marry me just for my title. So, I promised myself that the next girl I met I would pretend to be someone else until I got to know her. But I can see that you are different from most girls, you seem down to earth.”

“Wow, I am sorry to hear that, I promise if we get serious, I wouldn’t marry you just for your title. And thank you for that compliment, you seem down to earth also.” I replied while staring into his blue eyes, then before I knew it he leaned in to give me a kiss, it was slow and romantic and it had been sometime since I had a guy kiss me like this.

 After what seemed like forever we broke apart and I was still on cloud nine from the best kiss of my life.

The last few months were a whirlwind, Prince Louie and I got engaged, I found out I was pregnant with our first child and we were planning our royal wedding. I couldn’t believe that my childhood dream of being a princess was going to come true in less than one month. I was the most happiest and luckiest girl in the world.

August 09, 2021 15:56

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Stevie B
11:10 Aug 17, 2021

A royally good story. Keep on writing, Rebecca, and when you think you're done then write even more!


Rebecca Hegarty
11:26 Aug 17, 2021

Thank you, I do have a novel im working on aswell. I love writing.


Stevie B
11:41 Aug 17, 2021

Then, to paraphrase the words of the immortal author, Charles Bukowski, "Find what you love in life then do it till it kills you!"


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