Friendship Middle School Teens & Young Adult

Its September, and it is the time of the month when the weather is chilly, not too hot, not really cold. Wind makes the tree leaves move slowly. People are wearing long sleeves shirts, walking in the streets and enjoying the weather. It may not be everyone’s favorite season but it is Diala’s favorite season. 

Diala is a 25 year old lady. She lives with her partner in a lovely two bedroom apartment in a very quiet district. She works as an artist and thats what makes everything in her life feel like an art. She is a pretty petite lady, she has long black hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She’s been with her partner for more than five years. She has many hobbies like dancing salsa, drawing and painting, and she has a taste in cooking and she likes to do everything by her own hands. Diala believes that this the best way to enjoy real life quality, that every person should try to do whatever they want all by themselves. 

Diala is a sociable person. She makes friends wherever she goes. She likes traveling and traveled to more than ten countries. She went to two different schools during middle and high school phase. She earned her bachelor degree in Arts. She worked as content writer, graphic designer in reputable companies, and eventually she decided to work on her own. Diala changed a part of her home to be her own working studio. That’s where she works as an artist, she provides different kind of art depending on what people ask her. 

She loves hanging out with her friends and as she made friends from all over the world, Diala is always loyal to her childhood friends. She loves her childhood era and never forget a single moment. Diala said that her most unforgettable memory when she was a child, was when her father used to come to her room and ask her to pack her clothes as they are going to their summer vacation house because thats when she was able to go swimming all day, play with her bike, and stay late at night with her friends. One more unforgettable moment, is when she comes back home dark skinned because of staying all day exposed to the sun ray. 

She is a strong lady. She’s been through so much when she was so young. But the walls she have built up gave her strength. She may cry at night before she sleeps but wakes up with the biggest smile on her face. She forgive but never forget. She is fun to be around, a secret keeper and a real friend. She may grew up but her soul is still like a child. 

Diala and her partner’s house is a very cosy one. The walls paint are natural solid beige. Their sofas are huge and comfy just like the lazy boys. Except for the bedroom, they chose it to be a classic style with gold and white colors. Living room is a big space with one L-shape sofa, big television screen and yellow string lights around the television. They have a big balcony with street view. They have two moving chairs, one for each and beans bags for their friends when they come over. They chose not to have any lights so they can enjoy their time in peace. 

There are scents that bring back many memories for everyone. It could be the scent of a perfume of your beloved ones, could be the scent of a hot croissant came straight out from the bakery. It could be the first food that you ever cooked, and could be a smell of an old house. Once you smell this scent, you feel like you went back to this moment by your mind and heart. You feel related to it and wish you can smell it over and over again as you are breathing, because deep inside your heart and mind, it was a beautiful unforgettable moment. 

One night, Diala felt bored so she went to the kitchen to prepare her favorite hot chocolate drink and decided to take her portable radio and sit in her open air balcony. As she sits on her moving chair and put her cup on the side table, she took a deep breathe in to smell the air and suddenly all her childhood memories is moving in front of her eyes, just like the photo album. 

She smelled the scent of back to school season, when she was a young kid and that what used to make her so happy and excited. No adults problems or responsibilities. All she can think of and care about is her school classes and her school friends. The smell of the air reminded Diala of her best-friend and neighbor whom she lived with for more than 10 years. They were class mates since kindergarten and fortunately neighbors from the same building. 

This coincidence made them live such beautiful moments and while she was looking at the photo album of memories that came to her mind while sitting at the balcony, she remembered every moment, the warm milk and cookies that they used to share before they go to bed. The room that held all their little secrets. The school uniform that they used to buy together and the hair braids that they used to make for each other. She remembered their walks to the school from home all by themselves. She remembered all the tears and laughs. 

While Diala was smiling when she was thinking of her unforgettable moments with her best-friend, her tears came down because she realized that she grew up so fast and since then Diala decided to live every moment in her life happily so that when she grow up more years and take a deep breath again, the smell of the air reminds her of the unforgettable moment again and again.  

Enjoy every moment. Act your age. Love intentionally. Make friendships. Create lovely moments. Keep them in your heart. Think about them later and smile.

October 02, 2020 19:15

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We made a writing app for you

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