Wedding anniversary

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Write your story about two characters tidying up after a party.... view prompt


Drama Fiction Romance

“Happy wedding anniversary Grand Ma!”

I see the little face of my granddaughter Samantha.  I smile enjoying the moment. Her cute voice still eco in my ears. I eyed the flower basket she gave me.

I dried the last plate while the happy memories of the evening running in my head. I smile again and store the plate back on the shelf.

I inhale a deep breath, feeling the place I am now. This place has played a huge part in my career as a housewife. She helped me to become the best cook for my family.

                               “My kitchen”

She is an eye witness of most of my happiness and my tear, All this time I spent with her she know all about my family, our  health and wealth happiness and sadness everything. She helped me all the time not only in the celebration but also saddens.

 “Happy anniversary my kitchen! And thank you."  I wished her.

She accepts my wishes and gratitude humbly. As always she stands silently holding all the memories we shared.

 I look around for the last time before I leave and I step out from the kitchen knowing that my works here is done.

The moment I stepped in the garden cold wind and chilled surrounded me and I wrap my coat tightly. Even in this cold weather I see everyone is busy. To me, it looks like a whole lot of work is still to be done.

I look around for the person I am here for.

               “What are you doing here?”

I look back; there he is the person who made this celebration more meaningful, the other half of this anniversary celebration.

I can introduce him as my partner, my supporter, my soul mate, my hope, my trouble, my distraction and many more.  In this  long journey he played all this character time to time for the last 50 years of our life.

For a moment I worried to see him doing all this in this cold weather.  He strides toward me and lifts the collar of my coat.

“There is lots of works to be done, are you sure you must finish this right now at this weather.”

I asked looking around.

He smiles.

“Don’t worry, all these works will be done in no time besides I am not alone.”

He pointed at Leon and Phillip. My son and my son-in-law.

“But it's freezing cold out here.” I said again.

“I am strong and I can handle it.”

Then he turned me back facing the main door of the house,

“Have some rest, It really cold out here and I’ll come back soon when I finished the works.” he said.

He smiles at me and has two chairs in his both hands and walks to the store room.

I know this smile the same smile that felt happiness and warmth 50 years ago, in front of the altar on our wedding day.

I see his energy and happy soul which inside his lazy body. Once that body was strong energized as his soul but now he is old as I am, but that lazy body couldn’t stop him whatever he wish to do, just like right now.

I turn and walk back to the door he asked me to rest and he promised me that he will comeback in no time. And I believe him no matter what the circumstances said, when he said he will come he always did, I know he will do this again not taking much time.

“Happy 50th wedding anniversary my love!”

I greet to the secure feeling which is overwhelming me. That is a feeling only he can give me. Thanks to him  50 anniversary of our wedding life was happy and meaningful. Sometime I am thinking what might have happened if it not him.

I set on warmth couch and feel the comfort I felt in the house. I look around I remember the first day I stepped in to this house as newly wedded wife.  Since then this place became my home after seven years of time this place became home to my three children Liana, Leon and Onaya.

This is our safe zone the place all we share love secure and comfort. The only place we all want to live in the whole world.

I enjoyed every seconds of my life with Richard and my children I saw them grow day by day, they became smarter as well as kindhearted. They achieved targets in the meantime they learned the value of life. They enjoyed the 3d game but also had time with the environment.

With all this excitement I didn’t realize I am getting older. And thanks to that my body rejects some of my very basic requests, sometimes it completely reject me and demand some assistance, some more rest and attention.

My executive demands or stubborn attitude newer helped me to overcome my body’s disabilities or laziness.

“63 is not an age to die.”

That’s what Liana said when my heart decides not to work properly anymore. I was terrified, in the mean time I knew that I terrified Richard and my children.

But I was lucky enough to have a second chance in my life.

And now I am thinking of it, that was unexpected and I was not ready for it back then. I am sure none of us were.

Now I am 78 and I still don’t know how I want to think about it. But when I am thinks about my life I am blessed to have strong and romantic partner Richard with three lovely children. Liana as cardiologist, Leon as production manager in garment field and Onaya as a fashion designer who are now successful contributors of their own working environment and also respectful citizen in our society.

We are living in an artificial society in which everyone is running after something. For branded social standards, or to make their name and much more. With this running, they don’t have time for have a single meal peacefully.

 I am proud of my children the most is the fact that they are fighters. And they fight for the value they stand for just like their father. And they never gave up on what they are doing or never sacrifice themselves in the name of success.

But still they are also active runners in this society and they have time for the people they love, they find time for themselves and their children and for us.

They have learn the most important lesson of life the important of sharing your life with people who love you and becoming a reason of happiness  for the people you love.

My children are now in late forties but still I am an active member of their everyday life. I am glad that I am the reason for their happiness.

As a person or as a parent Richard and I can be proud of our life we lived. And I am grateful to know that all this time I reason for my Richard and my children’s happiness.

I open my eyes and looked at our family photo which is hanging on the wall. We all are smiling at the camera.  But it wasn’t an easy one. We all work hard to achieve it and now I see it. I see my children smile and I see my grandchildren smile too. And we, Rich and I

are looking at them from behind and happy for them.

I look back when I felt the cold hand on my shoulder I know who this is,

“Are you done with your work?” I asked.

“ Yes, as I promised.” He said.

Then he looked at the picture which I am looking at,

“It’s beautiful,” he said a moment later looking at me.

I rest my head on his chest agreeing with what he just said.

“By the way” he looked at my face,

     “Happy 50th wedding anniversary! My love”

He wished me,

“Happy 50th wedding anniversary! My love”

I smile at him.

May 14, 2021 20:50

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Iris Orona
19:26 May 18, 2021



Sharmila Nizam
19:13 Jun 13, 2021

Thank you, I am glad you felt that way.


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