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Heather looked outside of her window as she watched the rain fall outside. She raced raindrops as they fell on her window. Aching from sitting in the chair, heather stood up and stretched her arms above her head and arched her back. Once she stood up straight, she let out a big sigh and walked to the fridge.

She opened her fridge full of food, and grabbed the leftover macaroni. She put it in the microwave and put it in for 2 minutes and she tried to hum to the pitch of the microwave. Once it was done, she pulled the macaroni out and began to eat. As she was eating, she was also walking around the home. She noticed the high chandeliers which glimmered and sparkled from the high ceiling. She walked from the kitchen with cold tile flooring to the living room to the livingroom with a plush carpet.

The cozy fireplace warmed the space; the fire crackled and popped and illuminated the space surrounding her. The fireplace was surrounded by bookshelves on each side and above as well. It was quite a beautiful and cozy place to sit and admire the fire.

She grabbed the nearest blanket and put it over her shoulders and she sat down infront of the fire. With each bite she took, she watched as the fire danced infront of her. The crackling of the fire and the patter of the rain brought her an immense sense of peace and comfort. As she finished her macaroni, she shifted her gaze from the fireplace to the bookshelves. There were so many books, heather was in awe of how many there were. One book in particular caught her attention; all the books were of the same hefty size but she noticed a more slender book within the shelves. Curious, she stood up wrapping the blanket around her and walked towards this book.

This book was small, and had a gray tinge to it. The paper looked to be a bit flakey, but she wanted to know what this book was about. As she opened the book, the book felt lighter as something had fallen out from it. She looked down to see what had fallen and it was a key on a necklace chain; she picked it up and began to investigate this item closely. Looking inside the book, it had the following message, "Unlocking mysteries, secrets to share. Put on this necklace, wearer beware. Though tempting it may be to see the unseen, you've found this not by chance but by destiny. Put this necklace on and ask it to see, to see the mysterious you must ask it with please."

Further instructions in the book read, "To use the key, simply wear the necklace and hold the key in your hands. When you want to return to your original location, simply let go of the key." Heather's curiosity was turning into skepticism, but wanted to know what sort of power this key truly had. She put the necklace on and asked, "Key that unlocks mysteries, can you please show me the sea?"

The key started to become warm in her hand and vibrated. Her eyes widened as she found herself not in her livingroom anymore but in the ocean. Startled at first, her concern dissipated once she realized she was not really in the ocean. It was as if she was a spirit in the ocean, unaffected by being underwater. She wanted to go deeper into the ocean and she asked, "Key that unlocks mysteries, can you please bring me deeper slowly to see." Gradually, Heather moved further and further down the ocean.

She was in awe of the beautiful creatures surrounding her; she saw fish and turtles and beautiful algae too. The further she went, the bigger the creatures seemed to her. She started to see sharks and octopus and eels as well. Though she held onto the key still, she wanted to see what else was deep in the sea.

She went so far down that it was just black darkness around her. Not being able to feel the pressure of the deep water and still being able to breathe, she was slightly intimidated by such an immense darkness. Though she didn't want to, she asked the key, "Key that unlocks mysteries, can you please shine light around so I can see?" The key illuminated such a bright light around her, infront of her she saw specks falling like flakes of snow infront of her. Little critters were eating these flecks falling down. She looked around to see that she was on the floor of the ocean. She looked up and noticed one huge tentacle the size of 3 school buses. Startled by this, she tried to look around to see where the tentacle was coming from. She noticed it was coming from behind her. She turned around to see one giant eyeball looking at her. In a moment of panic, she dropped the key and was instantly back in her livingroom.

Though her heart was racing, she realized she was fine. Quite startled, she checked the time to see how long she had been gone for. Looking at the clock, she noticed the time did not change at all. It was as if time stood still at home. She let out a sigh of relief and looked at the book again. She flipped to the cover of the book and it read, "To my dearest daughter, please use this key wisely. This key is mighty in power, and should be used for good and not evil. Let good judgement be used whenever you find you want to use this key. Let your curiosity drive you to learn about the world. Love, mom."

Heather noted that this book was from her great grandmother as the book was addressed to her grandmother. Startled by her adventure, she put the key back in the book and put it back in the bookshelf. Just in time, Heather's grandmother came home from grocery shopping. "Dear, would you please help grandma by getting the rest of the bags from the trunk?" Without hesitation, Heather walked outside and grabbed the remaining bags from the trunk. She then closed the trunk and walked back inside the home, shutting the door behind her. Her grandmother finished putting her portion of groceries away, and smiled at Heather as she put the remaining groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Grandma?" Heather asked, as both were wet from the rain. "What is it my dear?" said grandma as she finished putting the rest of the groceries away. "I was wondering what your favorite book was on the bookshelf?" Grandma paused, looking quite pleased by the question. She looked at Heather and nodded smiling saying, "I think it's your time to have this." She walked to the bookcase and grabbed the book that Heather took earlier for her adventure. She put it in her hands and said "I want you to have this. Keep it, and use it to learn more about the world around you." Heather asked, "why this book grandma? And why are you giving your favorite one to me?"

Grandma replied, "this book has been in our family over generations. The power of kindness, love, and a giving heart are what fuel the power of the key. Keep your mind open to learning about the world around you, but be sure not to abuse its power. I trust you're at an age where you're able to handle this responsibility."

She pat Heather on the head and kissed her forehead and smiled. "You will learn so much and do wonderful things with this too. I trust you will be well with this gift." Heather embraced her grandmother with a hug and with her heart touched deeply by her grandmothers words, tears of joy and love spilled from her face of the bond they had. She smiled at her grandmother with much gratitude and thought of where her next adventure would be.

May 30, 2020 03:00

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1 comment

Manu B <3
22:36 Jun 03, 2020

This was well written! I liked the details you put into it and the positive open ending that keeps readers engaged/wondering. Keep writing :))


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