
There is a storm that is raining with thunder. I awake in the middle of the night with terror dreams again. This nightmare doesn't go away so easily. Susan, why are you awake again hearing a voice so rough?

It's my father Steven again, oh sweetheart what's going on, you must sleep to go to school went to bed as my father said, I couldn't sleep at all. I stood very worried about my night terror dreams. It is trying to tell me something unknown, feel the chills inside of me in this nightmare as if so real. This must be something more, a nightmare, it is a warning. It's so scary and intense it's a big picture of a man in red flames. He only sees his face laughing in hell. Given having this dream about this secret library it's a desolate old building. abandoned and creepy. I need to find the truth about this place and why I am dreaming about this I see so many crying people so loud in this nightmare.

They practice some kind of magic. I looked on my computer in search of this old building. I called John to come this evening for dinner and we need to talk. John rang the bell Susan I am so glad that you are here. Let's get to this address the building exit, and let's check out, this night terror goes on and on with this creepy building, which is an old library, we need to look for answers. john said what are we going to search for. Anything there is any kind of hiding map that's in my dream is given on repeating repeatedly.

We went inside the secret library to the building. John this so freaks out, it's too dark. They present something evil inside the old building. get a flashlight, Susan, John let's stay together. We need to look more forward. Let's do this right now; suddenly John fell into a basement; he got so scared and far into some dead people's skulls and dead people's fingers and bodies in the basement. I am dying inside this hole. John goes freighting into a choke. get me out of this place, it's only dead bodies in this secret library basement. Don't worry about going to get some help Susan replied nervously, hear a voice get out of here you doom yourself. Why are you here now Susan Star running from Starred she feels it's too dark. Oh my god, we not getting out here alive and I don't know my way out, books start falling and it's too cold in here. They have a secret doorway to get out. She sees a black dog barking. He has big teeth and is very sharp. The dog from hell its eyes are red it gives on, follow me it's a beast itself some books fell in my head. I Grabbed one and hit him in the face and nose He disappeared, I ran into a big clumsy room with dirty scoop ugly furniture with an incredibly old door that is broken. What's next is I'm going to be buried alive in this library. Help, help Susan yell out. She sees a man unfired a crusty voice Welcome to my world, Susan you are going to die with us, we are going to open the gates of hell for you. What it's this runout, let's do prayers. He was the wicked man, Dr. Rischard Why did you come here to destroy my inner peace in my own world of malice, I want your soul because it's pure and innocent and would be mine. My body is shaking, I don't know what to do, I won't die like this, I won't surrender so easily to an evil spirit. She felt too scared and nervous. I will fight back to the end do you hear me. Susan the voices saying free us from him we want to be free. He has captivated us in this hole eternally we want you to free us, Susan screams Icterical, tell me the way out of here. I need help to get John to fall into a hole and need medical help, He is still in terror of this terrible night. this book fell from a shelf. It was the diary of Dr. Rischard all his criminals intended; he was a real monster. How he tortures them one by one for his inner pleasure. This was a secret book with the spoken words of a murderer. Susan sees a light she runs into running so fast. She feels her heart beating so hard. There are secret doors to follow the light to the end, and that's what she did, the light was trying to get her out of there. Susan ran through a light it was a broken window

go through a window she saw the streets out of the building. She calls the paramedics her mobile phone starts working again with a signal. They finally got out with John out from the basement. He had broken his legs. We are lucky to be alive. John said to Susan.

She has the diary of Dr. Rischard in her hands the book that would tell the world the real monster he was went he was alive. He disappeared without a crease. Now the world would know the truth about this man. His secret life is no longer an honorable man only a killer.

Dr. Rischard 1950 killed and tortured remained dead and murdered people putting all their victims in this secret library building, some became axes and other skulls. His body was found in the basement hanging himself. He committed suicide. He was obsessed with black magic and Witchcraft, He sacrificed human beings, and he wanted to become immortal, He left a diary of everything that he did to his victim. He was too scared to go to prison his madness was too much, so many women and elderly people were the ones he picked to kill.

Susan and John became heroes when this investigation came forward everything the mystery of hiding treasures and maps concluded. Susan has a hidden gift; she can communicate with the spirit world. They close this building as years pass no one knows the creepy old building where so many souls are trapped in the darkness. Thanks to these two teenagers the souls are free and are now resting.

All souls are now buried on Christian ground.

May 18, 2024 03:10

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Ross Geiger
08:30 May 30, 2024

Hiya Jenny. This is a good first effort. I am thinking that English may not be your first language, so props to you for making the effort to write and submit this. That being said, the sentence structure, punctuation, and grammar needs a lot of work. I can understand what you were going for, but the story cannot be effective if it is not conveyed well. Don't give up, you have good ideas. Definitely something to keep going with.


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Jenny Franquiz
05:22 May 28, 2024

The treasure is story horror and mystery. The old library had death bodies. It was a secret he hide ,who had a double life. Dr. Richard was a mad man.


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