Friendship Teens & Young Adult Horror

A young kids comes running through the door after school. Yelling (it is here it is finally here.) Her mom turns to her shocked at her daughter, come running through the door yelling about something. Mom says.

Mom: ( What! What is here ? What is going on?)

Daughter: ( Why are you yelling? )

Mom: ( Because you came yelling. I am just trying to figure out what is going on.)

Daughter: (Oh. Well it is here. It is finally here.)

The daughter is jumping around giggling waving a paper in the air. Her mom is just watching her jump around giggling. Not exactly sure what is going on or even why she is so excited. But her mom finally gets her to calm down enough to tell her what is going on.

Daughter: ( It is the carnival. It finally came back we missed it last year.)

The daughter with a stern look at her mom says.

Daughter: ( We are not going to miss it this year.)

Mom: ( Well if you have a attitude like that we will not be going.)

Daughter: ( We have to go all my friends will be there.)

Mom: ( When is it? And what time does it start?)

The daughter looks the paper up and down, turns it over she can not find a date and time any where. Getting worried that she missed it again starts to cry a little bit. Mom grabs the paper starts to look at it finally says.

Mom: ( Oh here it is. The paper says that it will be starting Saturday at seven pm.)

Daughter: ( Is that this Saturday?)

Mom: ( Uh? Yes it is this Saturday.)

The little girl gets up starts dancing and giggling. Mom just watches her with a smile remembering when she got excited. About going to going to carnivals with all the twinkling light. The music and games indulging in the food all the good things about the carnival. As her daughter dances around happy about Saturday her mom says.

Mom: ( I have to finish up dinner. So you need to be good if you would like to go this weekend.)

Daughter: ( Okay mom I will try my best to be good.)

Her mom goes back to cooking with the image of her daughter dancing around. Gives her a smile as she cooks dinner part of her can not wait for. Saturday another part is like no why all those people there. They will have to wait forever to ride the rides. Plus the games people take forever on them wanting, to when the biggest prize they got. Dinner time rolls around the mother and daughter eat not really saying much. After dinner mom tells her daughter.

Mom: ( It is time for you to shower.)

Daughter: ( Okay mom.)

The daughter runs up to the shower turns it on begins her shower. Her mom checks all her stashes for money to see what she has to use for Saturday. Which is not much right around eighty dollars wanting to give her daughter a good time . She calls her mom to see if she could have a small loan. So she grabs her phone dials her moms number the phone ring.

Her mom: ( Hello.)

Mom: ( Hey mom I normally do not do this but I was wondering. If you could you know give me a small loan.)

Her mom: ( First let me ask what you need it for.)

Mom: ( Well I did what you said. I put money away for a rainy day I checked all my stashes. But I forgot I had to use them a couple of times.)

Her mom: ( Okay.)

Mom: ( Yeah. Well here is what I need it for the carnival came to town. I did not see any of the fliers they put up and it is Saturday at seven pm. I would like for her to have a good time with her friends she made since we just moved here.)

Her mom: ( Sure sweet heart. This will be our first carnival together your father and I will meet you two there. Everything will be on us do not worry about it. Your father wanted to go check over and check it out anyway.)

Mom: ( You are the best mom. I will pay you back I promise.)

Her mom: ( Do not think anything of sweetie. It is our treat to our grand daughter and daughter. You do not have to pay us back.)

Mom: ( You sure?)

Her mom: (Yes sweetie I am sure.)

Mom: ( Have I told you that you are the best lately? If not you are the best mom I love you.)

Her mom: ( Thank you sweetie. I love you to.)

From the shower her mom and grandma can hear her singing in the shower.

Her mom: ( What is she singing about? )

Mom: ( Your grand daughter is sing a song about well it goes I am going to a carnival. Are you going to a carnival? I am going to a carnival oh yeah oh yeah. I am going to a carnival.)

Her mom start busting out laughing on the phone.

Mom: ( Hey I need to get off here before she starts dancing. Like earlier and falls in the shower.)

Her mom: ( Okay well call me later. So I can tell her that we all are going to the carnival.)

Mom: ( I will do one better. I will face time you so you can see her before bed.)

Her mom: ( Okay I will be waiting.)

They both hang up the phone she goes to the shower to check on her daughter. She can hear her daughter singing through the door. She knocks on the door asks.

Mom: ( Is everything okay?)

Daughter: ( Yes everything is fine.)

Mom: ( Okay finish up it is time for bed.)

The daughter finishes up in the shower brushes her teeth gets dressed and climbs into bed. Her mom walks in covers her up with her mom on face time. She gives the phone to her daughter so her grandma could talk to her. The daughter’s face lights up when her grandma tell her that she will be there with grandpa. At the carnival tomorrow.

They say their good nights the little girl is so excited for tomorrow she can barely get to sleep. Her mom goes off to bed all is quiet in the house everyone is asleep. As the sun starts to rise in the morning the little girl spring from the bed. Excited runs to her mom room just on the bed saying.

Daughter: ( It’s today! It’s today! The carnival is today!)

Mom: ( Okay ! Okay! I am up.)

Mom groans getting out of bed.

Mom: ( Coffee I need coffee.)

They both make their way to the kitchen where they notice. Grandma making breakfast the daughter excited runs over gives grandma a hug. The girls mom goes over grabs a coffee cup pours her self a cup of coffee. Sits down at the table starts to drink the coffee grandma walks over sets down a plate of food for breakfast and says.

Grandma: ( Eat up we have a busy day today.)

Mom: ( What do you mean? The carnival does not start till seven tonight.)

Grandma: ( I found the flier you was talking about. The parade starts at seven the carnival opens after the parade is done at nine am.)

Mom: ( Oh I read it wrong.)

Grandma: ( Yeah you did. Not to worry everything is taken care of just eat get dressed. Lets get this party started.)

The young girl screams with excitement mom groans lays her head on the table. They all finish eating the coffee pot is empty mother and daughter gets dressed. Off to the carnival they go. When the arrive mom lays down the rules.

Mom: ( Now I know you are excited. But you need to listen one you stay by my side so you don’t get lost. Two if you see your friends you do not run off to them. Three I can not stress this enough stay by my side. This will be the first carnival we went to and kids can get lost. )

Daughter: ( Okay mom.)

All four of them exit the car going to the carnival. The carnival is packed with people at nine in the morning. Grandma purchases the ride tickets for the rides hours go by. With the little girl having so much fun she does not want to stop. So the stay all day going from ride to ride then playing games. Stopping only to eat or use the bathroom mom checks the time.

Turns out it is almost three in the afternoon they return home for a while. Grandma say all the tickets are not gone so they will go back a little later. When night come around they return to the carnival the little girls face lights up again. Nothing seems to be going wrong until a big crowd decides to show up to the carnival. The little girl gets mixed up in the crowd. Looses site of her mom and grandma the mom and grandma start to freak out.

As they see this take place they run into the crowd searching for the little girl. Yelling her name.

Mom/Grandma : ( Megan! Megan!)

The people screaming on the rides and the music is to loud for them to hear her. Mom looks at grandma saying.

Mom: ( You take one side I will take the other we will meet in the middle of the carnival.)

Grandma: ( Where at? What ride or game?)

Mom: ( Uh? The ball game.)

Grandma: ( Okay.)

They both take off looking for Megan searching the rides game food stands. Every where this takes hours looking for her a sinking feeling hits them both. That maybe she got kid napped they finally meet where they agreed to meet at. Neither of them found her they both start to cry. Then the music stops the announcer comes on and says.

Announcer: ( Sorry for the interruption my fellow carnival goers. But we have a special announcement here. Here you go drop that announcement girl.)

Girl: ( I come here with my mommy and grandma. But a lot of people separated us and I can not find my mommy or grandma. Please help me find them.)

Announcer: ( That is good sit right there. We will get you to you mommy and grandma. Carnival goers this is not acceptable if you see a little kid coming off a ride. Do not just push through your probably separating a family now this little girl. Needs help finding her Mommy and grandma. That being said Mommy and Grandma if you recognize this little girls voice. What a minute can you tell me your name.)

Girl: ( My name is Megan.)

Announcer: ( If you know Megan please come to, the Announcers desk across from the Ferris Wheel.)

Mom and Grandma look at each other then take off. Running for the Announcers desk tears running down both of their faces. When the reach the Announcers desk mom grabs Megan lifts her up hugging her and crying. Grandma hugs both of them crying as well. The announcer cuts the music again so the crowd can hear what is going on. Mom and grandma fighting threw the tears to say they are sorry .For what happened that they looked every where for her. They look at the announcer and say.

Mom: ( Thank you so much for this. We looked from one end to the other looking for her.)

Announcer: ( No problem Mama this is why I am here.)

Mom: ( How did you find her?)

Announcer: ( I did not find her actually. She found me I announced if anyone needs help finding anything come to my desk. And she showed up saying she needed help find you to.)

Mom: ( Well thank you so much. How can we repay you.)

Announcer: ( No payment needed that is why we are here.)

Mom: ( There must be something we can do for you.)

Announcer: ( There is one thing you can do.)

Mom: ( Name it.)

Announcer: ( Take Megan out there and have a blast. On all the rides before they shut down.)

Mom: ( You got it.)

All three leave the announcer both to the crowd cheering that they found each other again. Megan road every ride there till the carnival shut down they all went home. Went to bed that night so exhausted but everyone safe at home in bed. 

May 08, 2021 17:12

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