I don't know what this is
The alley is dark and cold and lonely. I walk in silence, listening for any sign of life. Though I know any sign will cause me to run in the other direction. Alleys aren’t good places to meet people who still have some sanity. I know because I lost mine long ago. That’s why I’m here I suppose. “So why are you here?” I pose this question to a black cat sitting near a dumpster. It tilts its head and stares. It’s large yellow eyes beckon me forward. I step slowly. It doesn’t seem afraid the way most strays are. When I’m close enough it leans forward to examine me. “Curious little fellow.” I whisper “You know, I hear that’s bad for cats.” this is when is scitters off. I follow it blindly as the streetlights get dimmer and dimmer.
I’ve lost sight of the cat and I’m not entirely sure where I’m walking to but I keep moving because frankly anywhere I end up is better that where I was going. I can’t see a thing anymore which is probably why I fall but I have yet to come up with an explanation for why I keep falling. Falling. Falling. Falling. It makes me feel a bit like Alice. Black cat, Coraline maybe. Doesn’t matter. I feel the wind rush against my face as I fall and fall and fall. I reach the ground with a crash but surprisingly I feel no pain. If anything I feel a bit numb. I see the cat skitter away into the woods and I chase after it. Wait… woods? I was in the city before. An alley. No trees in sight. How odd.
I nearly trip over myself as I run after the cat. It almost sounds like it’s laughing at me but that might just be the wind or the birds or something like that. It stops at the doorstep of a large, dark, house and once I catch up to it I fail to remember why I went after it in the first place. Maybe I had hope of an escape. Escape from my miserable life. That sounds so pathetic though, doesn’t it? I don’t like feeling pathetic. The cat stares blankly at me. “Where are we?” I ask as if it has any means to respond. Even if cats could speak I doubt they’d talk to me. No one does. The cat nods toward the door and I reach for the handle. The cat runs off at the sound of the squeaking door opening. “Hello?” I call out into the void. Nothing. “Is anyone home?” Home. This is a horrible excuse for a home. It looks abandoned.
I step inside carefully but the floor still groans with every step I take. No one asks me to leave. No one comes to greet me. No one is here. I look around to find nothing but torn furniture and dusty picture frames. There are no photos inside. I try to turn on a light but none work. Back in the darkness I fall. What a pathetic life I have. I suppose I would rather be here. I want the nothing to swallow me whole so I never have to cry again. Never have to feel.
I hear the cat meow from where I entered. As I turn around the door slams shut. I can hear the cat scratching at the door frantically but I don’t panic. In fact I feel no fear at all. Nothing at all. “Who are you?” says a man somewhere behind me. I turn but I see no one.
“Terribly sorry sir, my name is Luna.” I respond.
“Yes sir.”
“Why are you here, Luna?”
“I was just following the cat.”
“What cat?”
“The black cat.”
“No no… no black cats heres.” I tilt my head in confusion though I know he can’t see that. I apologize again and make my way to the door but it’s locked.
“Sorry, would you mind opening the door?” I ask, trying to remain polite.
“Of course, dear.” he says, but his voice sounds cold. He steps toward me and I shrivel back into myself. The sunlight shines in slightly through a mostly boarded up window and his eyes appear a bright red. When the door opens he quickly moves back into his darkness, I do not see his face. I think that’s for the best. I quickly move out of the house.
“Blasted cat!” I exclaim “Why would you take me here?” it doesn’t answer.
I run off deeper into the forest and the cat quickly passes me. It continues to look back at me as if to check I’m still there. It’s a good thing my name isn’t Eurydice. My life may be awful but I’d rather it didn’t end yet. We stop at another house. This one looks more like a mansion. It’s all white with a pastel pink door. Definitely not my asthetic. I learned my lesson. I do not enter random houses. Especially not here. The cat still goes to it though. I shake my head but the cat keeps looking at the door. I knock. No answer. I ring the doorbell. No answer. I ring again. The door swings open, nearly hitting me, and a woman covered in fake furs and gorgeous black dress is standing before me. “Oh, uh, hello madam.” I say, my voice is shaking like a wet dog.
“Can I help you?” asks the woman.
“I’m not quite sure, the cat lead me here.” she looks next to me at the black cat who is still tilting its head. She smiles.
“Well then! Come in, dear, come in!” she steps aside and I slowly walk past her. The cat follows. The inside is even more extravagant. It’s all white and pink with a few gothic decorations that I wish I had in my home. She notices me gawking at them and without missing a beat grabs another out of a bag I hadn’t even notice her carrying. She hands it to me and I simply nod a confused thank you. “Come come!” she says as she moves into the kitchen “Would you like something to eat?” I hadn’t even realized I was hungry.
I rather like this house. The woman is kind and she gives me things and when I decide I must leave she refuses to let me without taking some food and drink to go. I thank her and the cat and I make our way back out into the forest. She reminded me slightly of a kind Cruella Devil, if that makes sense. I hope to see her again one day but I know I won’t. We reach a field with a hole in the sky and I realize we have somehow walked in a giant circle. The hole is now sucking things up and I worry that I am not ready to go home. I’m not ready to face what’s up there. The cat rubs on my leg before walking forward and gracefully floating up, I follow.
I awake on the sidewalk with a concerned couple leaning over me. The man is big and terrifying with eyes that shine red and I recognize the woman from the pink and white house. Had it all been a dream? I look over and the cat is sitting next to me. I assure the two that I’m okay and they eventually walk off. I turn to the cat. “Was any of it real? Or just in my head?” the cat tilts it’s head once more and I scold myself for expecting a response.
“Of course it was in your head.” says the cat. I turn with wide eyes as the cat turns into a boy. “But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t real.”
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