Cry of Fire

Written in response to: Write about a casual act of bravery.... view prompt


Drama Sad Thriller

This story contains themes or mentions of suicide or self harm.

On February 24, 2022 the world was stunned when it learned that

Russia invaded the unarmed country of Ukraine. This was a nightmare come true for many Ukrainians. They hoped and prayed that it would not come down to this. For some strange reason God did not answer their prayers,

Rockets, and fighter jets screamed across the darkened skies. The cities of Ukraine were lit up with fires from the exploding missiles, Russian attack helicopters flew in low over the city of Kyiv destroying infrastructure critical for the survival of it's citizens.

The reason for this invasion was a lie made up by President Putin. He was afraid of the country wanting to join NATO forces. His unreasonable thinking process led him to create false flag stories about Ukrainians being Neo-Nazis and using their kids as human shields. His main goal is to eventually conquer all of Europe. Little does he realize that there are U.S. nuclear attack subs sitting off the coast waiting to strike Moscow with their nuclear weapons.

The Russians took to the streets protesting this invasion. 1,700 were arrested and charged, but they knew that this military action was wrong and would cost them dearly in the end.

Ukrainian Acts of Bravery

The Ukrainian government introduced conscription to all males from the ages of 16 to 60 years of age. They signed up in droves realizing that they are out-gunned. They did not care. Their homeland was at stake. People who hated weapons of any kind took up arms to fight off the advancing aggressor. Several stories of bravery are starting to be released to the world.

A unknown young soldier blew himself up while he was on one of the main bridges leading into the once bustling city of Kyiv. Not only did he destroy his own life he destroyed the bridge as well. This action slowed the Russian version of Blitzkrieg down. Buying the city some more time.

63 Year Old Filmmaker Joins Fight

A 63 year old filmmaker gives up his love for movie making to help save his homeland. This filmmaker joins the Ukrainian Army with a heart condition. He learns how to use a pump action gun.

One brave Ukrainian woman approached and confronted a heavily armed Russian soldiers after they invaded. She demanded to know what the hell they were doing on her land.

Snake Island

According to one account 13 Ukrainian soldiers were stationed on Snake island. 6 p.m. that Thursday night a Russian missile cruiser and patrol boat approached the island. The Captain of the Russian cruiser was hoping for a easy surrender. It did not work out his way. The Ukrainian soldiers replied by saying " This island, like the rest of this country, is Ukrainian land and we will defend it with our lives." All 13 lives were killed in a shoot out.

The Ukrainian government acknowledge this sacrifice by awarding these soldiers "They will be awarded the highest military distinction."

Reports coming out of Ukraine are suggesting that there are families in bomb shelters making Molotov Cocktails to toss at the invading army.

During the first days of World War 2 when Hitler invaded France, the French soldiers give away their lives so they could buy time for the fleeing British Expeditionary Force. They were trapped on Dunkirk beach.

In 1939 Hitler came up with a false flag so he could invade Poland. He disguised German troops as Polish troops and had them attack a small radio station inside Germany's borders.

The Polish troops that survived the initial invasion fled to Britain to become fighter pilots, Intelligence operatives, and trained resistance forces. Just like the French Underground Resistance Fighters they were assigned missions such as killing local Nazi leaders, blowing up train tracks, doing everything they can to interrupt the supply lines.

Putin does not recognize Ukraine as a sovereign country, just like Hitler did not like Jews and used death camps to try to wipe them out. Western leaders are comparing Russia's invasion of Ukraine to that of Hitler's invasion of Europe. Our leaders are not giving them the hardware they need. Ammunition, guns, helicopters. The Ukrainian President is staying in Ukraine to keep fighting the Russian Genocide. This to me is a true leader,

Here in Canada, Russia is only 50 miles away from the Alaskan coast. With global warming melting the Artic ice the North pole sea bed will become more exposed. Russia has already planted a Soviet flag on the seabed. Claiming that territory to be theirs. is incomprehensible. They are even on the eight-nation Arctic Council. Will Russia recognize the Continental shelf, the law of convention, and other agreements they signed and they are part of the eight member Arctic Council.

Just seen on the news of one man confronting a Soviet tank by getting on his knees.

Russia is seeing "A strong Resistance" from Ukraine than they thought. Zelensky said at least 137 people were killed 316 injured.

The first hours of the invasion Russia took control if Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and some cities.

In response Germany has closed it's airspace to Russian airlines. German airlines Lufthansa says it will not fly through Russian airspace for seven days.

U.S. and it's allies have frozen select Russian banks out of swift payment system.

Oksana Markarova, the Ukraine ambassador to the United States said Saturday is sending its allegations of Russian war crimes to the Hague.

The past couple of days, Russian forces have levied attacks against kindergarten, and orphanages, children have been injured and killed across the country.

Ukrainian government receives more than $4 million in cryptocurrency.

Texas governor asks business to pull Russian made products off if shelves.

Oleksiy Areston, advisor to the head of the presidential office in Ukraine claims Russian troops have taken an "operational pause" for the time being due to losses on the battlefield.

A huge humanitarian crisis is occurring in the Ukraine right now. Thousands of refugees who can not fight are fleeing the country. U.S. President Joe Biden has asked congress for funding for these people that are fleeing from the fighting.

February 27, 2022 01:57

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