Fantasy Fiction Christian

Where I come from, things are very different. Different how, you ask? Well, for starters we are all souls without bodies. Where I come from Jesus sits beneath the tree communicating mind to mind with Buddha. Imhotep comforts Joan of Arc. St Framcis assists Mohammed. Moses and Plato spin stars from their orbits. Sometimes we see the final result of that as asteroids passing through the sky. Most souls on planet Earth do not come from this particular group, however I do. If you want to know what soul group a person comes from, you need only observe their fruit (behaviour/actions). It is a kind of exclusive group that I come from. You might even go so far as to say we are the spiritual elite of the cosmos. But you won’t find any one of us saying that because one of our biggest attributes is humility.

I miss where I come from, but I understand I am here for a purpose. This purpose I am not sure of, but I am positive this purpose has nothing to do with participating in matters of the flesh. The Black Lodge, the house of evil, spotted me as soon as I was born onto this planet. Sound familiar? It should. The Black Lodge has had this planet and the mindless masses in its grasp for aeons. They watch out for souls like mine, because souls like mine come in the name of a higher order. We represent liberation of the mind, to free the soul, as a person lives and breathes on this planet.

The Black Lodge approached my family at my birth. In exchange for material wealth, and opportunities, for everyone else in my family, they wanted to destroy my soul, through mind control, through bondage to the flesh. My family said yes. And yes, my family will pay some very unpleasant consequences. It will be what it will be. The problem with a soul like mine is we do come in the name of a higher power and though the Black Lodge may be able to divert us for a period of time, our powerful soul will win out against them in the end. It is inevitable.

My awakening, my discovery of my soul tribe (because I still can not tell you with any certainty who I am), came a few years ago. I had always been very spiritual and philosophical, but at any point in my life where I began making progress, certain distractions came. I had never thought of it, until my awakening, and then I connected the dots. I looked back at a messy past and saw that the forces of darkness had always been there, inserting evil people into my life at key times. You would think I would hold a grudge against the people who raped me, who diddled me as a child, who sexually, emotionally, physically, spiritually, mentally and financially abused and exploited me, but I don’t. I learned valuable lessons about what kinds of people I don’t want to be around and what kinds of experiences I do not want to go through again.

I must say, the Black Lodge, the evil ones of the world are not well pleased with my spiritual self and the downloading of the higher aspects of my soul into my physical body. One of the most immediate and prominent side effects of this is their extreme inability to control me, trigger me or even upset me. They can not program me to do what they want, either. They think they have one the war because they control everyone about me, and have turned the entire world against me. No. That is confirmation that they have lost the war in the future. Confidence is silent, insecurities are loud and my enemies are very loud. If they had won the war, they wouldn’t need to continue attacking me, now, would they?

Do you think I mind all these attacks? At the most, they are simply annoying, much like the buzzing of so many flies. And speaking of flies, if you want to put it in Biblical terms, these members of the Black Lodge, along with the people who are on their payroll, are certainly the children of the Father of Lies. I forgot, they tell me all the time that I am a liar, but they have never once brought to my attention a particular occasion where I have lied. They simply call me a liar and have no proof to back up what they say. My enemies also never say that they tell the truth, which is probably the only time when they are honest.

There are some wild advantages to being connected to the group of souls I am with. I have incredible prophetic dreams. My tarot cards work smooth. And I have a protective energy about me that my enemies can not surmount. It was interesting today, as I was being attacked, per usual, from all quarters (and no, this does not upset me, why should it when I have already won the war in the future?). There was a moment, standing in the kitchen, where I saw my beautiful, glorious energy field, surrounding me as a cushion. I saw each one of the individuals attacks as little darts of energy hit the boundary of my energy field. Instead of sinking in, the way their attacks used to, these little darts of energy were forced back out. I did not bother to see where the energy went, all I know is that it did not penetrate into my field. People often wonder why I smile and am so happy regardless of their evil, because I see things and know things they do not. If they believed half of my words were true, things would be very different for me, because no one wants to shoot a gun at their foot, even if they believe the image on their shoe is real.

So now you know a bit more about where I come from. You are welcome to say and think what you want about this, but we both know, if there wasn’t something important and special about me spiritually, the war that you are involved in against me would not be necessary. And you know the team you fight for, after all, they encourage cruelty, lying, theft, fornication, bullying, stalking, harassment, intimidation, exploitation, and human trafficking. Whatever you tell yourself at night so that you can sleep, does not change the truth, and it does not change the Karma you attract either.

I wish you many blessings and a beautiful day.


September 17, 2022 01:23

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Trebor Mack
03:02 Sep 17, 2022

Wow! You got off to an early start. After reading your story I'll go out of my way, never to upset you. Well written..........if this story appears with those allocated for me to judge, I'll 'short list' it. Good luck.


Minerva Noiropp
04:23 Sep 17, 2022

As I judge myself, I refuse to enter the contest, because I do not believe that would be fair. I hold myself to the standards I wish others would match. Thank you for your kind words.


Trebor Mack
04:31 Sep 17, 2022

Sorry, but I'm a bit confused. You say that as a judge you refuse to enter the contest. What do you mean by that statement? Isn't this story in the contest? I'm not trying to be smart, I just don't get what you mean.


Minerva Noiropp
04:40 Sep 17, 2022

I write because I love to keep my skills sharp. When I became a judge, I stopped entering the competition, because I didn't want to be unfair. I have a set of values, morals and ethics that seem to be old fashioned and out of kilter with the modern world, but that is okay, because the physical world is simply one realm and whatsoever a person sews they will reap at some point in the future, not necessarily in the same body as they inhabit now. Now, I post the stories to my profile. If people read my words and enjoy them, or maybe leave a lit...


Trebor Mack
06:16 Sep 17, 2022

Gotcha. I didn't realise that story only appeared on your profile. I guess one needs to follow you to see it...........Good luck. With me, if my story popped up for me to review, I'd pass by. I'd leave that to some other poor schmuck. Hey, I've just seen, on your profile, that you study at Curtin Uni. I wondered why you were posting in the middle of the night if in the US. I'm from Mandurah. Cheers, I won't pester you anymore.


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