
Voice: “Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to be here. "

Suzanne: "Honey, where are you?

Voice: "In the bathroom, in front of the mirror, collecting words for my speech!"

Suzanne: "Very well honey, good luck, I'll get your things ready!"

Voice: "So please turn off the music and don't bother me anymore!"

Voice: “Ladies and gentlemen, I am thrilled to be here among you. "

In his mind "I'm not good enough, I look silly, I have to think of something less formal and cool"

Voice: "Hi everyone, what a wonder ... what that shit!"

In His mind "I have no idea, empty head. Who am I, who am I. Is this a song?"

Voice: "Suz, are you there?" "

Suzanne: "Yes honey! Need something?"

Voice: "Who sings who am I?"

Suzanne: "You mean: sweet dreams are made of this, who am I to disagree. "

Voice: "Oh yes!"

Suzanne: "Annie Lennox, honey why?"

Voice: "Okay, please don't bother me!"

In his mind "I have to do it Obama's way, say one sentence and wait, let the audience look at my mouth and they are eagerly awaiting the next sentence as if they are waiting for fireworks. Let try it in that way"

Voice: “Ladies and gentlemen, …, shit what next!”

In his mind “you can't imitate the master, do you know the crow who kindly imitated the walk of the dove, so he mixed his brushes."

In his mind “Why, Obama is running when he approaches a stage? Maybe he's afraid of losing his walk because of the hundreds of people looking at his shoes. Who knows? Forget about Mr. Obama right now. I can't learn his skills in half an hour, the only thing I can do right now "

Voice: "Shooting myself in the head!"

Suzanne: "Honey, why say that kind of horror? You scare me!"

Voice: "don't worry Suz, even for that, I don't have the courage to do it!"

Voice: ” anyway, I am Guy de Maupassant's 'Coward' but him had the courage to do it.”

Suzanne: "Calm down honey, wipe those bad things off your head, be yourself and take a deep breath, then focus."

Voice: “I have no starting point to build my speech!"

Suzanne: "First of all, think about what this meeting is about?”

Voice: ” I know what’s about, but what will it help me with?"

Suzanne: " It will guide the rest of your talk and purpose, honey.”

In his mind” She’s stupid, she does not live my stress, my fear, she does not want to understand that I am bad"

Voice: "I have to be careful what the audience wants to hear from me. Do you get it?"

Suzanne: "Honey, the audience doesn't matter, tell them what you think is right from your logic something unique on your work, engaging, the truth."

Voice: ” then let’s start.”

Suzanne” I’m listening honey!”

Voice: “Ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure to be here, it's an honor for me to be honored as "Nature's Friend" of the year. I won it thanks to my daily behavior, my books on the subject, my conferences around the world, my Youtube channel my great influence on young and old, thanks to the radio and TV shows. So, I want to thank you for your support. “

Voice: "Suz, are you there? Did you listen to me?

Suzanne: “Yes, of course honey, I listened to you. "

Voice: "So what, you don't have an opinion as usual. Do you have any?"

Suzanne: “It was short and quick, honey. How did you feel about it yourself, honey? "

Voice: "I missed something, maybe because of this damn mirror which is against me, besides like you and the children!"

Suzanne: “Honey, your family and the mirror can't be against you. They are just sending you signals about your behavior or what you are feeling inside.”

Voice: “You become a philosopher Suz. Your mirror shit has no eyes or mind to think about my behavior!”

Suzanne: "You’re wrong honey, the mirror has your eyes and your mind. Its signals come from inside your soul, so they are stronger than mine and those of the children because at least we love you.”

Voice: “So what do I need to change in my speech? "

Suzanne: “I think, honey, that part of your speech belongs to the chairman of the ceremony. It's up to him to introduce you and explain why you deserve this award. "

Voice: "What part!" "

Suzanne: "All that."

Voice: "Are you kidding me woman, have you ever made a speech?" What do you know about speeches? "

Suzanne: "No honey, I told you to say the truth. It will help you connect with the audience so that they listen to you greedily my hero."

Voice: ” You say it the truth! The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing, But The Truth. Then listen to me Suz"

Voice: " Thank you so much chairman. Ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure to be here in front of you.

This guy in front of you was never very sure of himself, he is cowardly, he is arrogant and to hide his weaknesses, his words were always stupid and inappropriate to disturb his wife and his children.

This guy in front of you has luxurious tastes, he likes large displacement cars, he fancies premium wines, whisky and fine cuisine.

This guy in front of you never finishes his meals but he tells his children to finish theirs, arguing that African children are starving.

That guy in front of you never turns off the lights, takes a hot bath in the evening and a shower in the morning, to waste water doesn't mind him. But he reminds others of it every day.

This guy in front of you is throwing his butts and garbage all over the place without worrying about nature.

This guy in front of you likes to fly around the world on a plane or to ship on a sea cruise without ever thinking about CO2 emissions.

This guy in front of you dreams of going on a safari to hunt elephants.

This guy in front of you likes women dressed in real fur and real leather with lots of whale vomit scent.

This piece of shit in front of you serves the cause of this hundred people in front of him so that others treat their waste and preserve the planet to satisfy their boundless selfishness.

If it's ok with you dear friends, I will keep my price and continue to serve you. Therefore, let’s have a drink and forget about my vomit. So Help Us God.

Suzanne: ” Amazing honey, it’s you, it’s your true personality, I love it! Don’t cry my baby come in my arms”

Voice: “Did you know all this?”

Suzanne: "Of course honey, I knew that from the first time."

Voice: "And you keep loving me!" "

Suzanne: "Honey, women love silly men and hope that one day they will notice"

Voice: "And now do you love me?"

Suzanne: “I love you more than half an hour ago."

Voice: "Why honey? "

Suzanne: “Because you are conscious and you have recognized your true personality."

Voice: ” Darling you’re the most gorgeous women in the world!”

Suzanne: ” I like you call me again darling instead of Suz.”

Voice” Sorry my beauty.”

Suzanne: ” Never mind honey, put on your tie and let's help the public realize the importance of saving and respecting our planet.”

Voice: "I will honey and thank you very much for your help."

Posted Dec 04, 2021

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18 likes 7 comments

Candace Shattuck
21:20 Dec 24, 2021

This was rather good. The only thing I might suggest is : after who is speaking like
Voice: "insert what was said"
Suzanne: "insert what was said"


Boutat Driss
12:30 Dec 25, 2021

I lot of thanks dear Candace! I corrected as you suggested to me.


Cecilia Maddison
15:59 Dec 20, 2021

You’ve captured inner narrative and conflict well with this dialogue. I hope the audience loved his speech!


Boutat Driss
16:07 Dec 20, 2021

a lot of thanks Maddison.


F.O. Morier
18:45 Dec 05, 2021

This piece of shit in front of you serves the cause of this hundred people in front of him so that others treat their waste and preserve the planet to satisfy their boundless selfishness.

I love this!
Beautiful story!


Boutat Driss
07:41 Dec 06, 2021

Dear Fati,
a lot of thanks.


Nouh Boutat
15:53 Dec 04, 2021

Ibjectif… a good one again ! ;)


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