Submitted to: Contest #196

Bubbles On the Horizon

Written in response to: "Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe."

Science Fiction Western Christian

Bubbles on the Horizon

The wagon master, Mr. Marcy, traveled with his new scout trying to catch up with their lumbering wagon train snaking across the grassy Nebraska prairie.

As they approached the line of canvas covered wagons looked like bubbles silhouetted on the horizon. Each wagon was like a little bubble world all of their own floating in a sea of the unknown tethered together with others for survival.

The Indian scout wasn't one for talking so the leader's thoughts wandered back to the spirited charmer he had to leave behind. They needed time to get to know each other better before deciding to marry. Before that happened he must devote his full attention on getting this rolling wagon train village safely beyond unknown perils awaiting them on this long trek to the coast.

After getting the scout settled his first order of business was visiting each individual wagon to check on how things were progressing in his short absence. He had already stopped at several of them. The next visit to the family of Mormons was sure to be an interesting one. Time was so close to circling up for the evening the trail master thought he would wait and pay their campsite a visit after supper.

He explained to Fred, his second in command, the dilemma he had discovered while talking to the Reverend McCoy and invited his love-forlorn friend to accompany him. There was extra commotion and activity in the Morman camp this evening. Fred wanted to back out and not disturb them. Marcy wouldn't hear of it and pressed forward.

“Hello, Folks. Hope we aren't disturbing you too much. We are just out paying our respects this evening.” Mr. Marcy opened. “I'm the Wagon Master, as you recall, and this is Fred Rogers, my right hand man. He was filling in for me while I was away on some business. I wanted to let people know I am back and see if everything is going as hoped. How is your family faring?”

A powerful looking man, Brother Morgan arose from sitting next to a young girl to reach out his hand to the gentlemen.

“Just grand I assure you!” while shaking their hands, “So nice to have you back, Brother Marcy. You are just in time to help us celebrate Emma Mae's sixteenth birthday. Even more exciting we will have a marriage feast tomorrow night you'll be sure to want to attend. I'll be wed to this pretty miss in about twenty-four hours and I find it hard to wait!” As he talked he pulled her to her feet and draped his arm around her shoulders tugging her close to him.

Timid and shy, Emma Mae kept her head hung low. She looked incredibly young all swallowed up in new grown-up garments but no wonder at turning sixteen only today! Perfectly legal marrying age. And her late-forties 'father' was eager to be the one to claim her as his own.

Marcy apologized, “Sorry, we aren't acquainted with all your religious customs but we thought the young lady was your daughter. We are aware you can have more than one wife but is it also permitted to take your own daughter as one of them?”

“Oh, ha-ha, Brother Marcy. Of course, I wouldn't be marrying my own flesh and blood daughter but I can understand your misunderstanding. Let me introduce my family more fully to you both.”

He went from person to person touching them in some fashion as he talked about them. “This is my number one wife, Dear Hannah,” He tilted her chin up with his fingers toward his face and planted a kiss on her forehead. “She bore me these three fine sons, Zeke, who will soon be a man at eighteen and the twelve-year-old twins here, David and Jonathan.” He gripped each young man's shoulders in turn.

“Next I took Ruth as my wife. Her first husband was an elderly man who left her as a widow with an eight-year-old daughter, Emma Mae, whom I raised along with the boys. So since she is not my own blood it is perfectly within my rights to take her as my fourth wife.” He gave each of them a side hug and kissed Emma Mae on the top of her white-capped head.

He lifted a small girl off a young woman's lap to hold and pulled her to her feet. “My Sarah, here, is wife number three. She has borne me little Elizabeth, age three,” who wiggled and giggled as his beard tickled the cheek he planted a kiss on so he lowered her to the ground. “As you might guess she is carrying one more, hopefully another son.” He adoringly traced his fingers along Sarah's lovely, soft cheek.

“Dear Hannah had such trouble delivering the twins she never was able to have more children and poor Ruth just never did conceive again so I am delighted of course with my Sarah being so proliferate.” He gently rubbed her Buddha belly.

“I am looking forward to sweet Emma Mae being another blessing. A man is judged by the produce of his loins to be sure. Many wives with children sealed here in this lifetime will provide a kingly kingdom in heaven to be sure.”

Dear Hannah, a fading beauty, appeared to be in her early forties. Poor Ruth was probably in her mid-thirties and plain looking. My Sarah couldn't be more than twenty-two and could readily turn a man's head with her comely looks, that is without the current condition she was in which loudly bespoke she was spoken for. Sweet Emma Mae was very easy to look at as Fred had suggested earlier to Marcy if she would only raise her eyes off the ground so she was easier to look at.

Marcy risked the man's wrath as he inquired, “A splendid fine family, Brother Morgan, but forgive my curiosity for asking since it is clearly not my business but why do you need to be the one to marry Emma Mae? She is still so young and many younger men would certainly be attracted to her gentle spirit and beauty as is my unattached friend here.”

“That is indeed a bold question, Brother Marcy. We will be entering a wild new world and she could fall among wolves such as your brave friend here ready to devour her. She needs my protection.”

“Wouldn't your son, Zeke, nearly a man, be a suitable choice for her? A bride could be difficult for him to find out here.” Fred tried to deflect his own interest in her.

“He has no means of support other than from me, his father. So why have a middle man? She will remain under my roof. But thank you for your unwarranted concern.”

“Well, like we said, it is none of our business. We wish you all the best and God's grace.” The men shook hands and tipped their hats to the ladies as they said good-bye.

“Well, I think we are lucky to get out of there intact.” Fred said when they were out of hearing range. “I wish you hadn't mentioned my interest in the girl. I will be forever in his sights. I won't be able to talk to any of them.”

“Don't let it worry you too much. They'll turn off at the Salt Lake so will be gone from the train soon. Let's stop by Rev. McCoy's wagon and let him know the marriage can proceed as planned. I still think it is a travesty. Did you see the way Zeke kept looking at her the whole time? And she kept peeking up towards him, too. I think they have had more than a brother-sister interest in each other for some time. That lecherous old man is probably ruining their lives. Why would any man need four wives?” Marcy ts-tsked.

“One for every decade evidently,” Fred intellectualized.

The wedding went on as planned. A fine feast was provided by the wives. Zeke was tasked to set up a tent complete with a bedstead laid out in white linens a short distance from the family wagon for the newlyweds' use their honeymoon night.

The strutting peacock, Brother Morgan, scooped up his new bride with obvious delight and carried her across the threshold of the tent opening.

Dear Hannah recognized how distraught Zeke appeared, put her arm around his shoulder and led him away. There would be no joy in the rest of Morganville tonight.


Sometimes Marcy was the most beloved person on the trip, other times the most despised. Only a wagon master could wear as many hats as he had to all at one time. He was the travelers' counselor, judge, doctor, teacher, and commander. They were the backbone and soul of this struggling nation forging the way into new land with nothing but what they could lug along in an eleven-foot by four-foot farm wagon under a canvas balloon.

Missing his girl, Marcy was gazing up at the clouds one blustery day watching them take different shapes thinking he recognized her face several times when he suddenly realized the clouds were getting darker and ominous looking. The sky had taken on a greenish cast to it. He chided himself for not noticing sooner. It was too late to circle or take any evasive action. No shelter was to be found anywhere on the open prairie. He shouted to warn the walkers to take shelter in low lying areas as they were already trying to do. A violent twisting wind was upon them seemingly without warning. Wagons, animals and people were picked up and tossed about like children's toys. Would anything survive? He was thrown to the ground. Everything blacked out around him...


...Coming to I was...dazed. Wh-where? Nothing around me seemed normal. Blazing white light blinded me. Murky strange critters were milling around me poking and prodding my limbs and torso. Feeling exposed and vulnerable, I needed to get away before they tore me apart.

But I was strapped down. Try as I might I could not break the bonds that held me fast to this cold, hard slab of whatever it was. An examination table a doctor might operate on? Was I being operated on? I was naked and they definitely were curious about every aspect of my anatomy. I tried to assess my condition. Did anything hurt? Was anything broken? No, I thought I was fine other than their probing explorations.

My eyes started adjusting to the extreme brightness. What kind of light could even make things so bright? Was something on fire? I couldn't smell anything burning. I couldn't clearly see the creatures working me over. They were sort of ethereal, kinda ghostly, like you could see straight through them. Big black holes where there should be eyes. If they were talking I could not understand anything.

Then something else came to my awareness. I was not the only specimen laid out being examined. On a table next to me was a horse and then one with a cow. On the other side of me was definitely a woman. She was attracting a lot more attention and exploration than I was. Fortunately, she still seemed to be unconscious otherwise she would surely be screaming. Hopefully, she was still alive. It was my job to protect the people of the wagon train. How was I supposed to save them from whatever this calamity was?

Then I heard a buzzing sound. It came from the direction where the cow was splayed out. They, the doctors or scientists or tradesmen or whatever unidentifiable creatures, were taking some kind of a spinning piece of equipment I had never seen or heard of and aiming it at the animal's head. Without much effort at all the instrument sliced through the cow's head and they extracted the brain and laid it on a platter. Next they mutilated the torso to remove the heart and other innards and went on down to the reproductive organs and helped themselves to those parts as well. Oh, great! So that's what they have planned for all of us. How am I ever supposed to fight against these odds?

Fortunately, if I could save anyone, I had a little more time to formulate a plan. The workers' attentions were focused on the amazing new toys they had just removed from the hapless cow. Surprisingly, they seemed astonished the cow could no longer go on being a cow. Those must have been vital elements they took out of the strange earthling. Maybe they couldn't be as reckless with their other prizes. They seemed to agree they would proceed with more cautionary measures. Haste makes waste in whatever world you live in.

O, Lord, what world is this and how do I escape and save the woman?

Of all the hats a master of a wagon train had to wear I didn't think I had one in my arsenal for what I was up against now. I only had my wits and had to hang on to those tightly. Was I going crazy? I could see well enough to look around me now and try to figure out what kind of craft we were in and what would be my first move if only I could get loose. What I saw was in no way familiar to me. It certainly wasn't a wagon or a train. Not a ship either, at least not one that sailed the oceans. What was it and was it in motion?

Maybe I was already dead and this was the afterlife. These creatures didn't seem to know anything about their passengers. An all-knowing God would understand everything about us and if they were demons one would think they would also have knowledge about the ones they were always seeking to devour. All I could do was ask the Good Lord to give me knowledge, strength and help to defeat these obvious enemies. If I couldn't communicate with them there was little hope of turning them into friends.

Maybe that is what I should pray for. Wisdom to understand and communicate with them to let them know I don't present a threat. I would be willing to teach them the things they wanted to know. Maybe they really didn't want to hurt us other beings but were only curious.

I decided I would project positive thoughts about these assailants and hope they could somehow pick up on those thoughts. I meant them no harm and wanted to be friends with them. So...I smiled a lot.

I got another surprise when I heard a 'swoosh' sound and a piece of the floor opened up. Workers had strapped up the gutted cow carcass and were lowering it through the portal. With my limited movement and vision I thought they were returning it to the ground. Maybe we were close to where we were snatched. Was there a chance we may be lowered back down, also, be it alive or gutted? Oh, please don't gut us, friends. We need all our body parts. I'll try to teach you about our strange funny looking forms. How can we come to a satisfying closure for all of us? Not everything has to be taken apart to make sense of it. Life needs to move on. Got to keep my sanity to get through this weird journey.

Uh, oh. Sounds were coming from the woman as she was regaining consciousness. I smiled over to her and tried to reassure her. “Please don't scream. These creatures are curious about us but they may not mean us harm.”

Yes, she heard me but so did the seekers. They crowded around me in wonderment. Was it wise to make more sounds? I only expressed friendly ideas to them. “We are quite weak and can not harm you. We think your forms are very beautiful and you have high intelligence. Much more than we do. An amazing ship you have here. We have nothing that compares to it. We drive simple wagons. Would you like to go look at one and learn about our method of travel? We would be happy to show you.”

In a sweet melodic voice the woman started singing a hymn. “Nearer my God to Thee...” They were intrigued and tried to imitate the sounds she made. They seemed to enjoy it. Oops! Would they want to keep her around just as a source of amusement?

They undid her restraints and stood her up. I was finally able to identify her. She had a beautiful figure as the Good Lord had created all women to be pleasing to a man. Part of His genius to keep the species reproducing.

Her plain face was quite pretty when she smiled at them. Her long unpinned hair floated about her shapely form making her even more attractive. It was Poor Ruth, second wife to Brother Morgan, the one unable to conceive since Emma Mae was born. Perhaps a problem if that turned out to be the intent of these good problem solvers.

Thankfully, that wasn't the motivation. Instead they affixed some sort of tag to our ears. They undid my restraints and the horses' also. Our captors strapped us all up and lowered us through the opening to the ground. What a shock! But we were both as naked as the day we were born.

Luckily, the saddle was still on the horse with a blanket under it and another one rolled up behind it. We covered ourselves, climbed aboard the horse and started searching for our lost wagon train, bubbles on the horizon.

We never did figure out this event. But life moves onward. Funny thing, though, for years I had a reoccurring dream I was being probed and examined on a cold metal slab.

Posted May 02, 2023

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25 likes 38 comments

Rebecca Lewis
17:25 Jul 23, 2024

Wow, what a ride! Your story starts with a serene, almost nostalgic feel, with the wagon train moving across the prairie and then dives into some intense and unexpected twists. I love the vivid descriptions you use, like the wagons looking like bubbles on the horizon — it sets the scene. The interaction with Brother Morgan and his family was a bit unsettling, but in a good way. It captured the complexities and tensions of the time. You did a great job showing the different personalities and how they interact within the family and the wagon train. The twist with the tornado and the alien abduction was wild and unexpected. It took the story in a different direction, which kept me hooked. The contrast between the historical setting and the sci-fi element was surprising but very engaging. I found myself rooting for Marcy and Ruth, hoping they would escape and get back to their wagon train. You have a creative and compelling story here. The blend of historical fiction and sci-fi is unique, and your characters are well-drawn and relatable. Keep up the great work!


Mary Bendickson
17:53 Jul 23, 2024

Thank you. If you couldn't tell, the wagon train part is out of my book but I put the alien twist in for the prompt.
Several of my stories are from my manuscript sometimes slightly changed to fit a prompt so you have been reading and critiquing quite a lot of it. Usually favorably. So you must think it does have merit and potential, right? I am afraid I need to take time away from Reedsy to focus more on it.


Rebecca Lewis
16:28 Jul 25, 2024

Yes it does have merit. It has a lot of merit. There are criticisms too. But I really hate doing that on a public forum. Your manuscript has been a joy to read and if you feel this is the right time to start working on it again then you really should.


Mary Bendickson
16:57 Jul 25, 2024

Got it
Have company this week so will write to you later


Amanda Lieser
23:06 May 21, 2023

Hey Mary,
I really enjoyed this piece because I thought you blended historical fiction with science fiction very well in it I agree with some of the other comments that the interaction between the protagonist, and the Mormons was an interesting one. I had never thought to suggest having the brother of Emma may marry her, but I suppose that would make sense and weigh a little bit better on my soul than her father but in my opinion, he’s very clearly her adoptive father, so I liked that you incorporate that because it raises the other question very clearly. Personally, I liked the font change because it did signal on my brain that things were going to be different. It made the portal very clear to me. Nice work!!


Mary Bendickson
23:35 May 21, 2023

Thank you ☺️. Good to know the relationships were understandable and the font change worked. Still think he was a greedy guy.
Fun throwing aliens into a western setting.


A.J Roberts
21:24 May 10, 2023

Loved the ending. Can you explain the font change, I found that kind of confusing. Perhaps I just don't read enough.


Mary Bendickson
23:01 May 10, 2023

When I first posted I had comments that said it was a little confusing what happened after the portal was breached. So I used italics to show the drastic change of scene and change of POV. I saw other people doing it that way. Sorry, if it confused you more.


Kristin Neubauer
15:00 May 08, 2023

Such an interesting story, Mary! I love historical fiction, and was into it from the first sentence. I really enjoyed the opening, the dialogue with Brother Morgan. I felt like I was getting a real glimpse into this bit of history. After Marcy and the woman crossed through the portal, I kept wondering where this was going...suspenseful! On top of all of that, great title!


Mary Bendickson
16:50 May 08, 2023

🙏 thanks. Comments like that mean a lot from someone with your talent and experience.
The first part of the story is adapted from the unpublished manuscript I wrote last year 'A Brilliantly Scathing Life'. First chapter 'Trampled Dreams' in previous two stories posted here


Marty B
04:05 May 08, 2023

I was hoping to see Brother Morgan diced and gutted!

IMO the story needs either more aliens, and less mormons, or more mormons and less aliens


Mary Bendickson
02:19 May 09, 2023

You are not the first to have wished Brother Morgan unwell. I ran out of words but I don't do dark very craftily either.
Thanks for reading and commenting:)


Everly Lockhart
14:40 May 06, 2023

This story took a turn I wasn't expecting and I'm pleasantly surprised.

The italics when it switched to first person helped and I had no problem adjusting.

It was a well written story and I was transfixed. I especially loved the bubbles on the horizon.


Mary Bendickson
14:50 May 06, 2023

Thank you so much! Just now switched to the italics. Glad to know it worked better.


07:50 May 06, 2023

This is a great read Mary. The time and setting is very easily established and I was able to picture it all very clearly from the start. I found the Mormon cast of characters very interesting. I would have actually liked to see them involved in the finale. Maybe instead of the cow it could have been Brother Morgan? Just to close the loop on that part of the story? Like others I was a little thrown by the change to first person, it took me a while to figure out what was happening. Might be better keeping it consistent throughout? Just my 2 cents! Other than that a very enjoyable story!


Mary Bendickson
12:50 May 06, 2023

🙏 thanks for the input. If I can still edit think I will italicize part after the portal. Others have done it that way.


Tommy Goround
03:39 May 06, 2023

Good intro. Bubbles worked.



Mary Bendickson
03:59 May 06, 2023

🛸👽 bursting with gratitude


23:33 May 05, 2023

Well done Mary. Shades of Cowboys and Aliens (The movie) Very sobering about the Mormons. Not new to me but the observations were correct and it seemed the young girl Emma Mae should have been marrying her Zeke. I definitely wanted that Mormon 'father' to get his come-up-ance. Not sure at all about the change of POV. 1st person all the way through would have gone more smoothly for me. But interesting choice. I liked the comment about the unidentified creatures meaning no harm but being curious. Much murder and mayhem in this world comes from misunderstandings over culture, the imputing of bad motives and lack of knowledge. Very thought provoking. I love westerns! And Sci Fi!


Mary Bendickson
00:30 May 06, 2023

Never heard of 'cowboys and aliens' so wasn't copying. Just thought if they visit today then why not then? Would it make more sense if I used italics after abduction and change of pov?


05:33 May 12, 2023

You will have to see the movie!


Mary Bendickson
11:16 May 12, 2023

Thanks for all your comments.


Martin Ross
13:50 May 05, 2023

Wow! Blending your expertise in the western/historical genre with sci-fi and a very convincing portrayal of moral and ethical views of the era resulted in a terrific, provocative but thoughtful story that would be great in any annual best of sci-fi/fantasy anthology. And a timely story, given the current resurgence in attacks on women’s rights and shocking defense of child marriage in some states. I shuddered to think of the safety and security of young women on the frontier trail. Well-told and well-integrated.👍👍👍👍


Mary Bendickson
14:26 May 05, 2023

😊😊😊😊 Thanks so much you make me blush!


Lily Finch
00:37 May 04, 2023

Hey Mary, such a cool concept to link aliens, Mormons, and cowboys all together in one tale.

I wonder if the word usage of alien might be changed to unidentified creature. More believable for the time the story is written in.

I hope that I got this correct. You were paralleling the aliens and the Mormons. Is that true?

Your breaks take the reader out of the scene and moving to first person adds to that but somehow you had me smiling at the end.

Thanks for the good read Mary. I enjoyed the story. LF6.


Mary Bendickson
01:16 May 04, 2023

I did try to change 'alien' 'cause I thought the same thing re-reading it. Maybe you read it before changed. I like your 'unidentified creature' better than my 'foreigner'. Can change again.
Don't think I meant to parallel Mormons and aliens per se. The Mormons were more to introduce 'poor Ruth' who couldn't reproduce if that was what the alien were after and to show Marcy had to have negotiating skills.

I thought changing to first person POV showed the drastic change.
Thanks for liking and commenting.


Lily Finch
01:30 May 04, 2023

In that case it worked well. LF6


Mary Bendickson
13:51 May 04, 2023

Do you think 🤔 I should have put all the first person pov in italics? To show he had entered another world?


Lily Finch
15:17 May 04, 2023

That's a good question. Maybe that would be a good idea. I probably would have done that. So yeah. that sounds good. LF6


Ian James
00:25 May 04, 2023

Interesting story! Maybe it's just me, but from the start of the story, I had a soft spot for Ruth. Can't explain why. And when she takes center stage at the end, I couldn't help but grin like a fool. Call me weird.


Michał Przywara
20:48 May 03, 2023

Alien abduction is a fun, unexpected idea for a wagon train :) Definitely a cool mashup of different things. But sure, why not. Who said aliens have to kidnap us only in the present day? They could well do it at any point in our history.

"I will be forever in his sites" - sights?

Critique-wise, the shift to first-person was a little jarring, in "Coming to I was dazed." Marcy also accepts and understands the situation pretty quickly, even going so far as calling them aliens at one point (where did he get this word? Were stories of such visitors known back then? I have no idea.) There might be an opportunity to dig into his panic more, particularly since they butcher a cow.

A lot of time is spent with the Mormons, and I'm trying to connect that to the rest of the story. Is the idea that both the Mormons and the abductors exhibit alien behaviour to Marcy, and in each case he needs to learn to compromise to keep the peace and get his job done? That could underpin his instincts to try to communicate with the aliens, if his day job already has him acting as a diplomat between varied and different humans.


Mary Bendickson
21:01 May 03, 2023

I'll change 'sites'. Get so used to taking short cuts, forget actual spelling:)
Already thought about the 'alien' remark. Would 'foreigner' work? Or be offensive?
The Mormons were there to set up 'Poor Ruth'. Maybe too much time but did show his job somewhat. Yes, he always needed to be diplomatic.
I changed to first person to show what an abrupt disruption happened.
Already at 2996 words. Not much room for more panic.
Thanks for your always excellent input.


Unknown User
02:10 May 03, 2023


Mary Bendickson
02:43 May 03, 2023

Wow! That was fast. I just got that posted a couple of hours ago.

I am not a very imaginative sci-fi writer. I had adapted one of my chapters out of the novel I wrote (Trampled Dreams being the first chapter) to be somewhat futuristic for another project. When I saw the prompt about a portal I thought the portal into this space ship might qualify. I melded that last part with part of a chapter following the wagon master's journey but had to cut out 600+ words to make it all fit. Hope that makes sense.

When we think sci-fi we usually think in the future from now. What would happen if those space visitors were coming during the 1800's? I once saw a documentary about cows being mutilated centuries ago so thought why not have a spaceship visit a wagon train...

Anyway, this is probably more info than you wanted but I am glad you thought it was interesting. A sci-fi western:)


Unknown User
02:53 May 03, 2023


Mary Bendickson
03:15 May 03, 2023

Why, thank you kindly. More cavities in my heart;)
If you read my bio you know I am a newbie so am honored you want to read more.
Besides that long winded manuscript I adapt for a few other projects most everything else I have written is posted on my profile.


Unknown User
03:20 May 03, 2023


Mary Bendickson
03:42 May 03, 2023

Now I'm getting a swelled head:) Thanks for reading and liking it all.
