
Another night, and I'm in what is to be my sanctuary. It's not mine really. It's my friend's house. I'm fortunate to have some space here. I guess you might consider it to be a mansion, typical dark brown wooden furniture fills the rooms, giving it that classic "old money" look. Dim lights, timeless paintings, and vintage statues are all but necessary. But I like that. Maybe it's because I look like I belong. After all, always having a brown coat and a pale white face, one might say I'm the gatekeeper here. I usually do a 360 to make sure there's no unwanted visitors. 

However, I sit with my thoughts, in the dark corner of the room. I tend to find warmth and calmness here. Especially during a storm as it leaves me unsettled still. I remember being caught up in a storm once. My home was struck by lightning and it was burnt to the ground. There was not a place for me to go. Everyone I knew had left their nest. So I roamed and wandered around hoping to find shelter. I felt like I was falling apart and that my life was over until a limousine had found me on the side of the road. In it was a young man dressed in a business suit and neatly groomed hair, brushed to the side. He exited the limo with an umbrella in his left hand and a towel in another. Like a gentleman that he dressed like, he ushered me into the limo. I know you just don't go into a stranger's vehicle but at this point, what choice did I have? I was at my lowest and thankfully this young man turned out to be quite accommodating. He took me in with open arms. I didn't have to say a word. I had food and shelter as long as I needed. He only needed an ear to listen. He's due to come home any minute with a hot cup of tea to talk about his business as he usually does.

Sure enough, I hear the pitter-patter of steps ascending up the stairs. I smell the warm apple spice tea and see the knob turning slowly and the door creaks open. There he is. My friend Gerald drearily stumbles toward me. 

And it is then I wondered, what seems to be the problem today. He's been more irritable lately and I'm not sure if I am able to settle his thoughts any more.

Gerald plops himself next to me looking miserable. His tailor-made suit is all bunched up and the collared shirt untucked. His hair is a mess as if he had been in a thunderstorm himself. Furthermore, you can tell by the bags under his eyes that he hasn't gotten much sleep as of late. There must be more trouble with his job.

Gerald erupts with a loud sigh, "Galford, today was rough. Inheriting this house, this business...I think I made a mistake. I want my life to go back to how it was. Telling people what to do without any consequence or second thought. My father always told me it was a dangerous game to play. That I was better off leaving for college to get away from it all. It's too late for me now."

He looks at me as if I were his advisor. I don't blame him for seeing me that way. I always heard him out. Like the time he had his heart broken by a waitress from Lou's Cafe. Which was a shame, he loved going to that cafe. Gerald would bring me my own warm, soft cinnamon roll from time to time. It was a treat since I normally don't go out anywhere. This blonde was something else though, I've seen her at the mansion once and she seemed a little sketchy. She had no idea I had eyes on her the whole time. I noticed she pocketed Gerald's gold Rolex from atop the fireplace right in front of me. Of course being the guard that I am, I went to her and reached inside the knockoff brand purse, and ripped it right out in front of Gerald so he knows without a shadow of doubt, that she was only interested in his money. After not being so subtle, Gerald demanded that she empty her purse. As it turns out, she took plenty of other valuables that I didn't notice. Despite being his right hand, I only overstep when I see it necessary. So for now, I keep quiet.

Nonetheless I signal a look. I narrow my eyes, tilt my head with a confused face as if to ask why he wants to leave it all?

"There's just too much pressure in maintaining this empire my family has built. This money isn't clean. I really need an out." Gerald insists.

I'm in no position to talk but I think to myself, money is money. And there are businesses under his thumb. I mean, just imagine what would happen if he bailed. He'll have an uprising of people wanting a piece of the pie, it'll be chaotic. I'm no mobster, but I know this would disrupt the way of life a lot of his cronies have come to know. If Gerald up and leaves, there would be no order and I guarantee that someone will want his place on top of the mountain.

"I didn't ask for this. I mean I wanted it but that was when I was younger and everything was given to me. I had no idea how much work you have to put in and having to look over my shoulder everywhere I go. This is no way for someone to live. If I knew this was the price of luxury, I never would've put a hit on them. It wasn't fair that they never involved me, but I never should've stooped so far low to get rid of them." Gerald states.

"Who?" I uttered.

Gerald pauses for a moment. He looked at me to his surprise that I was conversing with him. He proceeds to say, "I never should've put a hit out on my own parents. ...I see now, why they didn't want me to be part of this life. I was a spoiled brat with anger issues and the world was my playground. I've been misled by my own thoughts."

I was taken aback. I was at a loss for words. Who knew that such a caring and supportive person can do such a thing? I understand how he felt before. I thought I loved being free and had to answer to no one. But there's something about the comfort and solitude of my dorm. Being under the protection of someone who is reliable. I realize that's what he had with his parents and that's what he lost. So I just sit with no retort.

Gerald breaks the uncomfortable silence,

"Well...I say we pack up and get out of here. We don't need all these things. The empire only goes as deep as the state and we'll travel even further than that. Maybe sell off some of these paintings for some cash. I'll change my name. And well, I don't think anybody knows your name. I'm certain you can keep this a secret."

I think to myself, of course I can keep a secret. I'm your best friend and you took me in when my home was destroyed. I'll follow you anywhere and never tell a soul what you've done. Besides, Who am I to tell anyone...I'm just an owl.

August 16, 2020 03:02

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