the manager

Submitted into Contest #50 in response to: Write a story about a proposal. ... view prompt




Emenike lived with his family in the village of okpu. they were family of six ,father ,mother, two sisters and two brothers. The parents were relatively educated to compare with other families around them. When Emenike was in primary three, he was sent to Port Harcourt to live with a wealthy family from their village to complete his education for his parents could no longer afford his school fees.


Emenike entered into the services of the wealthy man at the age of eight and his duties includes helping in taking , chain of business. Emenike chose to enter supermarket business for he don’t have hope of entering tertiary institution through his parents efforts for they were poor so, he was taken back to their village to talk with his parents.


After reaching agreement that emenike will learn the trade for  seven years before being settled to start his own business, emenikes parents thanked the man and they went back to port harcourt ,the following day emenike packed out of the man’s residential building and went to where the man was build house for other apprentice and joined the rest.


 The training in supermarket business requires learning how to buy and how to sell, how to put price tag on a product and prices and how they were reached at, how to keep an eye on competitors and overall tricks of the business. Common sense, agility and ability you displayed in acquiring all the know how. Above all, zeal you manifest will determine whether you will ascend to the post of manager of the particular branch you are in .normally, it is usually done  according to the date you came. Only if the person following the manager is not serious minded, the owner will appoint anyone to replace the manager that is leaving. Emenike happens to have knowledge of all this arrangement even before becoming an apprentice by virtue of his coming from the owner’s house and eavesdropping on the couple’s discussions for year’s .he came to the supermarket business equipped with plan of climbing position of the manager at possible earliest time. After three years of scheming and backbiting, his plans came to pass as he laid them .when the manager he met was settled,emenike was made manager of the branch and his plans entered phase two to make his family suddenly instantly rich.


After twelve months of being a manager ,emenikes weight was adding at an astronomical rate  and three of his siblings that stopped schooling  for years as a result of non-payment of school fee were all put in private universities and his parents that were level six certificate holders were attending  federal university in their state. Each semester fee in those universities his siblings were attending,is not less than one and half million naira each  and when you times it by three  including his parents fee ,you will start getting ideas about how much emenike was siphoning away from the man’s supermarket each months. the activities continued in the same manner the following year till the man suppliers became tired of the excuses the manager was given them and decided to sort the owner out themselves. when the owner sort emenike out for explanation, he started giving him the same excuses  he was giving the suppliers and the owner sort for the help of an auditor and after just two days, he was told that the supermarket was owning about thirty something million naira, the owner called police to arrest emenike. he ran away. the owner and police searched for him for weeks, without success and emenikes parents accused the supermarket owner of using their son for money ritual that he must present their son to them first before any other thing. The search turned from money recovery to finding missing person for three months the supermarket owner was sweating, slimming just to prove his innocence.


One evening, in his third month of disappearance one of their regular customer entered the supermarket to buy something and told them that he saw emenike in one compound not far away        from them and they called the owner who rushed to the supermarket in recorded time and the customer took them to the compound saw emenike. True to his word, the guy was there and the owner called police and emenike tried to run and was apprehended. when police came, they took him to station for interrogation .on the course of their investigation,emenike produced a land deed he bought for eleven million, he claimed that he bought the land so that he and his master will go into partnership together  like his boss did with some other apprentice before him .without his boss knowledge and it was bought two years ago. The officers found out that he bought a bus and gave it to his uncle to be using for commercial transport that he opened students account for his three siblings and each account contains not less than three hundred thousand not counting all manners of electronic gadgets in their possession. When he told officers that the compound they arrested him in, that he has one room apartment there ,the officers moved to secure the place and told the landlord to lock the flat with his spear key and should not allow anyone near the flat. the landlord told the police that the woman emenike was living with is seven months pregnant and that the lady entered the flat immediately they took emenike away, took her bank card and left. back at the station, when they asked emenike about the lady he told them that she is his girlfriend he was planning to marry when they interrogated him more on the lady, he revealed that the girl has about five hundred thousand in her account and that the girl is a calabar girl that he don’t know her surname. when police went to the bank to freeze the account ,the girl has already wiped out the whole money and disappeared into the thin air. on further interrogation, he revealed that he has donated a lot of money to his church. the pastor has packed his bags close his bank account and disappeared. emenike was left in cell for six months before being released. he went back to his village to plan his next move.

July 13, 2020 13:29

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