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Fiction Fantasy Sad

This story contains sensitive content

Trigger warning: Physical Violence and implied sexual violence

The bone cracked under the weight of the mace and the sound could be heard across the stadium. Victor's shin bone had just shattered, his brain going into panic mode as he let out an anguished scream. But Victor didn't have time to think, his opponent had raised the mace again, it was bathed in the light of the red sun creating a ring of fire as the mace blocked the light.

Without much time to think Victor grit his teeth and rolled over a second before the mace swung down and struck the ground beside him. He needed to get some distance, his opponent was Victor's superior in strength and size. "Sleipnir!", Victor managed to spit out before a third blow fell on him. His body shifted in space and moved across the arena. Cheers roared throughout Victor's display of magic, few could utilize the words of power like he could. His magic, however, did not dissuade the giant of a man that was his opponent who was already rumbling his way over, each lumbering step bringing Victor dread.

Don't have time to think, have to get him to stop moving. Victor quickly began speaking words of power, pooling energy into his palms.

"By the laws that govern our world, I dare trespass into the territory of gods and forge from nothing the chains that bind. Gleipnir!"

The pool of mana swelled forward, just as Victor's opponent was upon him. In moments the mana weaved itself around the giant man and transformed into chains. The opponent's eyes bulged with surprise as the chains threatened to completely entangle him. The chains wrapped around him like pythons and soon they would completely immobilize Victor's opponent.

Victor let out a sigh of relief, he had won. He had hoped not to use magic, but the man who stood before him writhing in chains had proven a more difficult opponent. Victor watched as the man fell over, the chains getting tighter. A sneer crossed Victor's face. What a fool his opponent had been. Had Victor stayed honorable then perhaps he would have lost, but a nobleman would not allow a mere peasant to best him. Victor's mind wandered over to what kind of wine he should have later as he set to the task of healing his leg with magic.


Hector's muscles bulged against the chains desperately. His strength was already at its limits. The noble had lacerated Hector all over his body and he was losing enough blood to fill a tub, it was going to be the noble's victory. It was only by luck that one of Hector's swings managed to knock the noble down, and another more purposeful swing broke the leg. Hector was sure he had won at that moment but had taken a quick reprieve for his burning muscles as he raised his mace for the final blow. Fool! Fool! Fool! You knew he could use magic, why didn't you finish it quickly!

Hector continued to struggle against the chains with the muscles he had grown as a forge master over the years, but they were no help against things of magic. Towards the side, Hector caught a glimpse of the noble smiling to himself as energy seemed to pulsate into his leg. Hector cried out in anguish, even what little damage he inflicted would soon be undone.

Gods if you exist, if you are out there, I have never asked for anything in my life. Please I beg of you, I'll give everything that I am, everything that I have. Please just let that man pay for what he did to my daughter. Oh lords of the forge and Mistress of Ores, just for one moment, for a single fraction of your attention, grant my only request!

The chains were now completely wrapped around Hector, his muscles no longer containing the strength needed to keep them at bay. The crowd held their breath in anticipation. Waiting for the moment for the judge to declare a winner. The silence was thick and the only thing that could be heard were Hector's groans.

The silence would be broken though, as bells rang in the distance. It was the zenith, luncheon time. The crowd murmured hoping the spectacle would be over soon so they could get home.

Then an even louder sound rang out as metal snapped and gave way. The crowd's head swiveled and locked onto the noise. Hector had broken the chains. The forge master slowly stood up his body bloodied and bruised beyond recognition. The noble could only look on in confusion as his unbreakable chains had just been shattered by a mortal.

Hector let out a laughing cough. His one and only wish and the gods had merely untied him. Very well, I won't let this chance slip me by.

With surprising speed, Hector picked up his mace and ran at the noble.


Dumbfounded Victor put away all thought of healing his leg. The peasant had just managed to get past his greatest magic. "Aftur", Victor shouted. From across the field, Victor's sword could be seen floating and immediately racing toward him.


Hector didn't hear what word the noble had just shouted, his mind was focused only on making sure punishment was served. He was moving faster than he should have been able to, but his body had still been broken by the chains and every step brought burning pain. So much pain, that when Hector felt a new sharp pain in his back he ignored it and kept moving forward. A foot away now from the noble. Close enough to finish the job. Once again he raised his mace, this time he wouldn't wait though, with every last ounce he could squeeze from his shattered body he swung.


Victor watched in horror as his sword stabbed right into the peasant's back, but it didn't stop the giant man from getting closer. He now loomed again over Victor. And as Victor watched the mace descend his only thought was that if this was going to be his, he should have had more fun with that peasant woman.


Eliza waited patiently by a tree in a field of flowers. Watching her father approach. A smile crossed her lips. She had been afraid her father would have gone somewhere else where he could continue to craft his masterworks for all eternity. With a wave, she ran down to meet him.

June 28, 2024 05:33

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1 comment

John McPhee
22:07 Jul 03, 2024

Justice has been served. Well done Omar. I enjoyed the battle.


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