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This story starts from a very secret that the Bauer family is afraid to tell anyone. The Bauer family consists of five children- Versa, Grace, Minsi, Marcus and Thomas, their parents and their grandparents. Mr. Bauer works in a small key chain factory in which he attaches the chains to the pieces of various carved wood. Mrs. Bauer too is employed, but as a baker in a small bakery which would get seven customers at an average in a week.

It’s so hot today. Versa said. And boring too. Marcus replied. You say this every day, Marcus. Minsi said with a frown on her face.

We have to do something special in this summer vacation. Thomas said. Yes, or else we will end up washing the utensils in the kitchen. Mum is behind us to do that. Grace replied. Hey! Grandpa Find is going to tell us a story tonight, about… about our ancestral house. That will really be interesting.

He is an amazing story teller. Replied Mrs. Bauer.

Mum, when did you come here? Versa asked with astonishment on her face.

Just now, Versa. I hope you did not forget the time, it’s lunch. Come down soon.

Who would like to have tomato soup and bread every day. Minsi said in a whisper. Yes mum, we’ll come soon.

At the table-

This is going to be the most boring vacation we would ever spend. Even, we are not allowed to go to the river and beach too because of storms. Mum thinks we are still small and may go at the center of the river. Grace said.

You are and you may go at the center of the river unknowingly. Said their mother.

How did she come in? Did you see her coming? Versa asked Grace in a whisper.

No. Grace said with her mouth wide open.

There’s good news for all of you. Father’s going to get a lot of prizes for his excellent performance in his company work. Said Mrs. Bauer.

Lots of prizes… I am willing to have them soon. Thomas remarked.

Me too. Replied Minsi.

Well, I am willing for grandpa’s story. I am strongly feeling that it would help us to do something in our summer vacation. Grace said with a smile on her face.

What are you thinking about, Grace? Asked Versa.

Nothing. Grace said, breaking her eye contact with Versa. I have finished my lunch, I am in the lawn.

In the evening-

Father, must come soon. Minsi said with a huge smile on her face.

He must be there any time. Said Marcus, grinning brightly.


Father’s there, father’s there. Screamed Thomas.

They opened the door.

Father, how are you? Thomas, take father’s bag. Marcus take off father’s coat. Father, where are the gifts? Minsi said jumping around.

Oh Minsi, here you go. Father said giving a huge box, weighing at least 1 kilogram.

Let’s go and open it. Said Marcus.

No Marcus, not now. Said Mrs. Bauer. It’s supper now. Get to the dining table.

After the supper-

All gathered around grandpa’s bed.

Oh! My dear children you remembered that I’m going to tell you a story.

Of our ancestral house. Grace continued the sentence.

Yes, Grace. Replied grandpa Find.

So, let me start the story-

Dear children,

Many years ago, this house belonged to the Morria family, they were the richest in the town. They had nothing less. They also led a peaceful life.

Suddenly, the World War 2 took place. The house got destroyed in the war. After the war, when everything settled, the Morria family rebuilt the house and sold it to

our family. Then, the Morria family went abroad and settled there. From then, this house is ours.

Well, the most important part of the story is that there where rumors that when the war happened there was a hidden treasure that the Morria family left here. Many people searched for the treasure. In fact, detectives also were searching for the evidence. But, still they could not find anything.

So, they declared that these are rumors. After that, no one comes to check this house.

But soon after this, our ancestors found a secret passage way. They told this to everyone. But, when the people came to see the passage, it was not there.

The people said it to be a rumor once again.

But, still it is an amazing, mysterious story. Said grandpa Find. This is the secret we are afraid to tell anyone because it will again cause rumors and people would make this house and us different from the common people.

Something was cooking in Grace and Marcus’s minds.

They all ran to their room and Marcus starting to find something. From his wardrobe, he took out a scroll.

What is this, Marcus? Asked Versa in an astonished tone.

This is a map. A map that could help us find the secret treasure and the passage.

A smile was occurring on Grace’s face. Show me the map. Grace said jumping with excitement.

See here, there is a circle highlighted with orange colour. This circle could be the treasure and the passage way.

Oh no, this is all nonsense. We must not get into it. Said Versa with a frown.

This is not nonsense. Let’s go in the lawn and examine our house. So, that we can find where is this circle located. Grace replied.

They went in the lawn.

So, this is the door. Grace said.

You are holding it upside down, Grace. Said Versa.

I found it… I found it… it’s the storage room. Squealed Thomas.

Storage room? How can you say it so firmly? Minsi asked.

Just take a look. If this is the door, then this will be the kitchen and the circle is located beside the kitchen. That means it is in the storage room.

They ran to the storage room and started checking every spot of the storage room.

There is nothing here. Versa said leaning on the tile on the wall behind her back.

Versa suddenly jerked and saw behind herself. The tile had gone inside. See here. The tile has gone inside. Shouted Versa.

Push it more. Minsi said.

They pushed it more and suddenly a way leading through the room appeared.

Let’s go. Grace said.

We are taking a risk, Grace. What if we get trapped there? There will be no means of informing mum and dad. Said Versa heading towards the door.

Marcus ran towards Versa and started to pull her.

They all went slowly and steadily in the passage.

There were many bulbs in the passage. They walked till they reached the bottom of the staircase. There was a medium-sized treasure box at the center of the circular room.

The room was spacious and cool air was flowing in the entire room. They picked up the box and tried to open it. It opened somehow and inside were some old books.

Without taking a look at the books, they ran up the stairs to their storage room with the treasure box, feeling that they would get trapped if they did not reach their storage room soon.

 They finally reached their storage room and ran to their parents.

Mum, dad! Look what we have found.

Treasure… treasure… look here.

Show it to me, dear. Said their mother.

They told everything to their parents.

One of the diaries had a person’s name, R.J. Bauer.

This is the diary of grandpa Find’s father. His name was R.J.Bauer. You all are great. You found out the passage way and the hidden treasure too.

I think this will be the best vacation we ever had! Said Grace.

Yes! Every one shouted with excitement.



March 27, 2020 15:55

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1 comment

Felicity Edwards
11:03 Apr 02, 2020

An interesting story. I am aware that some modern writers choose to dispense with things like quotation marks but I found this departure from basic punctuation rules a bit distracting. I also found the in the lawn distracting, they would go ON the lawn unless they were burrowing creatures that I did not think you were portraying. The movement and interaction between the children was great. Well done.


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