The Mazumba Village- A land of nature and culture

Submitted into Contest #90 in response to: Write about a community that worships Mother Nature.... view prompt


Black Creative Nonfiction

In the Plains of West Africa was a the primitive kingdom of the Mazuban people. A land that shares boundaries with the pacific oceans endowed with mountains,the blue skies, hills with water falls and green and flowery forests filled with all kinds of animals. In the Mazuban land animals which are also totems are regraded with different levels of honor. The lion is regarded to a royal, kingly entity, the tiger a good wrestler, the tortoise as crafty, the leopard as a honorable hunter and lots of them. Indeed Mazuba was a place every tourist would dream of visting. In Mazumba nature is muchly appreciate

Every Sunday morning the people of Mazuba observed their weekly worships and rituals to the God of nature. Every one gathered at the the plains with their little spotless lambs for sacrifice. This was an event no one would dare to miss. The king and his royal house would ride on their royal horses endowed in the mazuban royal apparel made of fine linen and beads.

Following the royal house was the right-hand man of the king and all the elders of the community and then everyone both small and great, young and old. They would all wait for the arrival of the high priest who will be dressed in an immaculate white apparel. Once he arrives everyone postrates for a minute or two except the king. Then the scarifies can kick off and when the royal lamb is finally offered the people throw a loud shout of joy. This was a community who never played with nature.

This particular day which happened to be the weekly day of worship. At the breaking of the day everyone prepares for the weekly worship coming along with their spotless lambs for sacrifice

The king and his entourage enters followed by the hierarchy of nobles in the kingdom. The high priest follows suit dressed in his normal "regalia"

The sun smiles upon them showing that indeed it's a wonderful day . They all bow seven times to the God of Nature - The sovereign God.

Sacrifices of the spotless lamb by each family represented. The lambs are passed through the fire by the servants of the high priest after having slaughtered them. The last sacrifice which is that of the royal family. The king steps forward and offers his spotless lamb to the high priest as a token of his worship and reverence to their creator- The God of nature.

The High Priest places the royal lamb on the "table of atonement". The priest chants and then offers the sacrifice with sacredness. As soon as that is done the people of Mazumba gives a loud shout of joy believing that their worship has been received. In the process, a royal servant runs towards the king, gets closer to him and whispers to his ears ''my king, the queen your wife went into labor this morning and praise be to the God of nature she put to birth a bouncing baby boy"

"Wow praise to Olise the God of the Universe for remembering The king on this fateful day"

As the good news goes around the High priest announces with joy in his voice ''great people of Mazumba, today the God of Our land has remembered us and our king. The King's wife has just put to birth a baby boy the heir to the throne of Great Mazumba"

(shouts of joy and gladness everywhere on hearing the good news)

The priest continues '' It is indeed a thing of joy and merriment that such a blessing has come our way on this blessed worship day. Our king after been patient waiting for a child for sixteen years has finally been fulfilled on this day. In the same vein we shall all return to our homes to return at twilight for the celebration and naming ceremony of the new born baby"

(Shouts of joy goes up the people return to their homes as light fades)


(Later in the Evening at the kings palace)

All manner of celebration ongoing. The young men in their groups beating the dance native drums, playing the flutes and singing as the young maidens dance to their tune. The old men and women are seated waiting for the king's entry. Meanwhile there is a preparation of the Mazumban best warriors to engage in a wrestle contest as it's their very noble culture observed during any celebration. In the mazumban culture food is seen as a blessing from mother nature and as such praises is returned back to the earth.

(The king enters the compound as the people rise upon their feet with a shouting ovation)

All hail the king! All hail the king!

The Mazumban people sings.

The king makes his honored entry with with royal entourage and nobles and the the High of Priest.

In the Mazumban land the people regard the high priest as a key servant and representative of mother nature.

''My people you are all welcome to this special great night where we all have gathered to appreciate Mother nature for all the blessings that we enjoy- the greens fields, the hills, the animals and lots more. Also we are gathered here for the naming ceremony of the new born baby- but before then we shall have our two wrestling champions for their wrestle contents. Let's have them to the podium for their wrestlings"

( stepping on the wrestling podium are both champions of the Mazumban Kingdom)

The High Priest steps out to officiate their match. One of them named Bmuwagba- a well seasoned wrestler who had killed a lion in their kingdom before with his bare hands. Very muscular, dark-in-complexion,tall and aged. He steps into the podium and makes his salutations.

On the other hand is Ngwaru the Mazuban champion who has defended the Mazuban people against external attack with his one-man troop. He's a very muscular man,serious, light-skinned, handsome and quite younger that his rival but as well strong as his opponent.

The High priest waves off his flag indicating that the fight has begun.

The drums of battle is been played. The tensions seems high. The villagers seems to have their favorite wrestler but both wrestlers seem to be equal on the pitch. In the Mazuban land wrestling's are never treated likely. It's a noble thing to out a wrestling match.

No man seems to have to put his opponent's back to touch the ground as their terms for winning may be.

(Screaming and shoutings of joy and supports)

The King Interrupts the unending match with no winners. Both wrestlers shake their hands and the leave the podium.

(Clears his voice)

''Greetings to you all great people of Mazumba, with joy in my heart and fufillment in my soul I welcome you all once again to these event. Tonight I name my son ''Bwari Dike" for ''another warrior king is born" continue with your merriments and your celebration"

(Droplets of rain)

The people rejoices believing that mother nature is congratulating the king for his new born baby

The priest exclaimes with a loud voice "even the gods are sending their blessings to us. Praise Olise mother of all nature!"

"Let the celebration go on. Eat and drink anything of your choice" _the king orders


April 21, 2021 00:26

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