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Sad Christmas Teens & Young Adult

Hannah took a deep breath, It has been 4 years since she had seen her family or even called them, she and her family never got along when she was younger, so when she got the chance to go to a collage in California she took it and left her family behind, she knew now that it was wrong to Shut her entire family out of her life. and now it was Christmas eve and she was standing In front of her childhood home in Montana, thinking that maybe she should just go back to California, Hannah put her hand up to the door than stopped herself, “ what if They don't want to see me?” Hannah pushed those thoughts away and knocked on the door. She heard a voice than someone unlocking the door, it swung open and standing there was Hannah's big brother Anthony, he had Grown taller, his hair was a wavy raven Black and His eyes were a shocking bright blue. He looked Confused and than an angry look crossed over his face, he crossed his arms “ I’m so sorry I left” said Hannah staring at him pleadingly

“ yeah, you should be, you really hurt mom and dad not to mention how hurt Camilla was and still is” “ I see that now and I want to fix it… will you please forgive me?” said Hannah. Anthony looked up and the ceiling, sighed then held his arms out Hannah let out a sigh of relief than ran into the house and embraced him

“ Thank you so so much!”. The house is warm Hannah brought her suitcase in and closed the door and when she turned back around and Camilla was standing in the kitchen doorway she had changed a lot she wasn’t the petite 10 year old little sister she had left behind she was tall and had long wavy brown hair and big hazel eyes, she stared at Hannah with a hurt in her eyes that could break anyone's heart, than ran up the stairs. “ Camilla wait!” said Hannah as she climbed up after her, but Camilla ran into her room and locked the door behind her. Hannah walked over to the closed door and lowered herself to the floor and leaned against the it “ Camilla I don’t expect you to forgive but I really hope you do but I want you to know I’m so sorry I left you… and I want to talk to you about it if you will let me” after a few minutes Hannah pushed herself off the floor and walked away in defeat back down stairs, Anthony was waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase, he looked up at her "are you ready to see mom and dad?" he asked " no, but lets go", Anthony nodded and pulled himself up. Hannah’s parents where in the kitchen prepping the food for Christmas dinner so they didn’t see her walk in. Anthony walked in the room and hugged they’re mom so she would turn around, when she did Hannah walked closer,

“ Hannah? is that you!” said her mom as she ran up to Hannah and gave her a big hug, Hannah's dad had walked over to talked to Anthony, but before he could Hannah walked over to him “ I’m sorry dad” said Hannah not knowing what else to say. After a few moments Hannah’s dad smiled “ I forgive you” Hannah ran up and hugged him tight.

Hannah was setting the table as her mom and dad where finishing up cooking dinner and putting it on serving palters and bowls, Camilla came down the stairs and started helping set the silverware in place never looking up “ I can’t forgive you” said Camilla quietly, Hannah looked over at her “ I understand, but I hope we can start over” Camilla nodded and walked over to the kitchen and started placing the food on the table. There was a baked ham with a brown sugar glaze and a mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce, vegetables, and pumpkin pie, Anthony walked over and sat down, they’re parents soon followed. as Hannah and her family sat down to enjoy the amazing food Hannah smiled as she found a new appreciation for her wonderful loving family.


Hannah found an apartment and soon moved back to Montana to be closer to her family, Camilla soon learned to forgive Hannah and Anthony decided to go to collage to become a Emergency Medicine Specialist and moved a few hours away to the collage.


Hannah woke up the the warm sun shining through the window, she climbed out of bed and splashed her face with cold water, got dressed then pulled her shoes on and walked outside. It was a cool fall day and the birds where singing, Hannah started her jog, the trees where all different oranges, reds, and yellows it’s been ten months since shed moved to Montana, and it was a big life style change she went from a big city and beaches to a quiet country setting. She had went back and said goodbye to her friends some understood that family is important and others were not as happy for her, and her ex boyfriend milo was a dance major at her collage while she was majoring as a costume designer so they were both in drama and got partnered on a project, they had hit it off and started dating. After a few months he started acting strange, he would go out late and started growing distant and wouldn’t text her for days, and some days he wouldn’t even come to school, it started to scare Hannah so she went to his apartment but no one was there, so she called and called but he still didn’t answer she checked his location but he turned it off, that's when she called the police they sent two officers to his apartment where Hannah was, they forced open the door but no one was inside but some of his clothes, shoes, and other small things were gone. after a few more days of searching for him they filed him as missing, it broke Hannah's heart and she cried for days, she decided that she couldn’t lose anyone else and got on a flight to Montana to make up with her family, and that's how she got here. Hannah stopped and took a deep breath and started walking back towards her apartment, it was hard for her to think about her old life and milo. Hannah got into her car and drove to her brothers collage, it was a couple hours away but she didn’t care she needed time to think anyway. Hannah was driving when she got a text from MILO?!, Hannah opened it and it read “hey, this might be a shock to you but I’m in Montana, I heard you moved and I wanted to see you” Hannah heard a car horn go off so she looked up but it was to late she saw a car crash into her than she blacked out.

Hannah woke up in a daze her head felt numb as she looked around she was in a hospital bed and her brother was sitting in a chair on the other side of the room, he saw her and shot up out of the car and walked over to the bed " hey little sis how are you doing?" Hannah couldn't talk but her face must of said it all, Anthony frowned " do you remember anything?" Hannah shook her head no even though she did remember some but she couldn't talk her tongue felt heavy and she couldn't move her jaw. she felt like closing her eyes and just going to sleep, her legs were going numb and it was moving up her body, Anthony was yelling something but Hannah wasn't paying attention, soon her whole body was numb and she couldn't resist the temptation of closing her eyes....

November 28, 2020 01:47

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23:41 Nov 30, 2020

please comment on what you think, it would be greatly apricated. Thank you


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