Christian Drama Fiction

“Hello! Am I on to Mr Timothy Howard?”

“Yes, sure you are.”

“How are you?”

“Am fine. Thank you. And you?”

“Am doing great.”

“Am Mr Franklin Dumen. Can you come to No. 64 Ocean Drive, Off Taylor Road by 9 a.m. tomorrow? I'll be glad to have you around.”

“Please, is anything the matter? Hope am not in any trouble...?” Timothy asked with a frantic tone. He had been in a situation like that before where he was directed to a particular location into the hands of police officers. The complainant claimed he was threatening him with his incessant calls. He had come across the phone number of the man on a card left on a table in a restaurant. Looking at the card, it seems to belong to someone working in a corporate organisation and highly placed. Desperate for a better paid job and confident in his abilities, he had gone ahead to put a call through. Although, the man had declined to invite him over, he had been insistent. So, he was hoodwinked to a location where he was apprehended by police officers.

“No! You are definitely not in any kind of trouble. It’s just a formal meeting with you. Please make it a date and you'll be glad you did. I'll be expecting you.”

“I’ll... try,” he spoke with a faint voice.

“Thank you. Bye.” 

The call ended. Timothy had been out of school for 12 years. Going through school wasn’t easy for him, he had lived off stipends. His parents, not in support of him obtaining a loan, had scrimped and saved to send him to school. Now he was out, getting a well paid job hadn’t been easy for him. He had gone for one interview or the other, all were to no avail. He hadn’t succeeded in making the final cut. He had become weary of the whole process. He was becoming disillusioned. His dreams were falling off the track. The odds were not in his favour.

“Hello! Josh, guess what happened.”

Hi! Tim. I can’t actually guess. You definitely know am not good at guessing. What happened? Please let me in.”

“I got a call from someone. He said his name is Mr Franklin Dumen. He said he is inviting me over for a formal meeting tomorrow by 9 a.m. What do you think?”

“How did he get your number?”

“Wow! I never bothered to ask him. Everything came like a surprise. He sounded so real on the phone. It was like a conversation with an angel.”

“Hmmm. Angels in disguise. Am just worried. Some of these people are phoney. They lure people into a trap and swindle them of the little they have most especially the gullible and desperate ones. Hope you haven’t been bugging anyone lately?”

“No! Definitely not. After the last incident, I have learnt a lesson. I know what I had put you through. Don’t want anymore troubles for you and me neither. Thank you dear friend.”

“Nah! You don’t have to bother. What are we friends for? I got your back today. You got my back sometime tomorrow. Ok!”

“Yeah! Ok.”

“What’s the address?”

“He said No. 64 Ocean Drive, Off Taylor Road.”

“Hmmm. Haven’t really gone there before. But have heard of that place before. Heard someone mentioned that place in my office. But not anything sinister.”

“So what do you think? You know I need a job desperately. Bills are weighing down on me.”

“Yeah! I do know. I'll suggest you give it a trial. I'll also suggest you give it a shot. From what you said my sixth sense says you can try. A times miracle comes in uncertain ways. But be careful and be at alert. Also, please stay out of harm’s way. Best of luck. I got to go. Bye!”

“Yeah! Bye!”

Joshua Porter had been Timothy's long-time friend. They had attended same high school and college. He's a smart and brilliant chap, attributes that endeared him to Joshua. He had been lucky to get a good job after college. He had an uncle in the organisation who had pushed all buttons to make sure he was employed. He had been very supportive of his friend, granting every necessary assistance as when due as long as it’s not beyond his means.

The next day had come. It was time for Timothy to meet this mystery person. He was ambivalent of the whole situation. He had so many things running through his mind, good and bad. He made sure he was well dressed and not anything casual. He was set to leave.

“Hello! Josh. Am prepared to leave.”

“Hi! Tim. Wow! That’s good. Calm down and don’t panic. I can see you are nervous. I know how you sound when you are. Everything is going to work out just fine. Trust me. Be optimistic. Nothing is so prevalent than having an optimistic view of life. It turns tables around at the tail end. So hurry up. Best of luck. You don’t want to be late for your appointment”

Arriving at the proposed place, Joshua was taken aback. It was real and a big organisation. He introduced himself to the receptionist and told her who he wanted to see. She called his office. He instructed her to send him in. She then directed him to the office. He knocked at the door with trembling fingers.

“Hello! Come in.”

“Good morning.”

“Good morning. You are Mr Timothy Howard.”

“Yes indeed sir.”

“Please have a seat.”

“Thank you sir.”

“It’s my honest pleasure. I know you’re imagining how I got your number.”

“Yes! Indeed.”

“It’s a small world. Have you ever worked at Meridian Restaurant?”

“Yes truly, Timothy spoke excitedly. In fact I left there two years ago. I needed something better.”

“Ok! Can you remember someone by name Eugene Prischoff?”

“Yes! I can well remember. He was one of our regular guests. He praised our menu. He loved French fries and chicken. It was his favourite. He had an attractive mien. He had a German accent.”

“You indeed know him well. He's my sister’s husband. He has said laudable things about you. He said you are intelligent, smart and assiduous. He told me that you are meant to be in the corporate world and that such attributes of yours are for use in a corporate organisation. That’s why I have called you to ask if you don’t mind working with us.”

“I... sincerely don't mind,” Timothy spoke trying hard to force back his tears.

“Ok! You'll go to my secretary. She'll direct you to the HR. He'll put you through in some things you need to know. After that, you can go home then when you come tomorrow we’ll discuss more. I would have love to conclude everything with you today but am off for a meeting. You'll sure enjoy your stay here. I just need you to work hard and avoid any dereliction of duty.”

“Thank you sir...,” Joshua spoke trying to stifle his excitement.

“You are most welcome. See you tomorrow.”

Joshua sat down. Everything looked like a dream. He shook his head and widened his eyes. He was then sure it wasn’t. He sat still for a while then tears ran down his cheeks. So he could work in a big firm as this. So he could have a space in the corporate world, his long-time dream. So he could sit vis-a-vis a corporate titan. These were some of the thought running through his mind.

“Hello! Josh, Yeah! It’s done. Have been taken in”

“Wow! Oh Yeah! This calls for celebration. Thank you Lord. Am so happy for you. Call me when you're back home.”

“I sure will.”

The call ends. Timothy shakes his head and smiles. Tears well up his eyes.

December 18, 2020 10:32

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Tambra Birkebak
22:41 Dec 25, 2020

Nice story. I think that type recognition of foundational skills should happen more often. As a reader, I recognized that you were comfortable enough to introduce Joshua, and then follow that up with a nice paragraph of bio info. Nice technique use. I did have a little confusion, especially in the first few paragraphs, with the use of “Am/am” in places that seemed to be in place of “I’m/I am”. Of course maybe it was an intentional language thing going on, that I didn’t get. Keep creative juices going.


Thompson Emate
01:57 Dec 26, 2020

Thank you Tambra for the nice comment. It's an honour. I think the "Am" thing is intentional but I'll make a change. Thank you once more.


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