The Moral Compass-A Message through iMessage

Submitted into Contest #34 in response to: Write a story told entirely through text messages or emails.... view prompt



Jan: Anything more from Lenny?

Adriana: No

Adriana: Not since Tuesday

Jan: Oh

Jackie: What else did you do this weekend besides Lil Billy’s bday?

Adriana: We went to a filmmaker's thing with my cousin and Kat. And then we went to dinner.

Jan: Nice, where was that?

Adriana: In Yonkers

Adriana: They are having a film festival next month. I guess now it’s getting big b/c they are building a Lions Gate Westchester.

Jan: Oh cool

Adriana: How was Eva’s birthday? Lol 

Jackie: It was ok. It was as if me and Steph went out to dinner. We barely talked to anyone else lol. The only other normal person out of Eve’s friends, that was there, was Jennie. 

Adriana: Who were the newcomers? 

Adriana: Just some random suckers she got to take her out for birthday? Lol

Jan: Elena’s assistant, that works at her salon, and some girl, I think she used to work with at the wine sales place.  

Adriana: Some squad she had lol. No Semolina?

Jan: She came for a drink in the beginning… Probably didn’t want to pay for dinner. 

Adriana: Yeah, def not. Did Peter go?

Jan: No, he had work.

Adriana: Or annoying Joe?

Jan: No

Adriana: Interesting. You know why Tina didn’t go? Or at least the reason she gave my cousin?

Jan: Why? She said she had Ilene’s bday the day after. 

Adriana: Not true. 

Jan: Hanging with that guy Joe from Brother’s Ravioli?

Adriana: She did have Ilene’s bday the next day, but didn’t go.

Adriana: Nope, wasn’t hangin with Joe either.

Jan: What then? 

Adriana: Tina said she didn’t really know or like Eva. Lol…. That is what she told my cousin.

Jan: Since when? Lol…. She just went to her party over the summer. 

Adriana: I know! 

Adriana: I think she told my cousin Chris that because it was the socially acceptable thing to say since she knew that most people didn’t go to Eva’s party because of me. And I don’t like Eva… so maybe she wants to make it as if SHE doesn’t like Eva anyway. Plus, no one except you was supposed to go. Tina simply followed the crowd. 

Jan: No idea, Tina is just probably agreeing with whatever. 

Adriana: Maybe Midlew and Rastoc couldn’t meet her. 

Jan: Yeah, that is probably more like it. 

Jan: Why was she even talking to Chris about it?

Adriana: Because Tina likes to talk to married men it seems. Did you see what she wrote on his Facebook page?

Jan: Wait, she texted Chris privately? No I didn’t see it.

Adriana: Yes, she obviously texts my cousin privately. 

Jan: How do you know? He told you that? Does Tina text Kat too? Since Kat is his wife.

Adriana: Idk if she texts Kat but my cousin made it seem like it was only a convo between him and Tina. I am not sure Kat even knows about it.

Jan: He probably said he doesn’t know or like Eva and Tina probably agreed. She doesn’t have any opinions in life.

Adriana: He said he didn’t tell Tina shit and she came up with that Eva thing on her own. He made it a point to tell me he never mentioned the convo he and I had about Eva’s birthday. 

Jan: Somebody told her that she doesn’t know or like Eve. Lol

Adriana: Don’t know. My cousin said it wasn’t him. 

Jan: Someone had to say that. She had no opinion before. This didn’t come out of nowhere.

Adriana: Maybe it was just obvious because no one was going to Eva’s bday dinner. Literally no one. Our whole crew didn’t go, except you.

Jan: But no one ever goes.

Adriana: So why does she keep inviting them?! 

Jan: Idk

Adriana: I did tell Tina she had absolutely no business going to Eva’s house over the summer for Peter’s birthday party! Tina stayed quiet after that. So maybe she did as she should and silently agreed with me.

Jan: Well then that’s where she got it from. It had to come from somewhere. 

Jan: I doubt she had an opinion before that.

Adriana: Could be. Although I never said anything specifically about Eva. She and Eva might actually get along. Tina probably went to Peter’s party because she didn’t want to spend money, but also she wants to bang Peter bc of who he is. 

Jan: Maybe she feels like she doesn’t know Eva, IDK. I think she probably wanted to keep a night open for Joe from Brothers Ravioli.

Adriana: She claims, to Liz, she and Joe broke up. Meanwhile, Joanne says they were never really together. 

Jan: She saw Liz again? 

Adriana: No, not since this time, the one I’m talking about…. When she yelled at Liz in the nail place, called her a blabbermouth, and attempted to embarrass her.

Jan: She seemed to be seeing her a lot. 

Adriana: Yes, I told you this. Most Fridays at the nail place.

Jan: oh! In the nail place?? Lol

Adriana: Yes

Jan: Maybe they didn’t break up, just an argument.

Adriana: Who knows.

Jan: Or maybe Tina is trying to throw everyone off her track

Adriana: Mary even thinks Bill and Tina may secretly text. And we’ll just never know.

Jan: Why does she think that?

Adriana: Mary just doesn’t trust the two of them, her nor Eva.

Jan: Is there any actual reason she thinks this?

Adriana: No except that she thinks Tina and Eva are the type of people to something like that. 

Jan: But that doesn’t mean they are texting. Lol

Adriana: It doesn’t mean they aren’t either. I wouldn’t be surprised if it came out one day that Tina was texting with Mary’s boyfriend. I don’t blame her for having those suspicions.

Jan: No, but there is no reason to think that.

Jan: It’s possible but I’m not sure it would happen. Why would it happen? I think there is something up with Tina and Mildew. Why would Tina text Bill knowing he and Mildew are friends? 

Adriana: Well, I guess for the same reasons she texts my cousin and Mildew and God knows who else is in the mix. 

Jan: I just think Tina is a desperado.

Adriana: But why is she always talking to men in relationships? It seems to happen a lot with her. And there are a few outliers I guess, like Brother’s Joe.

Jan: Because she is desperate for attention. 

Jan: From anyone I guess. Idk

Adriana: Yes, desperate. She will talk to anyone. It’s crazy. She also would think this is normal behavior if one day all this came out. 

Jan: Desperate. Anyone who needs attention from guys in relationships is pretty sad. Idk. I don’t understand. 

Adriana: These kinds of people are loathsome. Joanne said she is almost done with Tina. She cannot listen to her nonsense and bullshit anymore. Mary does not want Tina around anymore. Not even at birthdays. 

Jan: Oh god! Why is there a vendetta against Tina now? Lol 

Adriana: Because Mary thinks she is a sneak and Tina just annoys Joanne. All Tina’s sneakiness and stupidity is driving them nuts now. 

Jan: I don’t really talk to her one on one. I don’t hear much nonsense. I like her there as background. Lol

Jan: Why do they care so much?? Especially Mary.  

Adriana: Mary said she doesn’t need fillers at her birthday party anymore. And that’s all Tina is, is a filler. She takes notes to go back and report to others what we talk about and what we’ve done. 

Jan: Joanne is closer to her. Why would Mary give a crap who Tina is sneaking around with? 

Adriana: She said it is wrong and she feels funny facing Midlew’s wife like she knows nothing.

Jan: Reporting to who? I just don’t understand why anyone would give half a shit!

Adriana: I do. I get it… Mary doesn’t want people knowing her business. And she doesn’t feel free to talk about things in front of someone like Tina. 

Jan: Tina knows nothing. We don’t really know anything either. We just think maybe. Who really knows. We don’t talk about private things in a big group anyway.

Adriana: Yes, but Mary feels like Tina knows more than she should. Like, for example, Midlew’s wife, Linda has no idea that Mildew is going to restaurants to meet up with Tina. Mary only wants trustworthy people at dinner and parties from now on. And that is the gist of it.

Jan: Ok. So Mary can invite whoever she wants to her bday. Lol

Adriana: I am not sure what she is going to do if we continue to invite Tina. She may feel like she needs the invite her… Idk… maybe she won't. 

Jan: I like having everyone at my birthday. 

Adriana: I get her point. Tina is a shitty person. This Eva birthday party has seemed to stir up a lot of feelings, in everyone it seems.

Jan: I consider close friends people who make an effort to actually see me on other days besides my birthday. Birthdays, I don’t care if there are fillers. 

Jan: I don’t think anyone else is thinking about this except Mary it seems. I doubt anyone else is giving it much thought. It seems like her whole thing with Bill is getting to her.

Adriana: My cousin did. He’s the one who texted to tell me what Tina had told him. And asking me what day Eva’s dinner was, what time it was, where, etc…

Jan: I doubt he is home thinking about Eva or Tina. Lol 

Adriana: My cousin also said he believes Eva was being calculated by inviting everyone, all my friends, who are not even her friends, and some of my family, but purposely excluding me. He had his opinions. He would always text me to let me know what was going in the group text, created by Eve, that I was miraculously left out of. 

Jan: It seems that Mary is bugging a little. I think she is having a hard time with Bill and thinks these girls who talk to married guys will talk to him. It sucks that she feels this way. None of these guys even want Tina I bet.

Adriana: Mary also does not like the fact that Eva is still friends with Eddy on FB and never unfriended him, even after Mary had requested she do so. She feels Eva cannot be trusted either. So this only solidified her gripe. 

Jan: The person Mary really doesn’t trust if Bill. She expects anything from him which can’t be fun.

Adriana: She was always annoyed with the Eddy and Eva situation. Because Eva said she would not unfriend Eddy even though she had never met him - and she knew he was Mary’s ex-boyfriend. 

Jan: Ok, I get that. 

Adriana: Eva is a sneaky, shitty person. The Eva situation has also leaked into Tina.

Jan: Right, but it is done. She has distanced herself from Eva. There isn’t really much else for her to think about regarding this. That is a lot of energy to spend on this. It isn’t like she talks to these people anyway. 

Adriana: Point is, we shouldn’t be talking to them either. It is a strain on our moral character. 

Jan: Um ok lol

Jan: Omg WTF

Adriana: It’s like we accept what they do and are ok with it; they as people. It’s bigger than texting Mildew or a birthday invite. It is their character. It’s like they don’t change and just keep doing what they are doing. There is no redemption or realization like 'Gee, maybe what I’m doing might be wrong?", they don’t see it.

Jan: It’s their life man

Adriana: Yes, but it doesn’t mean we have to be complicit in it. That’s my point.

Jan: It is their choice on what they want to do with their lives. They are hurting themselves too. I don’t see it the way you do. I don’t consider myself having anything to do with their decision. Sorry. I don’t get that.

Adriana: Well, I get it. They will never hurt themselves because they care ONLY about themselves. 

Jan: Ok, that’s fine.

Adriana: Maybe on their death bed they will have some sort of an epiphany but until then…

Jan: They are settling for shit. That is hurtful to themselves too. But their choice. We all have our own problems to worry about.

Adriana: But why should we enable them? 

Jan: Again, their life, their problems

Adriana: Well Mary may feel it leaks into her life. She feels that Bill is similar to them in his flawed personae, narcissistic, etc… She sees it from the inside. It is an interesting theory though, I have to say. It’s this complicity with people who do bad things over and over again. Yes, it is their life, but I don’t have to be ok with it and neither do other people who have decent morals unless these shitty people truly change. Then it’s a different story. Everyone deserves a second chance; forgiveness. It is, for example, like Babes, Marisol’s married boyfriend was taking her around all his friends including Midlew and Linda, meanwhile, they were all friends with Babe’s wife! If all his friends said, "Listen, you’re married, we are friends with your wife, you can do what you want, but once you bring your girlfriend around us we are truly involved. It is not the right thing to do and I am not accepting this.", you are drawing a line the sand. You have set your moral standards. It is saying I won’t have bad behavior like this in my life.

Jan: 😐

Jan: I don’t consider the actions of my friends as my own. I’ve seen people do some crazy shit. I don’t try to control other people’s lives. I don’t see it that way but you are entitled to your opinion.

Adriana: It not about that. It is about what you allow in yours. What are you not understanding? It goes deeper than that. Eva only dates married men and uses them for what they can give her. She has dated married gangsters, mobsters, white-collar criminals, and then there are the older guys with money, probably some from an illegal stream as well, and people simply accept it as, "That’s just how Eve is. She only dates married guys." What happens if that were your husband? Even if you think, "Oh well, the wives must know their husbands are cheats", how does that make it ok? It is about who you are as a person, and most people do not want to go very deep and examine themselves. You aren’t controlling someone's life by expressing what you won’t allow in yours. And all of this trickles down.

Jan: What they do is not my life. It’s theirs. Let’s just agree to disagree.

Adriana: Ok, if you say so. 

March 26, 2020 23:45

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