Fiction Inspirational Mystery

This was a once in a life time social experiment I wanted to conduct since I have been on the work force. All my life, I have been surrounded with noise, pollution, traffic, and technology. Always on the move and always trying to keep up with time. I no longer wish to be slave of time. I want to be master of time. I want to breathe, see the time slow down, think about myself…

A friend of a friend recommended me to go spend a month in this remote winter cabin. All alone. With no electricity, no internet, and no phone service. Basically, with no technology. I would feel like I am living before the Industrial Revolution. I would feel like taking a trip to the early 19th century.

 I need this. My brain requires to get away from noise, pollution, time, and technology. This will be a unique vacation. Even if I wanted, no one will be able to reach me. No cell phone, no power to charge my laptop or any electrical device. I need fresh air and keep my eyes away from any type of screen.

For food, I was mentioned that I would have to hunt for my own food and cook it. No electricity means no fridge. I must hunt or collect food from the wilderness on a daily basis. I will not be able to store food.

In the brochure my friend gave me, it mentions that there are no human beings in a 100 km radius. I will be dropped off by a valet service and after thirty days, someone from the same travel agency, will come pick me up. The cost of this solo adventure is a $5,000.

   I do know that I will have access to a vast collection of novels during my stay. Thank God! At least I will have time to read. Only hard copy books, not in a digital form. I always preferred the smell of a good book in hands. Especially, a new book that was never opened.

   The day has finally arrived. I am dropped off by the valet service. I am asked to sign a contract and a brochure is handed to me. Similar to the one my friend had given me. It is a remote area, on a hill, with a beautiful view of the forest, the valley and the frozen lake.

   The cabin is one huge room where kitchen, living room and bedroom are one big unit. Only the bathroom is separate room of its own. No hot water because of no electricity! Oh boy! I will have to heat my water when I need to take a bath. No shower here…

   I did lot of wilderness camping with my dad and my Uncle Wayne during my childhood. That experience will come handy for the next few weeks. We did hunt, fishing, picking up edible mushrooms. I will have to rely more on hunting because in this snow, it will be a challenge to find mushrooms, fruits or veggies.

   It is 6 PM by now. I did bring with me a tuna sandwich with me. I am not going out to get food at this time. Not in this cold, and snow. In fact, I brought with me a loaf of bread, and a jar of peanut butter. That stuff can stay out without being refrigerated. The days I will not feel like going hunting, I will have this backup food. I won’t starve but it won’t be the best food to enjoy.

   Almost time for bed. It is such a great feeling to hear only the sound of the nature. Unbelievable how it feels. How your mind and body can benefit from this silence. I hear the wind blowing, snow is everywhere, night has settled, I see an owl on the tree from a dozen yard. It is so peaceful that it feels like I am in a haunted place. It feels like the dawn of time. When our ancestors lived in the nature.

   Before I go to bed, let’s start reading one of the novels offered to me. Oh wow! I have seen the movie but never read the novel it was based upon. The Shining. This novel will be a perfect read for the situation I am in. Like the main character Jack, I am in a remote cold snowy place but yes, I am not in an immense hotel. Moreover, this place is not haunted. Well…I hope not…

  Almost 11:15 PM. I am well immersed into the story of Stephen King. As I stand up to head to go to sleep, I hear heavy knocks on the door. Who could that be at this time? I was told there was no living soul in this area. I open the door. Nobody. I look to my left…to my right…no one. Weird. Am I hearing things? I get back inside and close the door.

   I will go to bed. Hope to get a good sleep. Tomorrow will be another day. They furnished plenty of blankets. I will be fine. In the morning I will need to go out into the woods to hunt or fish by a river or a lake.

   After a good night rest, I feel great today. Looking from the window, it seems like we go twelve inches of snow. Not the time to venture I guess. I should stick to my bread and peanut butter. I will go get the woods from the back of the cabin in the storage facility and heat up water for my bath.

   It has not been a full twenty-four hours yet in this cabin but I can say that mentally and physically I feel less drained compared to my daily urban life. Maybe I should look to move somewhere quiet like this place. Somewhere in the Colorado Rockies maybe.

  Almost time to leave the place. I feel re-energized. I was getting used to live without technology but I miss my tv shows, movies, online gaming, the social media, etc. I am considering to move in such a place when I retire. Maybe with a dog.

  The valet is here. I am packing my stuff and about to leave. As I am talking to him, he asked me if I had any usual encounter at night. Maybe a big knock on the door at precisely 11:11PM. I said yes. 

‘’That was the so-called ghost of Walter. People say that cabin used to belong to him. For some reason, he committed suicide apparently at 11:11 PM,’’ said the valet.

   “Oh my God! Are you saying my life was in danger during my stay here?’’

   ‘’No. I would not think so. You are not the only person who has stayed here.’’

   ‘’You should mention this in your brochure.’’

   “It is there, in fine prints…’’

   As I drive away with the valet, I see a face through the window of the cabin. Well now…for sure I am not returning here again. It will have to be another location next time. 

January 23, 2021 04:18

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