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With her head held high,Keisha entered the room like she owned it. She gracefully sat on the edge of the bed and crossed her legs."Last two days." I murmured as I stare at my calendar teary eyed. "I won't miss you." Keisha said and shrugged.

"I know,will he?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Of course he would,he loves you." She said,those kind of words gave me a bit hope but then again, the truth is as clear as a crystal. "Yeah" I sighed. "As a friend."

"I doubt that." 


"Just go tell him how you feel." Keisha hissed. 

"Too risky." I answered. 

"You know what's even more risky?" she asked,emphasizing the last word to obviously mock me. "What?" I asked back. Keisha stood up and dropped a paper bag on my bed. "Leaving without knowing the things you had lost then realize it once you've return." Keisha sighed. 

"Trust me,I've been there." she added and I didn't know what to say, I know from the deepest of my heart that she was right. I don't know how long will I be gone but I wanted to make sure he would still be here until I graduated. 

"7 PM." she reminded then left quietly.I smiled wryly while nodding at the door as if she could see me from outside. I almost jumped when the phone rang, it was louder than Keisha's laugh every time I make funny faces. I immediately took it before I could even burst in anger.


It was only a single word yet I recognized who it was from. 

"Hey Maxwell." I answered.

"I'll pick you up later." he said. My brows furrowed when he chuckled. "I thought you said you won't go." I whispered then I heard him laugh. Really, this man is unbelievable. He always changes his mind at the last second and act like it never happened. 

"So I'll be there at 6." Maxwell said. Before I could even say anything,he already ended the call. I sighed and looked outside, I don't want him to fetch me. I don't want to see him anymore. I felt like being with him makes it harder for me to leave him. Well what could I do?He doesn't take 'no' as an answer. He acts like a boss and I hate it, I hate him. Why did I even fall for his handsome face, great voice and athletic look when I can't even stand his attitude?

 I shook my head and stood up to grab the paper bag Keisha gave me. I opened it and saw a black laced sleeveless dress I asked her to buy for me since I don't have a spare time to walk around a mall. I took a quick shower and wore it along with a pair of black heels.I tied my hair into a bun and applied light make up before wearing some jewelries.

"You look lovely,my dear." mom commented as I walk down the stairs. "Of course she does." dad agreed. I gave them both a peck on their cheeks before waving goodbye. "Have a fun night." Mom said while helping me to enter my car. "I will,thanks." I nodded and started the engine.

 The darkness filled the night sky when I had arrived. The venue looks elegant and everyone looks glamorous. I shifted my gaze around and saw Lauren smiling at me. "Hey Faigy!" she greeted. "Oh hey too Max!" she then looked behind me while giggling. 

 My eyes widened and my body stiffened when I heard his name. I slowly turned around and saw him looking at me intently. "Thanks for the farewell party Lauren." he said in a dark tone.

"Don't mention." Lauren sighed. "I have to go now." she said awkwardly. 

"I waited." Maxwell grunted while staring at me. 

"I'm sorry,I forgot." I apologized. Why does he look like he's mad?It's not like that was the worst thing I've ever done to him. 

"I always do, Faigy." he mumbled. I didn't say anything,I was just staring at him with no emotion. "Would you mind joining me at the back garden?" he suddenly asked. I shook my head in response since my throat feels dry and I really don't know why. He lend me his hand and I was hesitant at first but then I accepted it.

"I'll tell you a story." he said while staring at the moon. His voice sounds better now,he seems upset a while ago and it hurts me,but what can I do?It was my fault anyway. "Once upon a time, there was a boy name Maxwell." he began. "He's a spoiled brat,a birdbrain and effortlessly annoying." he laughed,and slowly I realized where this might be going. He was talking about himself,his description says it all.

 "He was young and naive back then." he looked at me with amusement in his eyes. "But then everything changed when he met a new girl on class,Natasha." I felt like my world struck with what he had just said. He wasn't referring to me,who am I to think I might actually be the one who could change his life? 

"From the moment he laid his eyes on her,he knew he was in love. Or was he really?How can he be so sure it wasn't just an infatuation?" he chuckled. "He wanted Natasha to notice him so he decided to tease her like a big bully. Wrong move I must say." he shook his head with disgust. "Dumb boy." he said. "He didn't knew Natasha was a fan of martial arts. The tables have turned immediately and it frightened him. It was the first time Maxwell got scared by a girl the same as his age." 

"It was Sunday afternoon when Maxwell found out Natasha went back to her own country. He didn't even had the chance to tell her what he really felt. The next few weeks seem like a disaster for him since he keeps on missing that girl day by day and he keeps on convincing himself he'll eventually forget her." he took a glance at me then smiled bitterly. "But he didn't."

 I gulped and pouted while playing with my fingers. I didn't know what to say, I don't even know if I should let him complete his story. It hurts me yet I wanted to know what happened. "Years past,he saw her again." He continued. "They both changed,but Maxwell's feeling hasn't. He immediately fell in love again with her without even trying hard." 

"Well the thing is,she can't remember him." Maxwell whispered. 


"Her mom said she got into a car accident and she couldn't recall anything and everyone."

"That's awful." I sighed.

He nodded. "Really awful."

"Are you guys together now?" I asked then I felt a slightly pain in my chest when he smiled at me.

"I wish we could but she left me again."

"She left you again?" I blinked twice. 

"She still haven't but I know she would." he mumbled. "It hurts me so bad."

I bit my lower lip then crossed my legs. What would he feel if I was the one who will leave him? Will he feel the same way he felt when Natasha done it before? I wanted to tell him how I feel right now but I couldn't. Soon we'll be miles away from each other and it won't matter to him anyway.

"Where is she now?" I suddenly asked.

He took a deep breath then let out a heavy sigh. "She's right here,sitting beside me."

I felt like my world stopped spinning when those words sink in my mind.Tears stream down my face when he looked up at me with pain in his eyes. "Hey Natasha." he said softly. I wiped my tears away and stood up. "I'll go home now." I pursed my lips as I walk away from him. 

"You can leave." Maxwell laughed sarcastically which made me hold back. "You're good at it,anyway." he hissed.

 I want to run back towards him and hug him tightly but I can't. I still can't. I have plans to make,courses to take and promises to fulfill. Soon,he'll have someone who would love him more than I do. I know one day our paths will cross and we would see each other far different from the one we'd last seen.

I'm sorry,love.

"Haven't I told you how you look good today?" Keisha giggled.

"I always look good." I said casually as I sat down.

"How was your day?" she asked 



I took my glass filled with rum then drank it immediately. "The ward's a busy area."

"Couldn't agree nor disagree,I'm not a successful doctor like you." 

"Well I'm not a successful model like you." I chuckled.

"I'm cute, you're gorgeous!" 

"No I'm not." I took another shot and drank it straight. My face scrunched up when I felt the alcohol in my throat.

"Seriously you really look hot!No wonder why Max-"

"Don't say it." I glared at her but she just laughed.

"Maxwell." she smirked at me.

That's it,I'll slap this girl.

I stood up and took my glass. All of a sudden,I felt like my world started spinning. I was about to fall down when someone grab my arm. I closed my eyes then slowly opened it. There, I saw the man I was looking for more than a decade.

"Maxwell." I gasped.

"How funny,you knew my name too?" he laughed and for a second I thought he was being sarcastic but I know he isn't. 

"Of course,why would I forget you?" I pointed his chest but he didn't even move.

"Well,I think she's drunk." he said to Keisha.

"Yeah!" she exclaimed. "She stood up a while ago and grab seven glasses of tequila,a bottle of whiskey and now some rum." 

"Oh shut up!" I giggled."Would you like to join us?Lets talk for a while."

"I'm sorry but I'm with someone now." he said then smiled awkwardly.

Of course he would.

"Hi I'm Kelly!" a pretty girl beside him spoke. She looks younger than me and I wouldn't believe it if she tell us she's in relationship with him. "I'm Maxwell's girlfriend." she said.

Still wouldn't believe it.

I nodded and shrugged. "Oh yeah whatever,have fun." They both smiled at us before going to another vacant table. "What was that?" Keisha asked. "What was what?" I screamed. The music's now getting louder and louder. 

"You ignored them!" Keisha shrieked. "I did not." I defended myself. What is she even talking about?"I thought you said you still love him!" she went near me then pinch my ear. "I do love-ouch!" I slapped her hand and we both laughed. 

"I want to dance." I pouted and gave her pleading eyes. She was always there when I needed someone to lean on when I was studying in college.It's really nice to have a best friend like Keisha, so sweet,caring and thoughtful. 

"I don't have your feet,go dance on you own." she hissed.

Forget about what I've just said.

"Don't go home without me!" I shouted while I was walking away from her. 

 I was in the middle of the dance floor when a man wrapped his arms around me. I placed my hands on his nape and we both swayed our hips. I lean in and was about to kiss him when someone grab my arm and led me away from the guy.

I groaned when I realize what happened. I pulled my arm and rolled my eyes. "Why would you do that?" I asked.

Maxwell glared at me but I don't care anyway. I wanted some fun and he just spoiled it. "How could you kiss someone you don't even know." 

"It was supposedly my first kiss!" I snapped at him.

His face darkened while his jaws are clenched. "With a stranger?Really?" he fumed.

"So what?You don't care!"

"Well I care!" 

I felt like all my senses came back with those three words he had just said. I stood straight and fake a cough to clear my throat. "I didn't know." I said emotionally.

"Because you never noticed." his voice trailed off.

"I always did,but I don't want to assume anything. I mean you know, we're like bes-"

"Faigy?" he called.


"I love you." 

My eyes widened when I realized what he said.

Those three words..

"I still do." he sighed.

Everything around me became in slow motion. All I could hear was my heart beat. 

"Say that you love me too." he pleaded. "I know you do."

"But Kelly-"

"She's my cousin,in case you feel any jealousy inside you. Well if you don't-"

"I love you too, Maxwell." I smiled widely.

 I saw him stilled before running towards me then hugged me tightly.

"You're here with me once again and I won't let you go anymore.I wouldn't do the same mistakes I have done." I heard him cry. "Even if it means chasing after you." 

"Thank you and I'm sorry." I whispered as tears roll down.

"I wont get tired waiting for you." he said.

"I won't leave you anymore."

Never again.

August 07, 2020 15:46

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1 comment

David Jenkins
10:59 Aug 13, 2020

Young love is not something I'm qualified to comment on.


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