
King woke up bright early morning with a smile on his face. The birds outside are chirping his favorite song. ‘Roll Out’ by Ludacris. The way the birds chirped that song gave him motivation for the day. King sits up to see his Queen sitting up also. She gives him a radiant smile that made the sun jealous.

In an instant feeling extremely joyful, King jumps out of bed and runs to left side of the bed. Like he does every morning, he hugs her with passion. They kiss each other ever so gentle, ignoring their hostile breath.

He tells her “great morning to experience life with such a divine Queen”.  

Her stunning smile explodes with blissfulness. She hugs him tighter.

He whispers, “you complete me”.


he King lays one last peck on her lips before sliding the Queen’s slippers close to the bed. She frowns furiously as he runs to take a shower. After taking a royal shower for an hour. He noticed his clothes was not laid out on the bed as usual. But he pays it no never mind. He throws on his all white Nike jump suit and fresh pair of white Jordan’s. Before running downstairs to eat, he sprinkles himself with some Tom Ford.

Sitting on his diamond studded crystal glass table is breakfast. He licks his chap lips at the tray of French Toast covered in cinnamon and powdered sugar. The plate of crispy bacon, eggs, caramel fruit topping for the French toast. A jug full of fresh squeezed orange juice with ice awaits him. His Queen sat and began to eat a few minutes before he arrived. He thought strange but pays it no never mind. The King sat down, and the chef made The King a huge plate as usual.

After eating his breakfast, he tells the Queen he would see her at the royal party tonight. The Queen rolls her eyes. While after, giving him a repulsive stare as if she is waiting on something. He gives her a kiss on her silk pillow lips. Her lips do not reciprocate the same action. He notices it but does not pay it any never mind.

The King jumps in his 1968 Shelby Mustang for his normal everyday work out. He takes the Highway Patrol on a two-hour highway speed training pursuit. The King must make sure every morning a different muscle car is exercised. Those horses under the hood need to stay in great shape and look good.

Before going on his normal sky dive, he calls the Queen. Getting sent to her voice mail, was unusual, but he pays it no never mind. Always wanting to feel free and alive. Jumping out of planes naked is a must. So, after sky diving, he does some giving back, to those that have not yet found their greatness.

He calls the Queen before lunch, same outcome, voice mail. The King heads to the yacht as usual to have lunch with the Queen. She not there, no where to be found. He sends out an APB from his phone for the third time.

Nothing, nothing but an unattractive woman saying. “Leave your name and number at the end of the beep”.

The King goes on about his day, does not pay the alone lunch no attention. The Royal Highness completed his two-hour martial arts class. Two hours of archery practice and an hour of swimming aerobics. After thinking to himself for a while, the King noticed an error in his day. But he could not remember exactly what part of is daily routine he forgot to do. So, for the fourth time he calls The Queen, same thing, voice mail.

Angry at his phone for not able to contact the Queen, he breaks it. Going on into the evening he flies his jet for a few thousand miles, why, because he is the King. Before going home to his castle to get dressed. He stops by See’s Candy to get The Queen some sweets. He constantly buys her gifts to prove she is always on his mind. He tried to remember what he forgot to do again, but still could not remember.

At home getting dressed, The Queen is no where to be found. He worries a little but continues to get dressed looking fly. The Kings Finally calls a meeting in the castle before the royal ball in the royal hall.

“Where is my Queen?”.

Everybody says, “we do not know, we have not seen her”.

The King heads to the Ball without his Queen, very unusual he thinks. Once in the party, he turns up because the Ball is lit.

Everybody is at the Royal Ball, Beyoncé, AC/DC, Obama, Oprah, 50 Cent and The Olsen Twins. Oh, yea, and Reba McEntire. Everyone is dancing. The King kicks off a soul train line. The King is the worst dancer in the land but gets his groove on. He suddenly is trying to remember again what he forgot to do. He figured just a brain fart and kept on dancing.

Justin Timberlake begins to sing, and the Royal Ball goes super crazy. Drake and Kanye West breakout into a dance battle. It gets bananas in the Ball once the Black Eye Peas rocked the mic. Everybody is having a great time, champagne filled cups by the seconds.

The King looks around for The Queen, he searches every inch of the Royal Hall. He grows frustrated not finding The Queen. Panic plagues over him for a few ticks as he remembers what he forgot to do. He smiles from ear to ear and giggles. He tells the Royal Guest he will be back, with the first lady. Everyone cheers with joy.

The King runs as fast as he can towards the ocean cliff where they were married. He runs so fast he trips over his feet into a puddle. He laughs as his face and clothes cover with mud. Brushing off as much as he could, he continued to run to his Queen. He spit out dirt and laughed all the way to her.

The Queen is dressed in a red Nightingale of Kuala Lumpur dress looking delicious. She sits on a bench gazing at the moon over the ocean. She glances at The King as he approaches. She looks away slowly with a sad expression.

Out of breath his hands connect with his knees while gasping with a grin. The Queen walks Infront of him wearing a dangerous frown on her face. He stands up straight, she puts her hands on her hips.

“I knew I forgot something. I know now, why you never showed up for lunch. Why my phone calls never got answered. Or why you look outraged. I know what you been waiting on” The King said before smiling.

Her eyes grow large with a half-smile cocked on her face.

“You been waiting on me to tell you, I Love You” The King said soft and sexy.

The Queen jumps on him after he speaks. Dirty mud now covers her pretty dress. She wraps her legs around his hips. He holds her firm and tight while looking into her soft eyes. They both smile, blushing. They begin to kiss. And like every Royal Ball, fireworks light the sky, for The Royal Kiss.

                                                              The End 

July 04, 2020 21:54

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