Coming of Age Drama Fiction

“Alright class, before you go remember that Monday is bring your parent to workday. Have a good weekend!”

           The teacher barely got his words out when the entire class jumped up and began to rush out of class.

           “Hey, Jimmy! You want to come to Nate’s house and check out his new game system?”

Jimmy looks up to the boy.

           “Sorry, Tom, but I got to get home and start my chores.”

Jimmy zips up his bag and stands up.

           “Chores? But it’s a Friday, right after school.”

Jimmy sighs, knowing what day it is but unable to go hang with friends.

           “I know, but you know my dad.”

           Tom sighs as well, “I know.”

They all wave goodbye to each other, and Jimmy begins to walk out of class.

           “Hey, Jimmy, wait up!”

Jimmy looks back and sees his teacher jogging over to him, waving his arm.

           “Yes, Mr. Davis?

           “I wanted to know if your dad is going to make it to bring your parents to work day? Because if not, you don’t need to come if you don’t want.”

           “I don’t know Mr. Davis I’m going to ask him, but I have a feeling I already know his answer.”

           “Well, if he doesn’t don’t sweat it. I won't count you absent.”

           “Thanks, Mr. Davis.”

Mr. Davis heads back to his desk as Jimmy leaves. Walking out of school, Jimmy glances around the hallway; seeing everyone hang out a little before they leave. He can’t stay though, he knows it, his friends know it. So, Jimmy walks out of school, hops on his bike, and zooms home. On his ride home he retreats into his head like he always does on this ride back because he knows this is one of the few times, he is able to, and he dreams of staying back longer. He exits his mind and keeps his eyes forward.

Jimmy arrives home and begins to go over his chore list in his head. Okay, I need to wash the dishes, vacuum the floor, mow the lawn, clean my room and dad’s room, and… start on my homework. Jimmy begins his chores, hoping he will finish early, before his dad gets home, to do something he wants to do.

Finishing his chores three hours after he arrived from school, Jimmy has about an hour before his dad gets home. Jimmy rushes to his room and begins writing a story he has been thinking about recently. He goes at it for about twenty minutes. Writing about two pages of the story, and getting invested in his writing.

All of a sudden, his dad barges into his room. Seeing he is not doing his homework or chores his dad bursts into a fit of rage.

“Jimmy! What are you doing?”

“I'm just writing a story.

“Is that for school?”


“Have you finished your chores and homework?”

“Yes, sir.”

“So, you’re telling me you have free time to further learn things, and you’re using it to write a dumb story.”

“It’s not a dumb story.”

“It’s not? Well, let me see it.”

Jimmy’s father rushes over and looks at what Jimmy has written down. He begins to mumble what he is reading.

“And the orc lunges at the warrior as the darkness consumes their vision.”

Jimmy’s dad pauses a moment. He then straightens up, folds his arms, and looks at Jimmy.

“That’s not dumb?”

Jimmy looks down, embarrassed.

“Listen, son. You need to stop wasting your time on this and focus on learning skills that will earn you money when you leave this house. I’m not going to care for you forever.”

Jimmy groans, “Yes, sir.” 

           “What was that?”

           “Yes, sir.”

           Jimmy’s dad walks out of his room and tells him dinner will be done in an hour. Jimmy closes his notebook and throws it to the ground. He walks over to his bed and collapses onto it. He looks to his ceiling, trying to see past the confinements of his home and trying to tell himself that this home does not define what he will become. However, another thought creeps into his mind, a thought that he agrees with, reluctantly. The thought that this house may not shape him, but his dad will. He begins to scream in his mind, I thought parents - FATHERS - were suppose to support their family, but all dad has done since mom passed was make me feel worthless! Like I’m doing something wrong!

           Jimmy closes his eyes and drifts. Before he knew it, dinner was ready, and his father was calling him for dinner. He eases out of bed and walks to the kitchen. He sits at the kitchen table and his father puts his dinner in front of him.

           “Lasagna, like mom made it. Well, I tried at least.”

Jimmy picks up the fork and pokes it into the lasagna. He mumbles to his dad, “Looks pretty good.”

           “Yea, well let’s hope it taste good.”

           Jimmy stays quiet while he eats his dinner. His dad keeps looking up at him while he eats as well.

           “Son.” Jimmy’s dad says, followed by a sigh.

           “I want to best for you. I want you to know that. That- “

           Jimmy cuts off his father in a calm voice, “Isn’t me happy best for me.”

           “Happy? How are you not happy? You got food on the table, a roof over your head, and me taking care of you. You want to be unhappy; I’ll take all that away from you and have you fend for yourself.”

           Jimmy mumbles, “Maybe that would be best for me.”

           Jimmy’s father slams the table, shocking Jimmy.

           “I am doing my damn best on my own! I didn’t want your mother to die and leave me to handle you alone!”

           Jimmy’s face becomes scared.

           “If I didn’t push you to focus on your schoolwork, or disciplining you to do chores, you’d end up not able to support yourself; and god forbid you to have a wife and can’t provide for her! No, if I left you alone, you would waste your time writing your stupid stories!”

           As soon as his dad brought up his stories, Jimmy’s face shifted. He wasn’t scared anymore, but angry.

           “If you left me alone, I’d be happy! End of story!

           Jimmy rushes upstairs, while his dad trailed him.

           “You get back here!”

           Jimmy slams his door when he enters his room, then locks the door. His dad reaches the door and tries to open it. He’s slamming his fist against the door, demanding Jimmy to open it. Moments pass and Jimmy’s dad leaves the door to find the key.

           Inside Jimmy’s room, Jimmy is lying in bed returning to his headspace. He drifts off once again, escaping the now. His dad returns with the key, but when he gets to the door he pauses. He puts his ear to the door, and not hearing anything, he decides to leave his son alone.

           The rest of the weekend, Jimmy’s dad was out working, but when he was home, they stayed distant from each other. Monday finally arrives, and Jimmy heads to school. When he arrives, he heads to class and sees all of the parents. He takes a seat at his desk. While he is just sitting at his desk, his teacher walks over to him.

           “Hey, Jimmy. Is your father coming?”

           “No, sir. I’m afraid the subject never came up.”

           “Well, you did remember what I said right?”

           “I did, but I didn’t want to be at home either, so, don’t worry about me.”

           Mr. Davis nods his head and heads back to the front of the class to begin the presentations.

           “All right everyone, quiet down. I’m am very happy to see many parents able to show up today. Everyone make sure you give each parent your undivided attention.”

 Mr. Davis looks over to the parents, “I and everyone else here are very excited to hear what you all have for us today.”

           The presentations came and they went, Jimmy surprisingly paid very close attention to each parent. After the presentations concluded, the parents took their children out to eat. Before leaving, Tom’s parents walked over to Jimmy to ask if he wanted to come eat with them. Jimmy gave them a polite grin but told them he wishes he could but has to get home. They tell him where they are eating and tells him if he changes his mind, he is welcome. He thanks them and rushes home.

           Arriving home, Jimmy is met with silence. A sound he is very familiar with and is beginning to hate. He walks to his room, throws his book bag down, and sits on his bed. He calmly looks around his room. Not much in it, he notes to himself. Not much to carry. Jimmy’s eyes zero in on his notebook. It’s lying on the desk, where he left it. Silence surrounds Jimmy as he sits in thought. He looks over to an extra bag he has in his room, and before he even thought about it, he jumped up and began to pack his bag. A couple minutes go by and Jimmy is all packed. He throws one backpack over his shoulder and the other he holds in his hand. He walks out of his room, knowing that this is the last time.

Exiting his house, he looks back, “Let’s go, mom.”

February 03, 2021 21:01

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