Fiction Funny Suspense

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"There you go Spaz," said Cindy. "You can tell me about your adventure while we have a cup of tea." That'll be fine." said Spaz.

Spaz started telling her story. I crawled carefully up the bank with my rifle and grenades, There was a dog in the courtyard it was barking as it sensed I got nearer. I remember the Sargeant saying "don't let anything get in your way, you must rescue the Journalist." "He has some vital information to stop this War." Seek and Destroy, if need be. Spaz had been trained by the Elite Forces for all sorts of missions, she had been trained for even the roughest of Jobs. The thing with Spaz was she loved the work she did, she loved challenges. The smell of victory the aroma of Coffee after she had defeated what she had set out to do, it was part of her life. When Spaz had finished her mission she was glad to get home to her usual lifestyle. Spaz sipped her tea and let Cindy know, that when she was called to do a mission she was on the job, she had to do it. She didn't know what the outcome would be. While talking to Cindy, Spaz said "I was watching a Marvel movie when the phone rang, she said it was the Sargeant. "We got a mission for you, you got to get to the station asap. Now." said the Sargeant. "Yes Sir," said Spaz. "Would you like another cup of tea Spaz," said Cindy. "Okay that will be nice," said Spaz. Cindy poured a cup of tea. "Carry on with your story," said Cindy. Well anyway said Spaz I said, "Yes Sir consider it done." I had all the gear I needed for the rescue and was dropped off by a helicopter near the campsite. "See you later," said the pilot, "sure will," I said. I hid in the Bush, somebody came out of the house while I was hiding in the Thicket of the bush, most probably to check on why the dog was barking but went back inside the house because they saw nothing. Spaz said that there were insects hanging around her luckily she spotted a plant that helped to drive insects away. I took the plant and rubbed it all over my face and arms. Was I glad that it worked, it took the itchiness away? I stood up and walked slowly up the track road, making sure to stay near the bush just in case I needed to dive back into it. Spaz explained suddenly there was a noise of a jeep coming up behind me. "I quickly jumped into the Bush Thicket, and waited for the Jeep to go pass," said Spaz. I felt a rush of adrenaline, while she said her heartbeat was beating fast. I sensed something was wrong. I touched the top of my head, my hat wasn't there. My hat lay in the middle of the track road. I realised I had to get my hat before somebody spotted it. "As I went to get my hat," said Spaz. The dog was sniffing around it. "The dog was huge," said Spaz. "I pulled out a dog biscuit and gave it to the dog, the dog biscuit had been laced with a drug that put the dog to sleep, " I went back into the bush to hide, and waited for the huge dog to collapse," said Spaz. When the dog collapsed. I grabbed my hat and slowly went up to the house, I looked into the window and there were two women and 3 men. I grabbed the sleeping bombs I had in my backpack and pulled the latches on the sleeping bombs and threw them in the open window. Cindy was getting excited "what happened next Spaz." said Cindy. " The men and women dropped to the floor, I went into the house and surveyed all the rooms, the only thing I saw, was a little mouse looking around for food." "I looked around the house again calling out the Journalist name." "Frederick, Frederick," said Spaz. "Here I am, here I am," said a voice, it was a man's voice coming from the backyard. Spaz said she ran to the backyard and saw Frederick and two other civilians locked in a cage. Spaz took her gun and blast the lock so that Frederick and the other two civilians could get out. The three of them were so skinny and they looked like they hadn't eaten very much, they were under malnutrition, they were hungry and thirsty. Spaz said to them to go and get some food and water from the kitchen, for themselves, "I had to wait until they grabbed some food supplies, she had enough food and water for herself. "Come on let's get outta here," said one of the civilians. "We ran down the road track as fast as our legs could carry us," I called the helicopter to pick us up," said Spaz. "Pick us up, Mate," "Righteo," said the Pilot. Not long after the helicopter arrived the four of them got into the back of the machine, just in the knick of time. The two men and three women had woken up, they had checked the whole house, they went into the backyard to check on the prisoners, they weren't there. "They have escaped, quick after them." said one of the guards. All of a sudden the two women and three men were near the place where they were going to be picked up by the helicopter, guns started flying bullets towards the helicopter. Spaz said she fired back at them. Fortunately, there was a soldier on the helicopter with the pilot, who was geared with a Carboose, He fired the Carboose at the Jeep, It went Boom the Jeep had gone up in a poof of smoke with the hit of bullets from the machine gun. Spaz and the three civilians ran to the helicopter and got into it. The helicopter flew in the air, they were on their way back to their normal lifestyles. They were happy. Spaz looked at them all in a day's work, she thought as she looked outside the window and started to think about the marvel movie she was watching, she said to Cindy she wanted to watch it again. Spaz sat with Cindy having her cup of tea, so what do you think"? said Spaz. "What do I Think about what," said Cindy "about watching another marvel movie" "What do you think," said Spaz I think that's a good idea said, Cindy. I want to watch Downton abbey first though, we are on season 6 and watching session 5. We could watch one of the marvel movies on Friday or Saturday, what do you think." said Cindy. That's a good idea Cindy we will do that then.

January 12, 2022 07:25

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